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Anybody else think Gears of War was a letdown

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  • #31
    Originally posted by vovan
    Bad analogy. DOOM is doing extremely well on the Live Arcade. It's been in the top ten most played games since its release in late September.
    Behind which game?

    And DOOM is played for nostalgia reasons virtually alone (that's why I have it). Has nothing to do with its gameplay.

    And no, it's not in the top 10. It's in the Top 10 for Arcade games only, and even then it's at #10 (these are the stats for last week)
    Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (UU’s)
    1 Gears of War
    2 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas
    3 Call Of Duty 3
    4 Madden NFL 07
    5 Oblivion
    6 Ghost Recon 3
    7 Saints Row
    8 UNO
    9 Need for Speedâ„¢ Carbon
    10 PGR3

    Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions)
    1 MS.PAC-MAN
    2 UNO
    3 Assault Heroes
    4 Geometry Wars Evolved
    5 Texas Hold 'em
    6 PAC-MAN
    7 Contra
    8 Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting
    9 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
    10 DOOM

    For all of 2006, DOOM didn't even crack the top 20:
    1 Gears of War
    2 Hexic HD
    3 Call of Duty 2
    4 Ghost Recon 3
    5 Oblivion
    6 PGR3
    7 Perfect Dark Zero
    8 Call Of Duty 3
    9 UNO
    10 EA SPORTSâ„¢ Fight Night Round 3
    11 Saints Row
    12 Geometry Wars Evolved
    13 DEAD OR ALIVE 4
    14 Texas Hold 'em
    15 Madden NFL 07
    17 Need for Speedâ„¢ Most Wanted
    18 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas
    19 BFMC
    20 Splinter Cell Double Agent
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #32
      Originally posted by Asher
      And no, it's not in the top 10. It's in the Top 10 for Arcade games only, and even then it's at #10 (these are the stats for last week)
      I assumed that went without saying, but sure...

      As for nostalgic value... The real question is: is GoW going to be played 13 years from now for any reason at all? (You don't have to answer, btw, I know you'll say yes, so it's more of a rhetorical question.)
      XBox Live: VovanSim (login required)
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      • #33
        Originally posted by vovan
        I assumed that went without saying, but sure...

        As for nostalgic value... The real question is: is GoW going to be played 13 years from now for any reason at all? (You don't have to answer, btw, I know you'll say yes, so it's more of a rhetorical question.)
        Don't know.

        DOOM (and other such pioneers) are always going to be more memorable for that reason. They were the first time something like that had been played for most people.

        I think a lot of people will play Gears of War years from now, just as lots of people play NES/SNES games today. The kids who do that will probably be 10-15 years younger than us.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #34
          Using Jam's age range that would imply foetuses will be playing games in a little over a decade.


          • #35
            [Q] Originally posted by Asher

            It's funny that you pick games from different genres to compare to GoW.

            Have you played DOOM or Wolfenstein lately? Compare that to Gears of War

            Agreed. I think even Halo 2, for all people like Zero deride it for, is still massively popular.

            There are tons of games that have come out that eclipse Starcraft in gameplay, but Zero is a retro/Korean gamer. If it's not an old game from his childhood when he was the coolest kid on the block 'cause he knew all the combos, it wasn't a fun game.

            And DOOM is played for nostalgia reasons virtually alone (that's why I have it). Has nothing to do with its gameplay.

            wolf and doom is nostalgic game. SC/WC is not. doom speedrun games may also be considered not for nostalgia purposes. speedruns are a good challenge that creates good gameplay thats especially 2nd nature to game style like doom.

            if u feel that comparing w/ different genre is that unfair and want to compare w/ FPS games there are good fps games to list too. UT series, team fortress and u mention urslef, halo (i never derided halo btw)

            o wait, none of those game i just gave respect to were korean games. oh wow, could zero possibly kno all the 7000 hit combos to a non korean games such as team fortress and UT?

            As for RTSes, I was a huge SC/WC3 fan, but give me Company of Heroes over either of those games.

            That's 'cause you're out to lunch, buddy.

            I guess you haven't been to a campus recently. Everyone's playing Company of Heroes as the RTS of choice -- Starcraft has fallen out of favour.

            im playing CoH MYSELF right now. of course everyone else is playing too. cause its friggin new. duh.

            Strategy games are one of the best examples of games with long-term playability. They are less of a cinematic experience and more of a strategic (duh) experience.

            They are not game genres that ought to be comparable, and someone who had any real objective opinion would know that.

            Gears of War is not about strategy as much as it is about a cinematic action experience. It's got fundamentally less replayability than games like Civ4, WC3, or Starcraft (BTW, WC2 >> WC3), but that's not the point of it. If you've got a problem with that, then clearly this kind of game isn't for you, so stop whining.

            FPS doesnt mean gameplay isnt required. story driven game with bad gameplay = no different $50 DVD movie. as i stated all the good fps above, they didnt have bad gameplay. some actually did have graphics or single player story was selling point but even then they STILL were good games. Gow, is not.

            either way, apologies for gearing this topic toward gameplay when topic was about gow sucking for its 5 min cinematic experience gametime. I must have confused the idea of gameplay when you mentioned increasing difficulty willmiraculously improve the cinematics experience not gameplay.


            • #36
              FPS doesnt mean gameplay isnt required. story driven game with bad gameplay = no different $50 DVD movie. as i stated all the good fps above, they didnt have bad gameplay. some actually did have graphics or single player story was selling point but even then they STILL were good games. Gow, is not.

              Have you actually played Gears of War? I'm curious, I didn't think you had a 360.
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • #37
                On a side note, I just remembered that my iPod can stream to the 360. Playing GOW with Interpol playing in the background=Awesome! Wish I had remembered the iPod could stream to the 360 while playing Obvilion.
                Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer

