Originally posted by DrSpike
I feel the need to return to this. "Slow and challenging travel" is touted by Ralphie as a hardcore feature. We have many MMO players here, anything from a few hours a week to many hours a week. Who amongst you wants to spend your time travelling to the next area?
I feel the need to return to this. "Slow and challenging travel" is touted by Ralphie as a hardcore feature. We have many MMO players here, anything from a few hours a week to many hours a week. Who amongst you wants to spend your time travelling to the next area?
Slow travel was never a hardcore feature, if anything it is a role play feature because there is an argument it makes the world seem bigger and more real and adds to immersion
But let's face it - it's a game and I want to develop my character by doing fun things, not walk, ride or otherwise travel for hours on end. I do that in real life.
It's not hardcore and it's not challenge - it's just boring, and I sincerely hope the VG devs realise this.
It's not hardcore and it's not challenge - it's just boring, and I sincerely hope the VG devs realise this.
Slow travel is a bad word by the way. There will be travel speeders. Mounts, not as late as in other games, but pretty much from the beginning. Player-made vehicles. Player made ships. Caravans. With the latter you travel overnight. You join it, log off and when you log in again, you'll be at the destination (or the last reached waypoint).
It's of course not "A says to the guild: Temple of Veeshan raid LFM" - "B says to the guild: BRT, 5 min".
As for your preferrences, shrug, well, let me reiterate... WoW, GW, EQ2, even EQ1... you have enough to choose your games from. All with one-click-travel.
Qilue: Yes, I told you, this game is not for you. Play WoW or EQ2, both excellent new games with expansions now and then. By the way "No fun" is not part of the FAQ, at least last time I checked. And you can solo. Soloers are just not the target audience.
EDIT: Both of you can by the way join the forum at www.vanguardsoh.com and share your opinion. The developers visit the forums on a daily basis, up to Brad, and will discuss game concepts. I think they can explain the game concepts much better than I can, old and grumpy as I am.
