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ask Vesayen - about games

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DrSpike
    No, I am not going to start a thread.
    What a pity. You would be the one of the few self-proclaimed experts, whom I could think of asking a question and end up enlightened.

    And yes - that translates to "I find this kind of threads blasphemous".

    Oh, and Vesayen - TOT means Test of Time and is an XP of Civ2. Even I, who never bought TOT, know this. This lacking knowledge alone disqualifies you as an "expert" on any site, let alone one dedicated to Civ games.


    • #17
      What is it with Jews and LOOK AT ME threads


      • #18
        Originally posted by Sir Ralph

        What a pity. You would be the one of the few self-proclaimed experts, whom I could think of asking a question and end up enlightened.

        And yes - that translates to "I find this kind of threads blasphemous".

        Oh, and Vesayen - TOT means Test of Time and is an XP of Civ2. Even I, who never bought TOT, know this. This lacking knowledge alone disqualifies you as an "expert" on any site, let alone one dedicated to Civ games.

        No sir, its not an x-pack. Its a free standing version of Civ2, playable without any earlier release.

        But I agree with that knowing the abbreviation is de rigeur for an "expert" at a civ site.
        Last edited by lord of the mark; May 31, 2007, 09:48.
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


        • #19
          [QUOTE] Originally posted by Vesayen

          I played it on a Pentium 3.

          I played it on a P2 (Well actually an AMD K6-2) with 266 Meg RAM.

          Did you even have to ask? Avalon hill! Empire of the rising sun, nuff said!

          Heretic. This alone disqualifies you. Red Star/White Star. Sixth Fleet. Oil War. Sinai. NATO. Some WW2 eastern front game (whose name i dont recall, but it was kinda generic) that you played on four full sized maps placed together. A new game every month in the mag, aside from their plethora of regular titles. Those marvelously engineered game boxes. Jim Dunnigan. Enuff said.
          "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


          • #20
            ask Vesayen - about games

            What's your favourite arcade game?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Sir Ralph

              What a pity. You would be the one of the few self-proclaimed experts, whom I could think of asking a question and end up enlightened.

              And yes - that translates to "I find this kind of threads blasphemous".

              Oh, and Vesayen - TOT means Test of Time and is an XP of Civ2. Even I, who never bought TOT, know this. This lacking knowledge alone disqualifies you as an "expert" on any site, let alone one dedicated to Civ games.
              I did not like test of time. The expansion game out many a year ago, so you can hardly expect me to know some acronym for it, amoung thousands of games.

              Questioon is easy to answer. Fantasy scenario, scifi, editor, or graphics?

              Improved editor. I did not care for any of the new scenarios, the graphics may have been "new", but I did not like them, the original civ2 graphics looked better.

              *BUT* a little while after release, higher quality fan made maps and scenarios started popping up online and those were fun. I remember I was pissed when I first bought it, I did not like it.

              [QUOTE] Originally posted by lord of the mark
              Originally posted by Vesayen

              I played it on a Pentium 3.

              I played it on a P2 (Well actually an AMD K6-2) with 266 Meg RAM.

              Did you even have to ask? Avalon hill! Empire of the rising sun, nuff said!

              Heretic. This alone disqualifies you. Red Star/White Star. Sixth Fleet. Oil War. Sinai. NATO. Some WW2 eastern front game (whose name i dont recall, but it was kinda generic) that you played on four full sized maps placed together. A new game every month in the mag, aside from their plethora of regular titles. Those marvelously engineered game boxes. Jim Dunnigan. Enuff said.
              Empire of the rising sun remains one of my all time favorite games. He did not differentiate between “which I like more” or “which is better”. And I STILL stick by Avalon hill, in either case.

              Originally posted by Sandman
              What's your favourite arcade game?
              The original space invaders. By an odd twist of fate, namely someone donated them, my synagogue had a number of old arcade of it in the basement, much frequented by youth. May be a simple game, but great fun, especially with a crowd watching.


              • #22
                What's the best 'Clix team set-up to take on the Dark Phoenix?
                I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                • #23
                  Why would you bother? She'll realize her mistake and end her own life.
                  I never know their names, But i smile just the same
                  New faces...Strange places,
                  Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
                  -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"


                  • #24
                    Not before she eats the sun. Not a comic book question anyway.
                    I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                    For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by DinoDoc
                      What's the best 'Clix team set-up to take on the Dark Phoenix?
                      I should of specified in the title "electronic games". I am doing so now.


                      • #26
                        1: Warez da ROMZ at?

                        2: Why did you like Psychonauts?

                        3: Do you think sports games will evolve to being more based on downloading updated rosters via XBOX Live and related services, instead of releasing the same game every year with minor changes?

                        4: How do you think Microsoft's "Surface" might effect gaming?

                        5: Why isn't there enough interest to generate games which offer a multi player mix in which one or two player takes on the role of an RTS god, and everyone else assumes an F or TPS role?

                        6: Why do people make, and buy, Game Video Games (i.e. Monopoly, MtG, Jew Gi Ooh, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune etc.)

                        7: Is Rez really as good as it's supposed to be?

                        8: Was AOE 3 any significant improvement over AOE 2? B/c AOE 2 had LOTS of replay value.

                        9: What are some 360 must haves?

                        10: Are there any good non-fantasy non-sci fi MMORPGs?
                        Last edited by bipolarbear; May 31, 2007, 14:12.
                        Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                        Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                        • #27
                          The Blind Guardian song "Precious Jerusalem" is blaring in my testicles as I think of this thread. LoTM, will you marry me?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bipolarbear
                            1: Warez da ROMZ at?
                            Distinction is needed-handheld players like gbas, the ds etc, and older systems, like the genesis or snes, or gamecube and PS1.

                            For gba, ds etc, some websites are still up, but most of the good ones are gone, see the next.

                            For gamecube and PS, bit torrent, or rapidshare, or dc++ hubbs.

                            2: Why did you like Psychonauts?
                            Cool graphics and "odd" movement mechanics. I love any game where you control people that move in odd ways, such as spiderman.

                            3: Do you think sports games will evolve to being more based on downloading updated rosters via XBOX Live and related services, instead of releasing the same game every year with minor changes?
                            No. Sports games are based on slapping a +1 year on it every year, making a few minor tweeks, then selling it to the mass market. What you describe will be more work, but no more profitable.

                            4: How do you think Microsoft's "Surface" might effect gaming?

                            5: Why isn't there enough interest to generate games which offer a multi player mix in which one or two player takes on the role of an RTS god, and everyone else assumes an F or TPS role?
                            Because "suits" stifle the creativity of game developers, demanding they point to games that came out last year, to justify their funding. This is the death of innovation.

                            6: Why do people make, and buy, Game Video Games (i.e. Monopoly, MtG, Jew Gi Ooh, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune etc.)
                            Games are created either to make money, or because the person doing so enjoys it, always money, not neccesarily the other, though it can be both.

                            7: Is Rez really as good as it's supposed to be?

                            8: Was AOE 3 any significant improvement over AOE 2? B/c AOE 2 had LOTS of replay value.
                            AOE3 was a steaming pile of crap and a huge step down from AOE2, namley but not limited too, FAR steeper system requirments and a visible play area the size of a postage stamp.

                            9: What are some 360 must haves?
                            That mall zombie game, that was fun. Gears of war was good too.

                            10: Are there any good non-fantasy non-sci fi MMORPGs?
                            *GOOD*? No. Most MMORPGs since asherons call however, have been crap. I'd say planetside *WAS*, but that is an MMOFPS, not an MMORPG.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by lord of the mark

                              Did you even have to ask? Avalon hill! Empire of the rising sun, nuff said!

                              Heretic. This alone disqualifies you. Red Star/White Star. Sixth Fleet. Oil War. Sinai. NATO. Some WW2 eastern front game (whose name i dont recall, but it was kinda generic) that you played on four full sized maps placed together. A new game every month in the mag, aside from their plethora of regular titles. Those marvelously engineered game boxes. Jim Dunnigan. Enuff said.
                              I liked the Avalon Hill games a lot better. Civilzation, Republic of Rome, Squad Leader/ Advanced Squad Leader, Battle of the Bulge, Third Reich... all are/were favorites.

                              Jon Miller-
                              I AM.CANADIAN
                              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                              • #30

