Originally posted by Kataphraktoi
Games arnt products, they are people-though the industry likes to treat them like products. The team in austin will make a vastly different game from the team in canada. dedication to quality is irrelevant
Games arnt products, they are people-though the industry likes to treat them like products. The team in austin will make a vastly different game from the team in canada. dedication to quality is irrelevant
Games are products as much as any other. I'm a mechanical engineer. An engineer influences a pysical product as much as a software designer does a virtual one. You'd be AMAZED!!!
The overall company governs any product, game or not, in its quality. I'm so tired of listening to software/game designers acting as if their product is so vastly different than any other. As if they deal with issued that other people don't.
There are freedoms allowed by the top brass and there are guidelines set. The bottom line is that a company has standards. If Bioware is a good company, they wont let a sub standard branch in the bad ol' US ruin it. And if they do, like I said, i'd beware any future game they let out.