Odin: My advice would be to build infrastructure a bit more before trying to break atmosphere, it hurts less to build a fleet when you only have to wait 3 hours for for resources to build a small cargo instead of 6 hours or more.
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I think 6 hours is optomistic.
I am at:
Solar Plant: 6
Metal Mine: 5
Crystal Mine: 5
Deutrium Synth: 3
Any tech is still a ways off for me and I am a ways ahead of odin (though with help like snotty, he may not be behind me for long).
Even if I had enough to research the necessary prerequisites (Energy Level 1, Combustion Engine level 2 and Shipyard Level 2), I couldn't build a small cargo ship in 6 hours (rough calculations more like 10 hours).
/mewaiting to build level 7 solar plant
"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
Originally posted by Atragon
Odin: My advice would be to build infrastructure a bit more before trying to break atmosphere, it hurts less to build a fleet when you only have to wait 3 hours for for resources to build a small cargo instead of 6 hours or more.
Originally posted by Odin
My resources:
Metal: 77
Crystal: 229
Deuterium: 6
Energy: 0/48 (breaking even)
Extraction rates:
Level 2 Metal mine: 72 (100%)
Level 1 Crystal Mine: 22 (100%)
Level 1 Deuterium Synthesizer: 7 (60%)
Level 2 Solar plant: 48 (100%)Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
And notifying the next of kin
Once again...
I built a level one research lab and for now it is pretty much useless. The first two techs you can research are:
Computer Tech which costs 400 Crystal and 600 Deuterium to research
Energy Tech which costs 800 Crystal and 400 Deuterium to research
Though with the Deuterium that you just received, you may be a defenceless duck, so maybe you need to use it just so you don't get raided? (I only started yesterday so maybe I shouldn't be the one answering).
/me"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
Originally posted by Hueij
Upgrade your solar plant and upgrade your Metal and Crystal mines ASAP. Forget the Deut because you don't need it for those mines and solar plant updates.
I just upgraded my Metal mines to level 3. I am planning to upgrade my energy generation and crystal mines next
Originally posted by duke o' york
Hueij, I think a small transport of stuff on the way to Cockney should repay the favour. After all, you'd never have known about it if it were not for your alliance member posting here.Never attack with a fleet without sending some recyclers afterwards.
Better yet, send a Spy probe on a suicide mission to create a debris field and send your recyclers on their way. Then send your fleet so that they will attack just before the recyclers arrive.Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
And notifying the next of kin
Once again...
I read that too, and I think that protects you (and I) from the stronger players, but not from other "noobs" (who might be strong enough to raid you).
Someone please correct me if I am wrong here, as if I don't have to worry about being raided it would be arelief!
Originally posted by Atragon
I'll send a transport with some resources when I get a chance, 3:478:9, right?(and yes you have the co-ordinates right
and I would be in your debt, let me know when and how I can repay the favour
"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
With our newest member Odin2, aka Odin we now have 18 members. If we keep this up Universe 8 will be totally occupied by us somewhere in the second half of November)
In other news: we now rank 278 in the list of Alliances
I expect DoY to come up with a plan on how to do some serious alliance bashing next weekendWithin weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
And notifying the next of kin
Once again...
Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
I read that too, and I think that protects you (and I) from the stronger players, but not from other "noobs" (who might be strong enough to raid you).
Someone please correct me if I am wrong here, as if I don't have to worry about being raided it would be arelief!
You are right, and you should be carefull of other noobs.
In fact, ALL of us are nobs as far as the game is conceirned (under 5000 points, even skanky is only halfway up)
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"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller