John Graham
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Mafia 63: Killer's method outrages shy board's crew. (5,2,9)
Bloody hell.
Sure, kill off the only innocent who can actually solve the clues.
Well I'll be back to explain any crossword clues to those who didn't get them at the end of the game.
Furthermore, I sent a PM to Herc saying that I was dying to solve all the other clues in the first chapter, but thought it wise not to because I'd be an obvious target for a "case badly policed" (7). Didn't matter in the end did it? Damn.
Stephen Sondheim listened to the discussion.
It seemed one of the compilers (you say constructor I say compiler. let's sort the whole thing out) latched on to an anagram of 'love word' to give 'old vower', and pointed to John G Graham: Old and a churchman.
That was sufficient evidence for most of the others and so Stephen approached John.
'John' could I have a word or two'. 'F*** **f' said John (4,3).
'You know what we all agreed, ' said Stephen ' I'd like you to get to know Trip Payne better', as he guided John towards the Big Freezer.
'Look, I'll leave you two alone' said Stephen 'Anything to say before I go'.
'Yes, since I am now Ice Plod'. said John 'Nozzle my puke'.
With that the freezer door slammed shut.Last edited by Hercules; March 15, 2007, 19:17.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
Gluttons for Punishment
‘Alright everybody’ said Stephen. ‘Let’s try and put the tragic events of the past day or so behind us and get on with the championship. Hopefully we’ve got the killer. Get the drinks organized and let’s have a song’
‘Mrs. Mooney has a pie shop.
Does a business, but I notice something weird.
Lately, all her neighbors cats have disappeared.
Have to hand it to her!
What I calls, enterprise!
Poppin' pussies into pies!
Lift your razor high! Sweeney!
Hear it singing! Yes!
Stick it in the rosy skin of righteousness!
His voice was soft, his manner mild.
He seldom laughed but he often smiled.’
’Stop the Band’ said Stephen. ‘Yes today’s theme, is Food.’
‘An easy one to start with, David. 1 Across ’ Saucy Dance (5) David thought ‘ no problem, Berit Veiset thought easy peasy. ‘Salsa’. Ping went a button. Correct you’re through to next round.
‘Noel, here’s yours; 1 Down. It’s hot Borscht soup, not exactly’ (6,5). ‘Hmmm let me think about that one’ said Noel, But Berit was thinking about it and another button pinged on her shirt. Ok we’ll come back to you Noel’.
‘Will’ 4 across: how about this: ‘ Father cuts right inside vegetables’ (8). ‘Fine words’ said Will Shortz, ‘But….’ And he was interrupted by a noise as Berit’s trousers popped. She was simply getting fatter.
‘While we are waiting,…Jon’ said Stephen, ‘ A hunter who missed the game and ends up in a stew?’ (5). Berit listening, got that one easily, and her ‘food processor’ (7) got decidedly bigger ’.
‘Mark, this one ’ asked Stephen, ‘A sailor’s friend of Capt Cook’? (5,3). Pop went 1 button of Berit’s shirt. Boy was she getting bloated.
‘Right, Ellen Ripstein ‘ said Stephen ‘ For spicy mixture, I find grammar inadequate’ Don’t you’?. (8)
While Ellen was taking her time to answer, Stephen said to Fred, 7 Down, ‘ Sounds like we have a mafia style killer for breakfast’ (6). Geddit. Listening Berit knew the answer but was now very oversized and sitting between two fruit trees feeling starved, when a lovely Lap dancer Gula appeared, dangling some forbidden fruits.
Would you like a grape Ms Veiset ? she asked. Berit reply ‘No I’ll burst’. She said ‘Don’t be silly, one teensy weensy, weensy grape won’t make a difference’. She believed her, but she was wrong. That wee grape triggered a series of gastronomic events that cumulated in a massive explosion of flesh, bone, blood, water. Scattered pie ingredients.
Manny and A.N Prahlada dashed across but it was like a splattergram. ‘Never seen anything like it’ said Craig. Merle Reagle nearly had an anagramic fit.
‘This is too bizarre for words’, said Noel Jeesop. Ellen Ripstein was comforted by Manny Nosowsky and David Stickley. Naturally the proceedings were ended.
Will Shortz and Craig Kasper discussed the death..
‘By the look of her she has been poisoned. The poison seems to have effected her mind and metabolism’ said Will. ‘Yes’, said Craig ‘ We all noticed that everytime a food was mentioned it triggered an increase in her waistline’. Now she is dead, you could say from a wrath of grape.
Stephen said. ‘It could only have been one of us’. Let’s sort this out ourselves, before it hits the media. Nobody leave the convention. Look, you are all bright people and you are surrounded by clues. Choose someone. Meanwhile help me scrape up Berit and put her in the big freezer for storage. ‘Bye Bye Ms Norwegian Pie’.Last edited by Hercules; March 16, 2007, 13:41.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
The Mafia obviously didn't like my clue searching...BTW, I see I was referred to as "he" all the time, Berit is a female name.
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
Also active on WePlayCiv.
Originally posted by Nikolai
The Mafia obviously didn't like my clue searching...BTW, I see I was referred to as "he" all the time, Berit is a female name.
I 'll go back and adjust. it. I kept thinking of the character from Monty Python.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation