Chapter 12 - Final Fantasy
The five remaining fools gathered around the hatch. They stared down into the shaft and wondered should they go in. But before descending into the unknown they had another task to perform. They had to decide who was the deadly murderer. Ruby and Jonny were too scared to vote so the decision was left to the other 3.
"Its obvious that Jaguar did it all, he is an animal after all" stated Paddy
"No cant be me, it must be PAddy as he voted for me first" retorted Jaguar
They both looked at the Duke, and he seemed to be disturbd that the evil killer had planted clues blaming him for the kilings.
"Well its time to go Jaguar, after all Paddy is useful he supplies the grog."
With that they threw Jaguar over the nearby cliff.
The remaining four then gathered wire from the plane wreckage and used it to repel down into the hatch shaft. First went Ruby. He arrived at the base and moved the dead body of their friend out of the way. The others followed his lead.
Down in the hatch they explored and found many hings that amazd them. None of which was more astounding than an old 19880's computer going beep beep beep in the corner. Jonny couldnt stand the sound so he turned the computer off.
They explored further and found a bedroom with four bunks and a fully stocked kitchen with pantry. They had at last found some good luck.
That night they slept in the beds and had a blissful sleep with no nightmare for the first time since the place crash.
In the morning Ruby awoke first and his screaming awoke the other three. The four of them stared in horror at Jonnys bed. He was dead. Stabbed through the heart with a knife. But was making them all quiver was the marks on his forehead. It looked like a "N", it had been carved deep into his skin. It was a Rune mark, it was Hagalaz, the sign of Disruption.
The five remaining fools gathered around the hatch. They stared down into the shaft and wondered should they go in. But before descending into the unknown they had another task to perform. They had to decide who was the deadly murderer. Ruby and Jonny were too scared to vote so the decision was left to the other 3.
"Its obvious that Jaguar did it all, he is an animal after all" stated Paddy
"No cant be me, it must be PAddy as he voted for me first" retorted Jaguar
They both looked at the Duke, and he seemed to be disturbd that the evil killer had planted clues blaming him for the kilings.
"Well its time to go Jaguar, after all Paddy is useful he supplies the grog."
With that they threw Jaguar over the nearby cliff.
The remaining four then gathered wire from the plane wreckage and used it to repel down into the hatch shaft. First went Ruby. He arrived at the base and moved the dead body of their friend out of the way. The others followed his lead.
Down in the hatch they explored and found many hings that amazd them. None of which was more astounding than an old 19880's computer going beep beep beep in the corner. Jonny couldnt stand the sound so he turned the computer off.
They explored further and found a bedroom with four bunks and a fully stocked kitchen with pantry. They had at last found some good luck.
That night they slept in the beds and had a blissful sleep with no nightmare for the first time since the place crash.
In the morning Ruby awoke first and his screaming awoke the other three. The four of them stared in horror at Jonnys bed. He was dead. Stabbed through the heart with a knife. But was making them all quiver was the marks on his forehead. It looked like a "N", it had been carved deep into his skin. It was a Rune mark, it was Hagalaz, the sign of Disruption.
