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Gears of War is apparently amazing

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Verto
    ....... Storyline wasn't anything worth writing home about, and the duck and cover gameplay doesn't get any more exciting the second time around.
    which is what i've been hearing, and what Asher refuses to accept might be the case


    • #62
      It almost appears to follow his criticisms of HL2 from another thread.


      • #63
        Originally posted by El_Cid
        which is what i've been hearing, and what Asher refuses to accept might be the case
        It can be the case for anyone. When you suck at a game it's less entertaining in general. Especially when you're challenged in any way. Anyone can walk through Gears of War on Casual to win.

        Looking at his gamercard achievements, he joined a multiplayer game but never won anything. And he only beat the acts on casual.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #64
          Originally posted by DrSpike
          It almost appears to follow his criticisms of HL2 from another thread.
          Nonsense -- I never complain about the storyline.

          The problems with HL2 were numerous:
          - It's a shooter game that tried to do lots of puzzles. Puzzles that didn't require intelligence, as the solution was always "I gotta use the gravity gun to rearrange this stuff like a forklift driver". Wasn't exciting the first time, nor the 12th.

          Aside from the very first level, the level design sucked.

          There were huge problems with the sound in the game that constantly led to crackling, non-playing sound files, delayed sound, etc. Buggy as hell, even now.

          The multiplayer mode was as plain-jane as you could get. It sucked.

          There were no genuinely cool weapons.
          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


          • #65
            Originally posted by Asher

            It can be the case for anyone. When you suck at a game it's less entertaining in general. Especially when you're challenged in any way. Anyone can walk through Gears of War on Casual to win.

            Looking at his gamercard achievements, he joined a multiplayer game but never won anything. And he only beat the acts on casual.
            I never won anything? Like a match?


            • #66
              Also, I like that my opinion of GoW is based solely on the fact that I suck at it, because it is so hard. :sarcasm:

              I've played plenty of games more difficult than GoW - several of them repeatedly, at increasingly difficult levels, so cut the trolling crap.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Asher
                The multiplayer mode was as plain-jane as you could get. It sucked.

                There were no genuinely cool weapons.
                Sounds similar to GoW's multiplayer, which while fun, is not anything special. There is basically ONE gametype, nothing like CTF, Assault, etc, which I don't understand. The rest of the game is not really half-assed (aside from the storyline, which I didn't expect much from anyway) so I don't understand why the MP is so...lame, when compared to other games. It's fun stomping/chainsawing a downed enemy, and there are some good MP levels, but the game just gets boring because there is no real variety. It is simply 4v4 deathmatch. Compare this to Halo, with CTF, Multi-CTF, Assault, Slayer, Team Slayer, BTB, etc. Granted these are not necessarily gametypes suited for GoW, but come on!. Not to mention the sniper rifle, which seems completely out of place in the game, like it was dropped in at the last minute to appease "those" gamers who can use nothing but. Seriously takes away from the slightly-different gameplay that GoW seemed to be aiming for, IMO.

                Of course, I'm sure that most of these things will be addressed in some bull**** "Gears of War: Online Multiplayer Expansion Pack, only XXX MS Points!"

                Not that it matters, because I just suck at the game and therefore hate it


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Verto
                  Also, I like that my opinion of GoW is based solely on the fact that I suck at it, because it is so hard. :sarcasm:

                  I've played plenty of games more difficult than GoW
                  /me looks at your gamercard.

                  Casual difficulty wouldn't even challenge a 5 year old. That's why it's casual.

                  The game changes at the higher difficulties. It becomes more strategic and tactical, closer to GRAW than DOOM or HL2. You can get away with a lot of stuff on Casual that you can't on Hardcore or Insane.
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Verto
                    Sounds similar to GoW's multiplayer, which while fun, is not anything special. There is basically ONE gametype, nothing like CTF, Assault, etc, which I don't understand. The rest of the game is not really half-assed (aside from the storyline, which I didn't expect much from anyway) so I don't understand why the MP is so...lame, when compared to other games. It's fun stomping/chainsawing a downed enemy, and there are some good MP levels, but the game just gets boring because there is no real variety. It is simply 4v4 deathmatch. Compare this to Halo, with CTF, Multi-CTF, Assault, Slayer, Team Slayer, BTB, etc. Granted these are not necessarily gametypes suited for GoW, but come on!. Not to mention the sniper rifle, which seems completely out of place in the game, like it was dropped in at the last minute to appease "those" gamers who can use nothing but. Seriously takes away from the slightly-different gameplay that GoW seemed to be aiming for, IMO.
                    I thought it was obvious the main thrust of GoW was the singleplayer mode. Contrasting with Halo 2, which seemed to be mostly about multiplayer (which is why the people above said they prefered Halo to Halo 2, I'm guessing).

                    But Gears of War, like Halo, is a much different game on harder difficulties than on casual/easy. And no, co-op Hardcore/Insane doesn't count -- it's half as hard.
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Asher

                      I thought it was obvious the main thrust of GoW was the singleplayer mode.
                      With the trainwreck that is GoW's MP, I'd hope so. But like I said, SP wasn't anything spectacular either.

                      But Gears of War, like Halo, is a much different game on harder difficulties than on casual/easy. And no, co-op Hardcore/Insane doesn't count -- it's half as hard.
                      Well, I have no intention of playing GoW solo, because that would eliminate half of the game's fun factor right there - actually playing with a friend, than some retarded AI ally which accounts for the increased difficulty. And don't bother comparing GoW to Ghost Recon. I've played a taste of the game on insane, so don't act like it is some drastic change; you simply go at a more deliberate pace. And again, I've already said I will later on play the game through again at the hardest difficulty(although in coop, again, which will undoubtedly make it OMFGNOOBZOREASY), I just have no rush to do so because the game lacked great characters and a great storyline...which, again, is acceptable in a FPS because the MP is what always keeps you playing it. It's the very nature of an FPS: bland to normal SP, great MP. Same with Halo - I just don't see the great storyline that others do, which is fine, this is just my opinion. I play the game for the multiplayer.


                      • #71
                        Asher just has no friends to play coop with, that's why he disses it


                        • #72
                          I've played coop. I'm not dissing it, it's great fun.

                          It's just a lot easier than single-player. In single-player, when you die, you co-op, when you die, your friend just needs to come up to you and hit "X" to instantly revive you.
                          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                          • #73


                            • #74
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

