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Supreme Ruler 2010: out in a month

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  • Supreme Ruler 2010: out in a month

    Supreme Ruler 2010 is officially out in a month!

    For those of us who want depth, depth we will be served in such quantities that we will surrender some of it to our ministers! In the near-future, you can rule whattever nation fits you with real weapons, real techs, and near-future ones.

    And it seems like there is a very very positive preview (really worth reading I think, but no idea if other reviewers will be as positive)here.

    Add comments at will about this. It's really the first game I personally see going that far on modeling nations. The developers had this game as a dream since a long time, and they also took many years to build it (5?).

    EDIT: Here's the game's website:
    Last edited by Trifna; April 9, 2005, 09:36.
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

  • #2
    didnt think much of the review - the reviewer kept comparing the game to Civ, and didnt seem aware of the Paradox games. Is this game similar to the Paradox games, or dissimilar?
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


    • #3
      I've heard these claims for games like Superpower and they have always been horribly limp affairs when they finally ship. I hope this proves to be an exception, but its easy to boast thousands of units, yet often all that means is slightly different numbers that get rounded up into a simple strength vs defence roll for the entire stack and has no meaningful effect.
      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


      • #4
        Took at least 5 years of work to make the game. Been follwing the updates the last two years and looks to a very deep game. Comes with a manual almost 200 pages long.
        But Grumbold has a point -sometimes programers are so close to the game they dont see whats wrong or if the concepts of the game works the way it should.
        Superpower was a good example of a game made with alot of complex detail to keep up with and a AI that could not keep track of any of it. We will see.


        • #5
          I really hope the AI ministers, advisors etc. are good with their work. It sounds like the game could become the worst micromanagement hell ever devised if they are not.
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • #6
            although it is possible to make a game too complex.


            • #7
              I guess I should ask the most obvious question.

              Is the game real time?

              real time stategy games suck. I shouldn't need to explain this. But it's silly for games on a global scale to rely on twitch gaming skills. You think Bush had just seconds to plan the entire Iraq war? He planned it since before 9/11/2001.


              • #8
                It's probably real-time the way Paradox games are, i.e. you can pause at any time and have the time pass at a suitable pace.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • #9
                  A reasonable pace for me is 1 second real time = 1 second game times

                  real time games suck.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dissident
                    I guess I should ask the most obvious question.

                    Is the game real time?

                    real time stategy games suck. I shouldn't need to explain this. But it's silly for games on a global scale to rely on twitch gaming skills. You think Bush had just seconds to plan the entire Iraq war? He planned it since before 9/11/2001.
                    It says it can go either real time or turn-based.

                    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                    • #11
                      System requirements?


                      • #12
                        I know I was running the beta without trouble on my Athlon 700MHz - 256SDRAM. But few time after I had to leave my dear computer so I didn't try very long...

                        You can ask on their forums; I'm sure some beta testers have lower systems.
                        Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


                        • #13
                          This is a game worth keeping an eye on.

                          Game reviews and fellow gamers playing the game will be the real test though.

                          It has been in develpment for about 5 years - so it has not been rushed.

                          System requirements are extremely low: PII 500 with medium video cards and ram...

                          It has the option to be turn-based or continuous time.

                          I am impressed with the depth and modability in this game.

                          The developers have stated that if this game does well they will put out a global WW2 game based on the game engine.

                          BTW in modding you can essentially remove lots of things in the game and start with one city as in Civ I, II, and III, and build-up from there....



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Leonidas

                            The developers have stated that if this game does well they will put out a global WW2 game based on the game engine.

                            Yeah, cause that's just what we need.... another WW2 game.
                            Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                            Do It Ourselves


                            • #15
                              we always need ww2 games. sure there are lots of them, but there aren't that many good ones worth playing.

