Originally posted by Jon Miller
Oh, I found out how to dig a mine.. the third or fourth try. You have to have a hillside to dig into, I don't know why you can't just dig down.
Oh, I found out how to dig a mine.. the third or fourth try. You have to have a hillside to dig into, I don't know why you can't just dig down.
Designate a spot as "Stairs downward",
then go to the z-Level below and designate the same spot as "stairs upwards" (or "stairs up-/downwards" if you want to dig deeper).
I already make a large central main shaft that has nothing but stairs running up- and downwards to the deepest levels of my mine

As for getting your dwarves to do anything:
Look at your dwarves in view-mode (which you get with the v-key)
and set their preferences accordingly (you can even get your dwarves to do work they´re not skilled at yet [they will gain skill if the work for a longer time in the job, however {which is why only one of my 7 dwarves gets "Mining" in the beginning, the others learn by doing

If you don´t do it, the dwarves will do the job which they think is most important (often this is hauling stones

(it is especially recommenden to set all activities of your fortress broker to "No" as soon as the dwarven trading caravan and the liaison arrive in autumn; if you don´t do it, well, the fortress broker thinks, that everything is more important than trading with the caravan and conducting a meeting with the liaison, even throwing refuse into the waste bin

Oh and for water:
Doors (in a closed state) are your best friend. Also keeps you from flooding your fortress if you somehow uhm underestimated the water pressure when you´re about to dig a canalisation for your well
