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Sid Meiers Railroad

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  • Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
    Seems like they should have worked on the mechanics of tracks and trains, then on the pretty graphics.
    Patch possibilities
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • I am trying my best to overlook the shortcomings of this game and to enjoy it for what it is, and I have to admit, SMR does have an enjoyable side. I just wish I could have more of the enjoyment without being bogged down by so many shortcomings!

      Another example, and if anyone knows how to fix this kind of problem I would be happy to hear it.

      I have two cities, A and B. I had one track between then with one train. The train hauls passengers in both directions and is high priority. (switching difficulty is medium) Okay, time to haul some goods from B to A. I decide to double track the whole distance so each train can operate without interruption. I create the goods route starting in B and dropping off in A.

      The problem is, I know that I cannot control which track my new train is created on, I even tried pausing and creating the route when the first train was in station B. Didn't work, the train was created on the same track. Solution? I created a switch from line 1 to 2 and from 2 to 1 so either train can switch tracks in either direction. With even MINIMAL intellegence I would think after a run or two the trains would sync up and each run on their own track.


      Instead, my high priority passenger train waits at the switch (even though the straight through track goes to the same station) every time waiting for my low priority goods hauler.


      Anyone know how to trick the trains into behaving as if they were programmed with at least a modicum of smarts?


      • I reckon the next thing is to hopefully get a Patch

        I do hope SMRR listens
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • I absolutely hate static decisions for the AI, but here are a couple of small suggestions that would improve game mechanics heaps:

          1. Passenger trains ALWAYS go to platform 1
          This concept would keep platform 1 for your fast P&M trains that rely on speed for income. Thus if a goods train approaches a station and has a choice of platform 1 or 2, it will go to platform 2 first, or 1 if 2 is full. This effectively means your three platform station has:
          - Platform 1: P&M trains
          - Platform 2: processed goods train waiting to be loaded
          - Platform 3: raw resources incoming

          2. Two-way double-tracks.
          As well as the current option on double-tracks allowing traffic both ways on both tracks, a second double-track option that forces track 1 one way, and track 2 the other way. This'll make creating parking bays on long single lines possible.

          3. Switching
          On the route screen allow switches to be programmed for the train. Allong with train priorities this will help to solve the low priority goods train holding up high priority P&M trains.

          So if Firaxis reads this thread, hopefully they'll implement these simple fixes. Otherwise, you have to make train AI a LOT smarter, which is the harder option.



          • Gamespot's got a thread with the developers taking an active role in discussions about it, as well as a lot of help with the game mechanics. Hardcore fans of Railroads are mostly disappointed with the game's simplicity, whereas casual gamers (such as myself) are really happy with it. I've already pumped a lot more time into this game than any (save the first), and it's my favorite of the bunch.

            As for the track laying, it's a known problem that some of the trains get stupid when a lot of switches are involved, but it's pretty easy to work around when you get used to it. I never had a problem with bottlenecks the same way a lot of people have been complaining about.

            It's a good game just as long as people don't start comparing it to Railroad Tycoon, which it's not an actual sequel to, anyway. They just have a lot of similarities.


            • Just had my first crash to the desktop when trying to delete some track.

              But the game does warn me that my video drivers are out-of-date, so that is probably it.
              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


              • DEFINITELY update all drivers, but there are other people with similar problems. Firaxis is trying to pinpoint the problem, and appreciates any and all info sent from the crash (you know, the MS crash window?).

                So far that only crashes I've had were the tutorial crash and one multiplayer crash (probably due to running out of memory on my hard drive). There's a few of us without any problems, so it sounds somewhat system-specific.


                • The more I play the game, the more I start to hate the stupid train AI. Not only does it change track randomly (situation: 2 tracks 1 train, train is on track 1, change to track 2, then before all wagons has changed track it goes back to track 1), but it also takes some detours:

                  You see those two orange spots? That's the where the train is supposed to go. You see the red X? That's where I found the train

                  I also had a train that goes from the top-right white spot, to the orange spot that is the most south. This train goes down to the bridge between the orange spot and the small white spot, then on the bridge it makes an 180 turn, goes back to where it came from, then down to do the same again. I've seen several trains do an 180 turn, but until I created the tracks between the top-right white spot and the spot a little south of there it worked fine
                  This space is empty... or is it?


                  • Dude, I was being sarcastic. My video drivers are fine. I'd probably have more problems is I updated. Well maybe not. But video driver issues usually cause video issues (lighting, clipping, etc). I know because I've had them before. I'd be totally surprised if that crash was due to my video card drivers.
                    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                    • I doubt the crashing is video card related, since the game crashes for most people. The reason why the bridges in the north are placed like that is because of crashes. Whenever I tried to make a double tracked bridge it crashed (but only in that exact position... I've created double-tracked bridges before without any problems)
                      This space is empty... or is it?


                      • Originally posted by Adagio
                        The more I play the game, the more I start to hate the stupid train AI. Not only does it change track randomly (situation: 2 tracks 1 train, train is on track 1, change to track 2, then before all wagons has changed track it goes back to track 1), but it also takes some detours:

                        You see those two orange spots? That's the where the train is supposed to go. You see the red X? That's where I found the train

                        I also had a train that goes from the top-right white spot, to the orange spot that is the most south. This train goes down to the bridge between the orange spot and the small white spot, then on the bridge it makes an 180 turn, goes back to where it came from, then down to do the same again. I've seen several trains do an 180 turn, but until I created the tracks between the top-right white spot and the spot a little south of there it worked fine
                        Adagio, I can't actually see a better way of it getting there - it's never supposed to choose to take 'backwards' routes, ie overshooting then backing into a station. Unless there's more going on there than I can see from that small of a picture, but it's really a bit crowded there.

                        The other one makes no sense to me...
                        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                        • Originally posted by Adagio
                          I doubt the crashing is video card related, since the game crashes for most people. The reason why the bridges in the north are placed like that is because of crashes. Whenever I tried to make a double tracked bridge it crashed (but only in that exact position... I've created double-tracked bridges before without any problems)
                          I did a couple double track bridges last night with no problems.

                          Currently what I am experiencing on a NEGATIVE SIDE is the trains being on correct track.

                          Can someone please tell me from jump street how it should be done..i.e. do you click a track to place the start train on.


                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • Originally posted by Grandpa Troll

                            Currently what I am experiencing on a NEGATIVE SIDE is the trains being on correct track.

                            Can someone please tell me from jump street how it should be done..i.e. do you click a track to place the start train on.


                            Sorry mate, can't tell you a way.

                            Though I've had better success by telling the train to start at a station with one line, or only one line to the destination.

                            IE: If you setup a P&M loop around 4 cities, and 3 cities have other lines going back and forth, start the route at the 4th station where it cannot possibly have any confusion as to the line to go down.

                            Unfortunately it doesn't fix the problem where all destinations are linked together.


                            • Originally posted by Adagio
                              The more I play the game, the more I start to hate the stupid train AI. Not only does it change track randomly (situation: 2 tracks 1 train, train is on track 1, change to track 2, then before all wagons has changed track it goes back to track 1), but it also takes some detours:

                              You see those two orange spots? That's the where the train is supposed to go. You see the red X? That's where I found the train

                              I also had a train that goes from the top-right white spot, to the orange spot that is the most south. This train goes down to the bridge between the orange spot and the small white spot, then on the bridge it makes an 180 turn, goes back to where it came from, then down to do the same again. I've seen several trains do an 180 turn, but until I created the tracks between the top-right white spot and the spot a little south of there it worked fine
                              It's hard to tell from the map, but it looks to me like you don't have a curve off the track the meets with the track to the north, and therefore it's going all the way around (since that's the only way it can get there).

                              Examine VERY closely how that station links to the other. Even delete the roundabout track and see if it kills the station (which means that the train has no other way to get there). In every case of something like this I've had, it's been stupid user error.


                              • Ok

                                Im a Moron

                                I have a city (for arguments sake say going North to South with #1 being the furthest north)

                                I have a good in Station 1 going to station 5

                                I have a good in station 2 going to station 6

                                a good in station 3 going to station 7

                                all have to pass though a station at location 4

                                Now all the routs come here and the station starts to backup

                                What am I to do to avoid this?

                                I have 3 lines going through station 4 but all seem to clog up there?


                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

