bah! screw this game. I finally made it past phase 1, phase 2 is even more impossible. grrrr.
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Nwn 2
finally got it, but had to turn difficulty down to normal for phase 2. I just can't see how to do it. My characters are all crammed together (they automatically group together after a reload), somehow the kings of shadow get in between. It's mass confusion. I put them on auto, but they don't attack. I try to do everything manually, but I just can't make anything out in the confusion. Those guys regenerate too fast to have only 1 person attack one. They have ubelievable regeneration.
So I kicked it down to normal, and just blasted everything with aoe's. Still burned through all my spells. Was actually able to rest because I got close enough to the wall, 3 didn't activate and didn't head towards me. But I got all the others that came my way. It's just too much for my party. It just overwhelms them.
dissappointed in the ending. not necessarily the way it ended, but the crappy narration. Sounds like another rush job. Why can't they just take their time and put the game out the way it's supposed to be? They did this with KOTOR2. It sounds like they had one of their programmers do the narration. Computer nerd voices have no place in rpg's
. If I wanted that I'd play world of warcraft. I want a powerful regal sounding voice. It's disappointing because I thought all the characters had excellent voice acting, so they couldn't spring for a narrator?
I just finished Highcliff. So far none of the fights have been very challenging. Well, nevermind that. A bandit camp was, and I had to do that twice to get everyone out alive."Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
I didn't have too much trouble with that one, just problematic that everyone aggros at once. But both times I've done it with 2 different chars, they all go after my party, not the prisoners. And my AC was high enough that it wasn't too bad.
That final fight is rough. Like 20 mobs will attack you. Not all at once, but pretty fast. Actually I managed to have only 17 attack me. 3 stayed back allowing me to rest against the wall there. I just couldn't do it without using my aoe's such as fireburst and chain lightening (and empowered versions of those spells) which meant I had to turn the difficulty to normal to prevent vaporizing my own party. I had put on damage immunity: fire before the first phase of the fight, but I think it wore off, as my party was taking damage.
Originally posted by Dis
Nothing will ever match some of the fights in BG2 I guess. That red dragon fight was always the hardest for me as I had a hard time getting his protections down and keeping them down.), so you just need to beat their AC. Second, your character starts with smoke grenades that daze your opponents for awhile making them easier to hit. Third, the layout allowed you to run around and hide behind corners. You also had a henchie who could enter from the other side, which usually got him killed. I never tried sneaking past, but it should have been doable. The next room was the sneaking tutorial anyway.
“As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.â€
"Capitalism ho!"
I gave up on my idea of dual wielding greatswords using monkey grip feat. It looked cool, but the negatives are too much. The feat just isn't that good. The problem lies that I wasn't a dexterity based barbarian. And because you are using a 2 hander in one hand, you aren't getting the extra strength bonus anyways. You'd get normal strength bonus in one hand and 1/2 bonus in the other, but not 1.5 bonus you'd get using both hands. In the end, I was missing too much, and it was disheartening to see Khelgar get most of the kills.
But my new build I'm not sure I'm happy with . I'm going fighter 4/bard1/rdd10/frenzied 5. This is a power build. But I'm using a scythe. And scythes really seem to suck. They do as much damage as a 1 handed falchion, but have less crit range (you need a natural 20 to get it), the only selling point is 4X crit. And they look cool. They look very cool.
And there are so many undead in chapter 3. So the crits are useless. I do want to get the expansion and take this character into the expansion. I don't think there are undead, I'm hoping those creatures are crittable.
so I'm thinking I should have a backup weapon (and feats). With this build I won't have that many fighter levels, so not that many feats. In fact, I have no idea how many feats I'll end up with.. I was thinking of taking longswords because the sword of gith is a longsword (I think), but longswords are no better than scythes. So I may put some feats into greatswords to use on the undead part. Or maybe great axes. The silver sword isn't that needed anyways. Only used on a couple battles.
And I miss wow where you can pay money to respec. I hate having to start the game over because I don't like my build. I miss having that safety net.Last edited by Dis; October 21, 2007, 16:19.
okay i'm liking scythes a little more. But it's kind of tricky relying on crits for damage. But I have broken 100 damage already (I'm like only level 7 or 8). Should be sweet if I keep pumping up strength as I have been with red dragon disciple.
What are your all thoughts on power attack. It's a big feature of frenzied bezerker which I'll eventually be getting. I normally don't do it because I don't like the - chance to hit. But it's supposed to be important with high crit builds such as with a scythe. But it seems like I miss too much.
I've also been running through the game with all my npc's on auto this time around. it's much faster, and my build is so strong I really don't have to micromanage. I'm cleaning everything up. Can't imagine I'll need to take control (other than buffing) until the final battle. I'm using myself (chaotic evil fighter4/bard1/rdd 3 so far eventually 10/eventually frenzied bezerker 5), Qara, Khelgor, and Elanee (trying to get a romance even though I'm evil). Qara does better than my wizard did. Of course she's a sorcerer and can really shell out spells. But the ai seems to throw out spells faster than I did because I spent so much time switching around between all my chars in my first run through. Eventually I'll replace Khelgar with Bishop since I have yet to use him. Making Grobnar and Sand the only 2 chars I haven't used much.
I think I have discovered a game with the worse controls than nwn2. NWN2 is a beauty compared to it. And really nwn2 isn't that bad. In case it wasn't obvious before, I click to move, it's too much a pain to use wasd to move in nwn2. Though sometimes if you are against a wall and can't see you may have to use wasd to move away. So I click to move, rotate camera as needed. I operate similar to BG2 aside from the fact I manually reposition the camera which was impossible in BG2. I do this to see the game screen and look for doors, enemies, or remains I may have missed.
So the game I'm talking about is oblivion. I was browsing through gamespot and I notice how high a rating this got. I bought this last year and played a little but got bored, then my video card died and I never tried it again. Until now. I figured if it got such great reviews (by most customers as well), I need to try this again. So I attempted on my old video card. It recommends 640 resolution. I bumped it up to 1064 or whatever. My video card really isn't up to task for this game, but that doesn't matter. The controls are horrible!!
I don't remember it being this bad. I already played this game a little when it came out. I don't know how I did it. I can't figure out how to move around, and I even looked at the sparse manual. I don't remember morrowind being this bad. In fact, I remember being able to move using both mouse buttons held down at the same time. Unless I'm mistaken. I grew to love this and did this in KOTOR 1 and 2 and in World of warcraft. But that does not work in this game. I'm forced to use wasd, but a and d don't even turn you, they strafe instead. only way to turn is with the mouse. which some mouse movements are too quick, but others like the dialogue screen are too slow. This game is hopeless. What a waste of $50 for this game. Unless I can figure out a way to change movement in this game. (so far haven't found anything useful except some rudimentary key mapping). But I still think something is broken. As I'm not getting a game cursor (on main gaming screen), so I can't figure out how you could possible pick up any items.Last edited by Dis; October 24, 2007, 05:50.
I didn't like Oblivion, but not because of the controls. They're standard FPS controls, no? And I prefer using A and D for strafing than turning. I always use my mouse for turning. BTW, you can probably customize the controls if you want.Last edited by Nostromo; October 24, 2007, 08:21.Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing
ha, you can't customize ****. I can assigne q and e for strafing (as they should be), but you can't assign anything to turning. And you can't assign anything to the mouse buttons.
What I'm looking for is an in game cursor. I haven't found a mod that can do this. I want to click on an object or person and have it activate without having to center my camera on that thing and hit the spacebar. And I also miss having a pause. Yes I can hit escape, but I can't really do much in game in this condition. The problem with centering the camera is when you have people close together, it's too easy to click the wrong person or object. Unless I'm missing something. I may still be buggy, but I was able to get the crosshairs to appear finally.
Originally posted by Stuie
Ok - so you don't like NWN2 and never have, and you want to talk about EQ2. Hmm... maybe that requires a *new thread*.
JUST KIDDING! Carry on."Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer