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FG: NASCAR VIII: NFS Underground II Edition

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  • Turn 12: "Rah stretches his lead."

    If we ever have to walk through a minefield, make sure that we follow Rah. He seems to be finding the optimal path...okay, I lied, there were not that many sandbags in the alley.

    Ramsey blows a WC, and he, Sparrow, and Kassi make for a tight pack. Jonny is waiting for these Aholes to get out of his way so he can show youse guys what real driving is.
          |*********|        /----\                  /------\
          |*********|       /******\                /********\
          |*********|      /********\              /**********\
          |*********|     /***ooo****\            /***oooooo***\
          |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
          |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
           \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o****|      |***|
            \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
             \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
              \**********/    /o**/      |******\  \o***|    |...|
         /-------------------/o**/       |***o***\ |o***/    |...|
        /*********ooo***********/        |***|***| /o**/     |^^^|
       |******o******s***ooo***/         |***|***|/***/      /***|
       |***oo*****************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
           Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |***|***|***|       /***/***/
                          /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/***/
                         |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/
          --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/***/
          F******************|***o***|***o***|   \***\------/***/
          F*****************/|******/|******/     \************/
          F****************/  \****/  \****/       \**********/
          ----------------/    \--/    \--/         \--------/
    NASCAR 8
    Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
    2 Rah 6 4 E AMRL(M3)
    3 Kassiopeia 5 4 E AMLR(2M)
    4 Jonny 4 3 E A(m2)LR
    5 Sparrowhawk 4 4 E ALR(M2)
    6 gjramsey 4 3 E A(A+1)LR(M2)
    Last edited by Spaced Cowboy; January 3, 2005, 13:48.
    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


    • I should probably have 3 WCs, but if you want to leave it at 4, I won't complain at all!

      sent and ready for carnage....


      • Sent.
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • Originally posted by gjramsey
          I should probably have 3 WCs, but if you want to leave it at 4, I won't complain at all!

          sent and ready for carnage....
          We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


          • Sent....but I have a very bad feeling about this turn

            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


            • Sent, and pray. Anyone that doesn't have a bad feeling has been in many of these races.
              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • Everyone's sent... so:



                • Turn 13: "What do you mean, there is a ramp ahead?"

                  Rah hits a sand bag going into the first jump [one that is currently under Sparrow].

                  Kassi continues his fortune of finding sandbags and plows through two on the top side.
                        |*********|        /----\                  /------\
                        |*********|       /******\                /********\
                        |*********|      /********\              /**********\
                        |*********|     /***ooo****\            /***oooooo***\
                        |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
                        |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
                         \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o****|      |***|
                          \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
                           \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
                            \**********/    /o**/      |******\  \o***|    |...|
                       /-------------------/o**/       |***o***\ |o***/    |...|
                      /*********ooo***********/        |***|***| /o**/     |^^^|
                     |******o******s***ooo***/         |***|***|/***/      /***|
                     |***oo*****************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
                         Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |***|***|***|       /***/***/
                                        /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/***/
                                       |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/
                        --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/***/
                        F******************|***o***|***o***|   \***\------/***/
                        F*****************/|******/|******/     \************/
                        F****************/  \****/  \****/       \**********/
                        ----------------/    \--/    \--/         \--------/
                  NASCAR 8
                  Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                  2 Rah 6 4 E A(M7)
                  3 Kassiopeia 5 4 E SA(7M)
                  4 Jonny 5 3 E A(m5)
                  5 Sparrowhawk 4 4 E ARL(M3)
                  6 gjramsey 5 3 E ARL(M3)
                  We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                  • GRAH! Better than crashing and losing half of my speed, I guess.
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • sent, twice actually, so please use the second...


                      • Sent!

                        I am shocked , I thought for sure that both the Ram and Kassiopeia would S this turn and possibly all three of us would collide (which is why I changed lanes), I am amazed that only Kassi used the S and that none of us hit each other given our speeds and positions last turn.

                        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                        • And people say there's no skill involved

                          Sent and going airborne. Thank god I only hit one sandbag getting to the jump.
                          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • Oh boy, this is getting tricky. What if I end my turn landing on the receiving ramp? No penalty I hope?
                            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                            • The ramp (both sides) is just like a normal part of the track. you may turn on a ramp if you need to.

                              You'll more than likely end on the receiving ramp, but you can go over it as well and land on the track.

                              The penalty happens when you end your turn on the dots.
                              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                              • Sent.

