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FG: Hangman 21

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  • Well, it would do a lot to reduce the tension and bad blood, methinks.

    Spike would get the (deserved) recognition for dominating the game so far, and it would give new players a far shot at winning each stage.

    We could set the bar high for each round (either 87 points to win, or the leader at 359 points), or we could go back through the list and find the winners of each 50 or 100 (total) point stretch. The latter might be difficult though, because of the various times that points weren't awarded. Either way, the victory conditions for each stage should be equal.
    ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


    • My preference would to be continuing with the current system.

      If we were to switch it would have to be a 100 point goal, as the 50 point goal would be too messy. But 100 takes so long to hit anyway would there be any point?


      • Yes, let's just continue the game. Bad blood is the thing of the past now, I think. DrSpike's excellence is deservedly recognised by the fact he leads the score chart with such an overwhelming advantage.


        • I don't think Hangman is realistically a game about 'winning' in the long run. I don't think it is made particularly more fun by splitting the game up into segments.

          I think it's about guessing words and having fun picking words to set. I personally choose hard words not for the points, but because it's more fun when you have a word that goes down to the wire. It's impressive when someone like Spike or Joncha pulls a word out with only two letters on the last guess.

          Spike, I think that it was reasonable for Ljube to suggest another word given your absence, even in less than 24 hours as you made it clear you would be gone for longer than that.

          Joncha, I think you're being defensive about Spike's complaints. He's making reasonable suggestions - that the rules be interpreted fairly and equitably. If you feel that you interpret such rules fairly ... then just say so, and say that we will continue to do so - and that's the end of it. The defensiveness and accusations between BOTH of you are becoming a drain on this game.

          Let's move on, set the rules clearly so everyone feels more comfortable with equal treatment, and just *not worry* about point counts. They don't matter, and we shouldn't allow them to dominate our enjoyment of this quite fun game. Let rah close this thread and leave the argument here.
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • We have gone way over the 500 posts so might be best to continue the rules change discussion in the other thread.

            However, let's confine any comments on the others issues I've raised to here, and hopefully end this thread on a better and more constructive note.

            I think that my point about inconsistent application of the 24 hour rule is a valid one in general (and also that it needs more flexibility to be fair), but in retrospect don't think that Ljube and Joncha jumping the gun was as bad as I suggested.

            The constructive stuff now. This can be reposted in the other thread if discussion continues.

            I would however like to see (whatever the game format) a consistently applied rule hammered out in the new thread, and possibly some flexibility built in, to address the two valid concerns I have raised. The 'let someone else take over for a short while' bit may well suffice, as if you are only away for a short period you could arrange with the person to update slowly enough that the word was not finished before you returned. If you are away for longer you should give up the word anyway. I think there are issues though about people choosing their replacement, as you are essentially giving them a chance to get points. In the past both myself (and Joncha to be fair) have not set words in a void for this very reason. I'd like to see the right to set the word pass to someone new to the game, or someone with less than 10 points. Then, the leaders wont compond their advantage over others. This would also apply to the cases where the word setter just left without warning.

            If such a rule was applied consistently it would be fair, ensure the continuity of the game, and prevent some of the leaders from benefiting from the 24 hour rule.


            • Sounds fair to me.
              ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~

