I'm talking about the one from 1992 or so. I believe it was 1989 when the first official AD&D video game came out (Pool of Radiance) and all of my friends and I fell instantly in love with the game as we spent hours hacking and slashing our way through the C64 version. Those "Gold Box" games (Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades, and Pools of Darkness. They also made Neverwinter Nights the first online game which attempt to create an interactive online world, however, it could only be played on AOL.
My father hated AOL (he used prodigy back in those days since the only ISPs in town were AOL, Prodigy, and Compuserve) so I would have to go over to my friends house where we'd spend hours online killing monsters and role playing with people from all over the US and Canada. Now days that sort of stuff is considered par for the course but back then it was revolutionary. I got to thinking the other day that the newer RPGs added in lots of bells and whistles but in terms of pure plot line and original thinking it sure was hard to beat those old AD&D gold box games from SSI. Anyone else remember these old games or actually play the original NWN?
My father hated AOL (he used prodigy back in those days since the only ISPs in town were AOL, Prodigy, and Compuserve) so I would have to go over to my friends house where we'd spend hours online killing monsters and role playing with people from all over the US and Canada. Now days that sort of stuff is considered par for the course but back then it was revolutionary. I got to thinking the other day that the newer RPGs added in lots of bells and whistles but in terms of pure plot line and original thinking it sure was hard to beat those old AD&D gold box games from SSI. Anyone else remember these old games or actually play the original NWN?