I think I'm stuck on a quest.

azani blackheart, fighters guild.
You're supposed to go through a ruin with Oreyn, then another one where you kill someone, take his ring, give to Oreyn. Well, after the first ruin, Oreyn left me and I couldn't figure out where he went (fast travel didn't reset him to me) and I looked up where I was supposed to go. got there, killed the guy (didn't see Oreyn) quest log shows me having killed him, but I can't find Oreyn anywhere to give him the ring and thus close the quest. I tried the command placetome whatever, but he doesn't allow me to give him the ring.

and my previous save was 4 hours before, several missions earlier.
any ideas? I've been trying to find a command to restart a quest but I've been unsuccessful.

azani blackheart, fighters guild.
You're supposed to go through a ruin with Oreyn, then another one where you kill someone, take his ring, give to Oreyn. Well, after the first ruin, Oreyn left me and I couldn't figure out where he went (fast travel didn't reset him to me) and I looked up where I was supposed to go. got there, killed the guy (didn't see Oreyn) quest log shows me having killed him, but I can't find Oreyn anywhere to give him the ring and thus close the quest. I tried the command placetome whatever, but he doesn't allow me to give him the ring.

and my previous save was 4 hours before, several missions earlier.
any ideas? I've been trying to find a command to restart a quest but I've been unsuccessful.