Originally posted by snoopy369
Attacking is usually safe because in past games it's been somewhat rare for an attacker to lose. This game has included much more in the way of actual combat than the past several games (which is a good thing by the way, regardless of my end result)
Attacking is usually safe because in past games it's been somewhat rare for an attacker to lose. This game has included much more in the way of actual combat than the past several games (which is a good thing by the way, regardless of my end result)
Ya well I hated the people meekily dying to slightly larger fleets with identical OOB's. I like the craziness. Jag and I were discussing OOB's after our recent battle and it appears that a couple of slight changes/correct guesses and he could have won the battle. Conversely there look to be scenarios where I take less damage and win.