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Supreme Ruler 2010 thread... where?

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  • Supreme Ruler 2010 thread... where?

    I could of sworn there was a pretty detailed thread around here on Supreme Ruler 2010, with some posts from the development team, but I can't find it in any searches anymore. I faintly recall reading something about what their next project would be, but now that I go back to read more it escapes me.

    I've been spending more hours than I can count on SR2010, and I'm surprised that it doesn't have a bigger following on Apolyton. Seems like the kind of strategy game a lot of the players around here would like - deep, detailed, that sort of thing.

    Though now I guess most people are saving their pennies for Civ IV

  • #2
    It was moved to the Archive for some reason.

    Edit: Or maybe not, I can't find it with the search function....


    • #3
      It went *POP* when Tassi's account was deleted.
      I changed my signature


      • #4
        Yes, it appears the thread suffered the mysterious disappearance syndrome often found with internet data

        I was actually worried that somebody didn't want me here, but I have been informed that the thread was not purposefully removed.

        (Interesting footnote: on a different forum, which shall remain nameless, I was actually accused of "trying to get free publicity" by showing up and discussing our game in the appropriate topics... I tend to take a very different view, and I wonder why there are not more dev's out here in the middle of their communities. The forum communities represent the customers, players, fans, in other words the people that keep us dev's alive - it should be a no-brainer to get out here and get involved in answering questions and listening to feedback. End of rant...)

        In any case, it's a pity that the old Supreme Ruler 2010 thread got zotted, it had some really good ideas and feedback in it. I had it all bookmarked, but hadn't printed it out yet, so I lost a few good ideas along with the thread...

        For those of you who haven't heard much about our game, well, we do seem to be a well kept secret :-) We're available through a number of online resellers, and in a couple of North American retail stores (EB Games US, Fry's, Future Shop Canada). There are a number of online and print reviews to help get an idea of the game, for example one of the most recent ones:
        The year is 2010 and the Major Powers of the world as we currently know them have disintegrated into bickering economic and military regions. The United Nations has disappeared, and in its place an organization with far sharper teeth referred to simply as "The World Market" has taken its place. Individual Regions are left to fight for power to dominate their neighbors, their countries, their continents, and then the world.

        We're continuing to work on updates and new content for SR2010, incorporating feedback and suggestions, and in fact will be releasing a new free update package ("Update 3") within the next few weeks.

        End of sales pitch :-)

        -- George.

        - George Geczy, Lead Programmer, BattleGoat Studios,


        • #5
          Developer posts are always welcome. How else are we players to know about upcoming games.

          George Geczy posts.
          There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


          • #6
            I have seen at a EB store in Rhode Island. Have been playing on and off . Im not very good at the game yet but will give it time.
            New guides for Supreme Ruler are on fan sites which are a great help. Manuel is clear put skilled players advice is worth taken into acount.
            Like the turn base option in the game. Is the AI better in real time?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gamecube64
              It went *POP* when Tassi's account was deleted.
              When? Why?
              What did he do this time?
              The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

              Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


              • #8
                Like the turn base option in the game. Is the AI better in real time?
                I haven't tried the turn based too much yet, I usually play in 'real time' with a lot of use of the PAUSE key

                In some places they AI is great and devious and hard, in others it gets a little too happy sitting back in defense. Hopefully that will get improved in a future release.

                Hey George, great having you on board (who wouldn't want a developer to show up and give the real inside scoop? ) Is there a new release coming soon? And what are you guys working on next?

                I think Supreme Ruler 2010 is the sleeper title of 2005...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by andyiam Is there a new release coming soon? And what are you guys working on next?
                  Hi - thanks for the kind comments.

                  Yes, we're just finishing work and testing on what we call "Update 3". A number of tweaks and various fixes, but also a few new features based on user feedback - better missile handling, AI diplomacy improvements, more Cabinet advisor information, etc. The AI's military response has also received some changes, with more offensive use of force in many situations. We're also adding content with a new mission and some scenario updates.

                  Update 3 should be out shortly, though we don't have an exact date yet (dependent upon testing results).

                  Regarding future projects, we're tossing around a few ideas. We've had a lot of community suggestions - future wars, Cold War, WWII, 19th Century, even Roman Empire We've pretty much ruled out the Roman Empire (the SR2010 engine doesn't fit well for that time frame), but we are looking at both near-future and recent-past projects. And there is a lot of interest in a WWII version, given that our game engine simulates a lot more of the "total picture" than the other WWII RTS and wargames out there (ie economy combined with diplomacy combined with military elements).

                  I think Supreme Ruler 2010 is the sleeper title of 2005...
                  Thanks - though I would have preferred to be something other than a "sleeper" title, but being a strategy game we have to take what we can get!

                  -- George.


                  • #10
                    When informed that the earlier thread dissappeared, I apologized for any inconvience and promised George that I would top the thread when it was restarted.

                    Promise kept
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      Hi Guys - I just came to Apolyton to find out more about Civ4 (and lots of great info here, btw!), but then I also notice you cover some of my other favorite games - GalCiv etc. But I didn't see much coverage for my current fav (at least until Civ4 is out), which is Supreme Ruler 2010. Until I found this one thread buried here so deep that the air is geting stale!

                      SR is a great game, with lots of Civ-like goodness (though admittedly it is rather more complex and wargame-like on the military side), I think it should have its own section like some of the other games do.

                      Sure it isn't an "xth" sequel or such, but every good strategy game has to start somewhere! In my opinion this is a must-have for strategy fans - and from what I've read in the other threads about new features in Civ4, I'm pretty sure a few of them were either "borrowed" from SR, or else came to be by miraculous coincidence.


                      • #12
                        Thanks robwr, I'm not too worried about not having a 'section' here on Apolyton, we do have our own forum for players to share info and get updates specifically on SR2010 at .

                        I know that our availability in much of the world, Europe in particular, is still very limited - a full European release (with translations to French, German, Spanish, Italian, and a couple of others) is planned and being worked on, but I don't have the ETA for its release yet. Given that, and the fact that this is our first release, I can accept the fact that we "fly under the radar" of a lot of people

                        When our earlier thread disappeared I did look around a bit for it, and thanks rah for the assistance, because as I mentioned we got some very good comments and ideas from various users of this forum. In the next few weeks we are going to start early planning for our future projects, and hopefully I can again tap onto the wealth of opinion in the Apolyton community to get some thoughts and ideas.

                        This actually flows in to your comments about Civ4 features - I really don't know if any Firaxis folks looked at SR2010, though I would be surprised if they didn't - the strategy genre is built upon evolution and expansion of the great ideas of the past. As part of planning our own future projects, we're certainly going to buy and play Civ4, just as we've bought nearly every major strategy game made in the last two decades. In SR2010 you'll see elements from Civ, SMAC, Panzer General, even Sim City. I'm sure nobody would accuse us of being a clone of any of these games (in fact, originality is one thing most reviews rate us very highly on), but there are just some elements that get introduced and 'click' with strategy players.

                        In our own case we've been promoting many SR2010 features since long before our release - for example, this developer diary from a year ago talks about a number of our innovations:

                        There's actually two points in that article where what I say very closely matches some recent Firaxis press points on Civ4. Did they look at our work? I'd be flattered if they did, but they may have just come up with the same ideas on their own.

                        I know I'm biased, but I think SR2010 makes a number of innovations for strategy games - some of these we're still working on getting the kinks out of, but if nothing else I hope our product will inspire other games and game designers to 'borrow' our ideas and take them even further.

                        -- George.


                        • #13
                          It would be impossible for Apolyton to have a forum for every good game out there. The other games forum was created to service that need. Unfortunately at first it lacked the traffic of other forums here and didn't receive a lot of attention.
                          SO we created a few forum games and traffic has increased 10 fold. While some may complain that they've taken over the forum, they have generated lots of interest in other games discussions.
                          It is now one of the more popular and highly trafficed forums here.
                          So I don't think that any other game discussion is buried here. Especially when it's topped.
                          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Gamecube64
                            It went *POP* when Tassi's account was deleted.

                            Is this true? What happened rah?

                            I must admit I haven't seen Tass of late, but I never suspected any of this.

                            By the way, great work on topping this thread.

                            And to developers, the scenario you're projecting will never happen. The world will not fall apart in five year, or in ten for that matter.


                            • #15
                              I presume it's not intended to be entirely realistic ...
                              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

