The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
"Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
had a weird bug. Regarding putting a flag totem on a mound near astranaar (horde quest). I put the flag down, but I think I was stuck in the flag!! I could not move or even zoom out. Like the flag impaled me to the ground!
Luckily I was partied with another hunter. I could fight with my axes if they got close enough. Amazingly I didn't die. Though I used one pot. Didn't get the totem though, and had to do it again (using his flag totem). Luckily when the flag went away, I was free.
And I was partied with a noob later on. . With a diffferent character (priest). And I joined his/her guild. There isn't a polite way to leave parties. I hate doing it.
Is there a way to leave the guild without messaging the person who created it? I'd like to leave the noob guild my priest is in. I'd also like to leave the guild my hunter is in. No one is ever online!
"Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
/gquit didn't work. any other suggestions. The person who recruited me (I'm not sure if that's the guild leader, don't know how to check) is still level 8. And I'm level 17. And we partied up. I logged off 5 minutes later. I'm not going to hang around with a level 8. A level 8 shouldn't be in westfall anyways. I'm a priest and she doesn't even know I can ressurrect (she hit accept to return to the graveyard before I could res).
Noobs. . I think it's a woman too, which explains why the character sucks. Karrie is the name.
I'm not one of these level 70 elitists. I consider myself an average player. Maybe a bit above average considering all the dead bodies I see lying around. .
I'm not the greatest player, but I alwasy try to help the noobs and clueless. Usually via chat when they ask where stuff is or how to finish quests. But going out and killing monsters is not how I want to play the game. I want to do quests.
and I want to improve skills. Though one skill I give up on is fishing. Now I know why everyone bad mouths it. Fishing sucks. . I abandoned the aberdeen quest for groupers, and threw away my fishing rod. I'm so sick of the fish getting away. . I did this quest with my druid, and didn't have that much trouble. Maybe dwarves can't fish.
Not sure if I'll bother with cooking and first aid, though I have been building it up. I don't need it as I have healing spells. Thought it would be nice to have something to do with all that food crap I pick up though.
/gquit is the command to leave a guild. I don't know how it could is the right command
For fishing, use lures You will still skill up, even though you use lures, and they make fishing very much easier. If you use +50 lures, which aren't really that expensive, you will find yourself catching loads of fish.
Furthermore, you can use the fish you catch to feed your hunter's pets.
If you level your cooking, you will eventually be able to make food that gives good buffs as well as heal. The best food around gives +50 stamina or something like that, allthough that wont be available to you until you reach 300+ cooking
Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark
Originally posted by Dis
the quests tend to get repetitive at this point. Yeah the names and faces of those you have to kill change, but it's all the same concept. Find this, kill this.
Just no payoff for me. As everything resets in a few minutes. I feel like all my hard work was to waste. . Unlike a game with a real ending that lets you know how the town you helped prospered in your legacy (I'm thinking fallout here- I loved how they wrapped everything up, I wish more games would do this).
It really is an action game like Diablo 2. Which I also enjoyed. And played alot online. But never had the desire to max my chars there either. Though that was different, as everything was the same once you get to nightmare. Just tougher monsters. The highest I got there was a level 47 sorceress.
So we'll see how high I go.
I again suggest you play dungeon runners Which apparently still requires a referral, which I can probably give you if you want (though several others should have accounts on these boards as well, I referred a few back when I was actively playing this).
<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Also I'm missing some of the point of guilds. What are those lists they send out to get names on? What do they do? And why do they recruit so much. Is there an advantage to having lots of people in a guild? Besides them hopefully helping you out if you are stuck. None of my guildmates are ever online except for a level 8 warrior.
This Thursday will mark my first two weeks playing WoW. I finally succumbed and joined up, and I've been nothing but happy with that decision - great game.
In those two weeks I've learned a ton and spent more than a few late nights. I've got a lvl 23 Tauren Druid and a lvl 13 Blood Elf Paladin (playing with different groups of friends).
I know there's megatons I don't know, and won't for some time. What I need are tips for newbs/starters - not only for WoW, but for MMORPG in general, and then also character appropriate stuff.
For instance, I just learned yesterday that shift-right-click will auto-pickup things - no further selection needed. That's a huge time saver!
Okay..what I have found regarding this relates not only to WoW but to all MMORPG's in varying degrees.
What I would do if I were you, is I would continue levelling my characters, and slowly find out which kind of character appeals to you. I would then make that character my main. Then what I would do is set myself goals. What appeals to you in an MMO? it the social aspect - fine then pursue that. Is it PvP...fine - then become good at PvP'ing and pursue that, i.e. try to become a well known and well geared PvP'er on your server.
Is it getting the best gear possible for your char...fine, then do a lot of instances, learn the ins and outs of your class, and excel in it. Then join a raiding guild (not as hard as it sounds - most raiding guild are actively recruiting some times. Find their websites and apply for membership. Sooner or later a raiding guild will bite. Especially if you act like an adult and mature individual.)
This is not the holy grail, though. If something else comes to mind, then by all means pursue that. That is the joy of MMO's, as they are all fairly open-ended. Whatever you find funnny, go do it
Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark
Yes, lots of things to experiment with and see what I like.
The funniest thing to date is "KODO!!!!" - I'll explain. Starting out as a Tauren, the first sizable creature I saw was a Kodo, which I immediately ran and attacked, and of course, died fighting. Once I was high enough I started running full tilt after the Kodos in Mulgore, and now do the same thing in the Barrens, regardless of level - that darn Wooly Kodo (lvl 26?) has killed me more times than I can remember. This has become a running joke with the buddies I play with online - they know that if I see a Kodo that I bullet-train for it, and help out. And if they want to get me somewhere without delay, they take us on a non-Kodo route.
My first Kodo I killed as part of a quest (Ratchet quest)
It was in a group of 3 travelling together. They were neutral, and wasn't sure if all 3 would attack if I attacked one. They did. . I took out the one, and ran like hell. I call it a suicide run. I do it all the time when soloing. I'm pretty sure I died, but got what I wanted. Went back to the dead Kodo and the part of his body.
Another suicide run I did was this guy at the top of a tree tower in... damn can't remember the name. It's the area that has the night elf city of astrannar. This is a horde quest (as this is a contested area). So you kill all these druids on the way up. At the top is the main baddie. You kill him, then run like hell. I didn't survive the drop to the ground though. . His bodyguards I heard were tough, and more spawn or something. But I got credit for the kill and completed the quest.