This game has never gotten much appreciation from you lot, but I figure I'd offer this up to any and all takers. I currently subscribe to this game, and they are running a promotion where I can send a free 2 months of subscription to as many people as I like.
Here is the game in a very small nutshell:
WWII Online Wiki - Great to read about the game, its relatively new so it inst complete yet.
WWII Online Homepage- You can see the area of the Low Countries that we fight on, plus the map is interactive where you can check the ownership of all 495 towns ingame.
It doesn't have flashy graphics, but it has some great realism in modeling and physics. The combat is like no other game out there, its the hardest PvP going online. Its a flight sim, a tank sim, a first person shooter and a naval sim all in one game, all fighting each other on one huge map with no loading zones etc. You'll need a really good machine to play, as this game is running on an outdated game engine the company made when the game was released years ago. Its not some kind of new snazzy Quake7 type of thing. Plus, the view distance is out to 6 kilometers, so theres a ton to be rendering on your rig.
The game is really for WWII buffs and simulation players. ADD bf1942 types wont be into it.
So if you have questions, go ahead and ask, or if you'd like to try it out put your email in the thread or send me a pm and I'll kick one out to you.
Oh and play for the Germans, as we're currently getting our arses handed to us.
This game has never gotten much appreciation from you lot, but I figure I'd offer this up to any and all takers. I currently subscribe to this game, and they are running a promotion where I can send a free 2 months of subscription to as many people as I like.
Here is the game in a very small nutshell:
WWII Online: Battleground Europe is the ultimate PvP MMOG in a combined arms simulation set in a relentless, action-packed 3D environment where players can command and crew a variety of accurately modeled vehicles, naval vessels, and aircraft; or sling weapons and fight as a foot soldier with and against thousands of other players.
- Thousands of online players sharing a single world
- Full PvP
- First person perspective in all gameplay
- Huge game world measuring more than 350,000 square miles
- Multiple military career paths in the Army, Air Force and Navy of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany
- Strategic systems driven by player missions and command
- Growing list of 90+ historically accurate weapons including aircraft, tanks, trucks, rifles, machine guns and more!
- Groundbreaking physics and damage modeling
- Thousands of online players sharing a single world
- Full PvP
- First person perspective in all gameplay
- Huge game world measuring more than 350,000 square miles
- Multiple military career paths in the Army, Air Force and Navy of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany
- Strategic systems driven by player missions and command
- Growing list of 90+ historically accurate weapons including aircraft, tanks, trucks, rifles, machine guns and more!
- Groundbreaking physics and damage modeling
WWII Online Wiki - Great to read about the game, its relatively new so it inst complete yet.
WWII Online Homepage- You can see the area of the Low Countries that we fight on, plus the map is interactive where you can check the ownership of all 495 towns ingame.
It doesn't have flashy graphics, but it has some great realism in modeling and physics. The combat is like no other game out there, its the hardest PvP going online. Its a flight sim, a tank sim, a first person shooter and a naval sim all in one game, all fighting each other on one huge map with no loading zones etc. You'll need a really good machine to play, as this game is running on an outdated game engine the company made when the game was released years ago. Its not some kind of new snazzy Quake7 type of thing. Plus, the view distance is out to 6 kilometers, so theres a ton to be rendering on your rig.
The game is really for WWII buffs and simulation players. ADD bf1942 types wont be into it.
So if you have questions, go ahead and ask, or if you'd like to try it out put your email in the thread or send me a pm and I'll kick one out to you.
Oh and play for the Germans, as we're currently getting our arses handed to us.
