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Vanguard Saga Of Heroes - Player made screenshots released

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  • Actually after playing the early release Im pleasently surprised.

    A lot of the n00bie broken quests have been fixed, servers are a lot more stable, and the lag no longer drives me nuts. There are still "issues" but its light years better than early open beta, at least IMHO.

    If Sigil continues along this path for a couple of months, I think they may have a dam good game.
    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


    • Which is why I intend to play it just then, in a couple of months. I never said it's bad right now. I just think it's not finished yet.


      • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
        When you're approaching 50, your children left home, your wife loves to watch silly TV shows and you have a room for yourself, that's not a problem.
        Aaaahhh...those'll be the days.

        Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


        • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
          Which is why I intend to play it just then, in a couple of months.
          Hang on, a minute ago you weren't sure if you would play it at all.


          • I said that playing it in a few months is based on my momentary mood, which may however change anytime. That's the spirit of "mood", right. Reading comprehension, Spikie, reading comprehension.

            If I feel strong cravings to play MMOGs next week I may play it even then, since to start yet another game wouldn't make much sense as I'm planning to play this game anyway. This is unlikely, but may happen.

            The other extreme is, that my MMOG mood will never return. That'd probably mean I won't play it at all. This is just as unlikely, but not impossible.

            A rough estimate, or call it the golden median, says that I'll play it in a few months, three, five, six, something like that.

            By the way, as I can tell the current state, it's about as ready as EQ2 was on release, or WoW. With one word, it's industry standard.


            • Originally posted by Sir Ralph

              The other extreme is, that my MMOG mood will never return. That'd probably mean I won't play it at all. This is just as unlikely, but not impossible.
              Thus your statement above would need to be qualified to be accurate. Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension.


              • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                By the way, don't take anything I said above for pure gold. I tend not to plan the usage of my spare time so far ahead. It represents my mood at the moment. It can change anytime. I may play it next week. Or in 3 months. Or never.
                I really don't see how this can be misunderstood. Or do you have something else I said in mind?


                • So you admit you moved from:

                  "I may play it next week. Or in 3 months. Or never" to

                  "...which is why I intend to play it just then, in a couple of months"

                  Nothing wrong with that of course. Either way it represents a change of outlook.


                  • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                    By the way, as I can tell the current state, it's about as ready as EQ2 was on release, or WoW. With one word, it's industry standard.
                    Im not sure about WoW, but it is better at release than EQ2 was IMHO, at least performance wise.
                    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                    • Hey Dr Spike, when do we start the pool on how long it will take Sir Ralph to play
                      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                      • It's redundant as he's probably already secretly playing.


                        • Really? I played EQ2 at release and it was at least decent.

                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • Originally posted by DrSpike
                            So you admit you moved from:

                            "I may play it next week. Or in 3 months. Or never" to

                            "...which is why I intend to play it just then, in a couple of months"

                            Nothing wrong with that of course. Either way it represents a change of outlook.
                            Sigh. You really don't get the difference between

                            1) "My current opinion is..."


                            2) "Which however could change according to my mood"

                            Your loss. There is no change whatsoever. I'm probably feeding the troll responding.


                            • Originally posted by DrSpike
                              It's redundant as he's probably already secretly playing.
                              No, but I ordered it. I had already my moneys worth from the beta and I am not a cheap bastard.

                              This means nothing, though. A lot of games I buy and put on the shelf the same day. It means "I will play them someday, but not now". It may be stupid (it certainly is), but hey, it's my money.

                              WoW was collecting dust about six months before I opened it. HoI2 Doomsday about as much. Civ4 Warlords about 4 weeks. And a lot of other games alike. Eventually I played them all. Some of them not too long, though.


                              • Originally posted by Jon Miller
                                Really? I played EQ2 at release and it was at least decent.

                                On the first view maybe. But there were a lot of annoying details. As conmcb25 mentioned, the performance was horrible, especially in city zones. It also had a memory leak, which made your computer explode (well at least lock up) after a few hours, usually right when you faced the boss after a long dungeon crawl. Crafting was a huge mess and it had quite some unbalanced prices, dupes and such (I once posted a link to an amusing story, Spike may remember it). A lot of things felt rushed, clearly they did their damnedest to release it before WoW.

                                It wasn't a bad game still or else I wouldn't have stuck with it for a year.

