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BG2 = getting started

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  • BG2 = getting started

    Yup, i finally bought BG2 ($10 US, new, including xpack)

    Now i only played BG1 once, years ago, and ended with a wimpy party (player charecter, plus the wimpy archer - khalid, was it?) I dont even know if I saved the ending, and even if I did i dont think id want that party to start. I presume I can start BG2 with a new party, without any loss in enjoyment? Id hate to have to go back and play through BG1 again.

    Also does BG2 refresh one on the plot of BG1? I only kinda sorta remember it. I suppose I could review the old thread here, or check out wiki, or something.

    Hints on the best starting party are appreciated. Other spoilers are not. TIA.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

  • #2
    I never finished it. So I started a game a couple of weeks ago. I just finished the first level.

    But there's stiff competition: I bought myself a decent video card and Oblivion. And i also installed Neverwinter nights.
    Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing


    • #3
      $10 well spent.


      • #4
        You can start with a new party - indeed, you have to. The only thing that could be imported is the player character.

        For the first chapter, you don't have any choices for party members - unless you want to leave some out and go with fewer. From chapter 2 onwards all members become available. The evil characters are better than the goodies, but they will leave your party if your reputation becomes too good.

        For powergaming purposes, starting as a fighter (especially a berserker) and dual classing around level 9 is best, but any class can work.

        I played BG2 without having played 1, and found it to be no problem. The necessary parts of the plot are repeated.


        • #5
          Re: BG2 = getting started

          Originally posted by lord of the mark
          Yup, i finally bought BG2 ($10 US, new, including xpack)

          Now i only played BG1 once, years ago, and ended with a wimpy party (player charecter, plus the wimpy archer - khalid, was it?) I dont even know if I saved the ending, and even if I did i dont think id want that party to start. I presume I can start BG2 with a new party, without any loss in enjoyment? Id hate to have to go back and play through BG1 again.

          Also does BG2 refresh one on the plot of BG1? I only kinda sorta remember it. I suppose I could review the old thread here, or check out wiki, or something.

          Hints on the best starting party are appreciated. Other spoilers are not. TIA.
          I played BG2 before BG1, it's easy to catch on. The cut scenes and dialogue fill you in. A few details might seem scetchy, but you can get the gist of it.

          Either way, you will lose your equipment. There is no way (aside from cheating) to save your equipment from BG1.

          There are about 3 NPC's you can pick up in the first dungeon. And various others along the way. I find BG2 to be more focussed than BG1. But still offers a lot of freedom in chapter 2.

          If you are a good alignment, you may want to consider a mage (sorcerer or wizard). The best NPC mage is evil (though you can keep him as long as your reputation stays below 18- and there are some good conversations with him). Nalia is a decent mage as well. She only has 4 worthless thief levels thrown in, but after that, she can go up in wizard all the way. Aeire is just... aeire. .

          Fighters types aren't too hard to come by. Though the best ones imho are evil (korgan, and a special one you can find in the expansion). Minsc is pretty good. But if you don't want to be a mage, I'd be some kind of fighter type to compliment Minsc (if good). I'm not a big fan of Mazzy (hafling fighters- yuck). Valgary is alright (he is a ranger, but a weaker type of ranger than Minsc).

          Not a whole lot available at cleric. But Jaheira isn't bad (though she lacks protection from undead type buffs) as a druid. The other guy isn't bad if he passes his test. And there is one pretty good evil cleric.

          Next up, thieves. There isn't a whole lot of selection. I suggest sticking with the one you find in the first dungeon. You can find a replacement for him later . About halfway through the game you can find a thief/wizard multiclass which will be sufficient to disarm all traps etc.


          • #6
            here's my good aligned party:

            fighter type: Minsc
            fighter type: Me
            cleric: that one dude who is aspiring to be a paladin even though he's a fighter/cleric. I can't remember his name.
            thief: Yoshimo
            wizard: Nalia or Jan (and I kick out Yoshimo if I use Jan)

            evil aligned party:

            fighter type: Korgan
            fighter type: me
            cleric: viconia
            thief: not sure - I can't remember any evil thieves. Jan is neutral. I guess the PC could be the thief. Another awesome evil fighter type can be found in the expansion areas.
            wizard: Edwin(a)


            • #7
              Hmmm. I never played BG, neither 1 nor 2. I have both since a while, got them from a friend who does no longer play them. He advised me to play 1 before 2 to get a touch of the story. I tried to play BG1 twice, but I guess it's just too old, I could not keep up my interest for long and ditched it. So from what I get here it's worth to start with BG2, omitting BG1?


              • #8
                good buy LotM

                I keep putting of setting up another little network so my missis and I can take part in a little MP BG - i really should get around to it as its a fun way to play them


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dis
                  here's my good aligned party:
                  You don't want Jan as your primary spellcaster, though he is great as your primary thief. And there are few excuses for not including Keldorn in a good party.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                    Hmmm. I never played BG, neither 1 nor 2. I have both since a while, got them from a friend who does no longer play them. He advised me to play 1 before 2 to get a touch of the story. I tried to play BG1 twice, but I guess it's just too old, I could not keep up my interest for long and ditched it. So from what I get here it's worth to start with BG2, omitting BG1?
                    I'd say yes. I never played 1, but it didn't keep me from enjoying 2.
                    While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                    • #11
                      The other (and more sensible) option is to play BG1 using BG tutu, which makes it look like BG2.


                      • #12
                        Best off soloing the game with an elven Fighter/Mage/Thief and getting 6x the XP and totally WTFPWNing everything. Its great fun.
                        1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                        That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                        Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                        Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                          Hmmm. I never played BG, neither 1 nor 2. I have both since a while, got them from a friend who does no longer play them. He advised me to play 1 before 2 to get a touch of the story. I tried to play BG1 twice, but I guess it's just too old, I could not keep up my interest for long and ditched it. So from what I get here it's worth to start with BG2, omitting BG1?
                          2 has better graphics than 1. And like you, I couldn't get into 1 that much. Only played all the way through once. About halfway through 2 other times. Though that may be because I played 2 before 1. 2 just has better graphics and interface, and seems more focussed (though you still have a lot of freedom to do what you want in chapter 2). And the story wraps up nicely (though they may have rushed the expansion a little bit). Although it's possible it's not your cup of tea.

                          The game is getting a little dated, but to me, it's still fun. I'd play more often if people could make modules for it like NWN. But the same old story and quests gets a little old for me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tau Ceti

                            You don't want Jan as your primary spellcaster, though he is great as your primary thief. And there are few excuses for not including Keldorn in a good party.
                            I forgot about Keldorn.

                            And Jan is decent, but it takes forever for him to have access to high level spells since he is a multiclass.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by El_Cid
                              good buy LotM

                              I keep putting of setting up another little network so my missis and I can take part in a little MP BG - i really should get around to it as its a fun way to play them
                              If you're planning on hosting this game on the net, then I'd love to play too. I've had it for more than 2 years now, and never even installed it, so although I've played BG1, I have no idea about the sequel. After Dec 15th would be best for me though, so there's no hurry.
                              I do have obligations to play (and DM) NWN1 occasionally too, so Saturday nights aren't that good for me.
                              If you just want to play when you fancy it, then just go ahead by yourselves - I'll handle the rejection.

