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What games have you bought, but haven't played?

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  • #46
    I bought the latest sim city when it came out a few years ago, played 5-6 times, then never used it again. I normally don't buy a game unless I know I'll like it but I screwed up that time.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #47
      i bought the Paradox Strategy 6 pack, and as ive only played EU2, that means ive got 5 totally unplayed games - EU2: Asian Chapters, HOI, Vickie, Two Thrones, and COTN.

      Similarly some time ago I bought a simmania pack, and never quite got around to simsafari.
      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


      • #48
        Originally posted by Nikolai
        It was so bad?
        It was good actually (much better than the previous version that I have used for ages). It's just that when it arrived, I had no motivation whatsoever to work on it anymore
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • #49
          Originally posted by lord of the mark
          i bought the Paradox Strategy 6 pack, and as ive only played EU2, that means ive got 5 totally unplayed games - EU2: Asian Chapters, HOI, Vickie, Two Thrones, and COTN.

          Similarly some time ago I bought a simmania pack, and never quite got around to simsafari.
          EU2: Asian Chapters are basically Eu2 with more Asian provinces and events. I'd go for one of the mods being made for the newest beta patches, as they give the possibility of much of the same things, only better.
          Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
          I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
          Also active on WePlayCiv.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Carolus Rex
            Hm... "Save and reload" doesn't sound like a bug to me...

            You didn't read correctly. The only way to play without the bug is to *never* save and reload.


            • #51
              Games I bought but have never played (so far):

              Simcity 4
              HOMM III (plus 2 expansion packs)
              Project Eden
              Neverwinter Nights (and the 2 expansions)
              Europa Universalis
              Railroad Tycoon 2
              Caesar III
              Beyond Good and Evil

              wow, I need to quit my job so I can play all these games
              I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


              • #52
                On-topic: I don't buy games until I've played them anymore (civ3 ugh), if you know what I mean.

                I didn't find the interface to be that easy.
                Ok, start off by building a coal power plant. Then create some landfill land (around 6x4 squares is enough). Then start zoning low- and mid-density industrial areas near them. Then create 10-20 water towers. Then create some low-density residentual areas near the industrial areas. Build a police station in the middle of your small town. You should now have around 10k$. Check the budgets for next two years. If you can balance them, good; build slowly more res/ind areas. If not, try pandering with the taxes until it works. Don't even try to build many commercial areas (few low-density squares are fine) before your population hits 15k or such. At start, I've found it very effective to raise $$$ by taking your neighbours' crap and dumping it to landfills (EDIT: Remember to connect your roads to your neighbours by building a road to the edge of your map and clicking "yes" in the popup-menu that follows! Neighbouring cities should offer you deals after a while, you can see them in the running counter). You can (and should) build some trash burning plants and build them near the edge of the map (create incredible amounts of pollution).

                If residents don't seem to move in to your residentual areas, take a look at the small green-blue-yellow bar chart with 'R' 'C' and 'I' letters. In your city, there is a demand for those areas which are pointing upwards and too much supply for those areas which are pointing downwards. If all bars are pointing down, try lowering taxes.

                Some common sense is required in city planning -- stuff like crime, lack of water, air pollution are real killers of entire regions of the residentual parts of your city (bye bye tax revenue).

                Simcity 4
                HOMM III (plus 2 expansion packs)
                Neverwinter Nights (and the 2 expansions)
                Europa Universalis
                Railroad Tycoon 2
                Caesar III
                Of these, I'd recommend trying out HoMM III (it's basically HoMM II with niftier graphics and better units and stuff), Desperados (after 1 hour of playing, you should find out whether you like it or not, adventure/rts on SWAT2-style, nice amount of dialogue and much Western cliches), and Caesar III (well, if you've played pharaoh or zeus don't bother, but the scenarios 2-5 are nice. Combat doesn't really work in that game). Railroad Tycoon II seemed incredible back when I played it first time, but it got boring surprisingly quickly.

                All of those games are solid picks, though... I just tried to pick the cream of the crop.
                Last edited by RGBVideo; May 4, 2005, 12:13.


                • #53
                  I guarantee you the number of games that I haven't completed vastly outweigh the number that I have.


                  • #54
                    VJ: that was the most condensed strategy guide for Simcity ever written.

                    I'm planning to install NWN this next weekend, because I'm in the mood for a good RPG. I bought Desperados because I've played (and loved) Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, and I read somewhere that Desperados is a similar game.

                    Never played Pharaoh or Zeus, and when I found Caesar III on a bargain bin, I thought it would be a good introduction to this series of city building games.

                    I just have to find time to play all these games...
                    I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Alex
                      wow, I need to quit my job so I can play all these games
                      Agreed! I need to win a lotto. Right now the jackpot's $48 million.. mmmm
                      Who is Barinthus?


                      • #56
                        Hmm, I have WAY too many games that I have bought but haven't played (at least 50), curse of bargain bins and not enough time...

                        Neverwinter Nights plus expansions
                        Morrowind plus expansions
                        Simcity 4
                        Deus Ex
                        Thief 1 & 2
                        C&C Generals plus expansions
                        Shogun/Medieval Total War
                        Guild Wars
                        Caesar 3/Pharoah/Zeus
                        Victoria/Hearts of Iron 1


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Carolus Rex

                          Same for me with Deus Ex 2. I bought it intentionally though as it was very cheap (50 SEK, which is about 7 USD) and I know I'll upgrade some time to a computer that can handle it.

                          When it comes to finishing computer games, I'm not in a hurry... It's like finishing a PhD... Slow and steady wins the race!

                          I like to finish games fast in case I die the next day.

                          silly I know. Why will I care if I finish a game if I'm dead?

                          I'd hate to die knowing I never achieved my life's goal of beating a game.

                          yes how pathetic are my life's goals?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Dissident

                            Why will I care if I finish a game if I'm dead?
                            You won't... It's here and now (alive!) that you're afraid of not finishing a game...

                            I'm quite perfectionistic... Another reason why I have so many games I haven't played yet... If I like a game I want to know everything about it... Replay it, walk around and find all the subtle details...

                            Wasting valuable research-or-playing-other-games time... Not good!



                            • #59
                              Originally posted by DRoseDARs
                              Save a tree. Open a PDF file.
                              Save energy. Read a book, not a screen
                              To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                              • #60


