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FG: NASCAR VIII: NFS Underground II Edition

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  • #76
    Turn 7: "Will there be a turn where Kassi does not hit a sand bag?"

    Not this one, as Kassi is still holding onto the lead and sitting on top of a sand bag. The racers are now more tightly packed but still in the same orders as we approach the first 180 turn.

    OMG you guys are sooooo close to the oil slick that it is starting to scare me. I probably will not be able to sleep tonight.

    I have provisional orders for Sparrow since he'll be gone. I might have to try to help him a bit since he is out.

          |*********|        /----\                  /------\
          |*********|       /******\                /********\
          |*********|      /********\              /**********\
          |*********|     /***ooo****\            /***oooooo***\
          |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
          |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
           \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o****|      |***|
            \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
             \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
              \**********/    /o**/      |******\  \o***|    |...|
         /-------------------/o**/       |***o***\ |o***/    |...|
        /***********36*4***5****/        |***|***| /o**/     |^^^|
       |**************2**ooo***/         |***|***|/***/      /***|
       |***oo*****************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
           Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |***|***|***|       /***/***/
                          /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/***/
                         |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/
          --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/***/
          F******************|***o***|***o***|   \***\------/***/
          F*****************/|******/|******/     \************/
          F****************/  \****/  \****/       \**********/
          ----------------/    \--/    \--/         \--------/

    NASCAR 8
    Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
    2 Rah 8 4 W A(M)R(M4)RL
    3 Kassiopeia 5 4 W ARL(4M)
    4 Jonny 7 3 W A(m1)R(m5)
    5 Sparrowhawk 7 4 W AR(M2)R(M3)
    6 gjramsey 6 4 W ALR(M4)
    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


    • #77
      Okay, this is bordering on sadistic. Sent.
      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • #78
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #79
          orders are in


          • #80


            • #81
              El bumpo...


              • #82
                We're still short one Sparrow, I'm afraid.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • #83
                  He gave me enough direction to do the turn, busy this morning (not at work) running errands and such. Now if I can just post the turn before I start RTW, just kidding. I'll post both NASCAR and NUKE WAR before I start playing (that is saying a lot since I've gotten both KOTOR2 and HL2 for xmas as well).
                  We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                  • #84
                    I think Spaced understood my direction fine from teh last PM I sent, but just in case:


                    Sparrowhawk from the road
                    "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                    • #85
                      Turn 8:"Unit 14, we have a multicar pile-up on turn 4."

                      Wow, this was a biggie. Ramsey is sitting on top of a sand bag. Both he and Kassi collided this turn. Ramsey won the toss.

                      Rah found the first oil slick. The toss gave him a left and he went into the wall. The angle was good so he only got a -2 penalty, and some good driving sent him to the spot where kassi is now. However, that is where Jonny ended up as well. Rah won the flip this time.

                      Sorry but that is the only way I could figure to do it. I had a thought about crashes that we should use a special symbol like %$#& etc to represent two or more cars on the same spot instead of randomly penalizing someone. The 50% reduction in speed would still happen, but you would not randomly lose a space.

                      In a related story, Sparrow hits a sandbag that was already uncovered by Kassi last turn, and Kassi countinues his streak of finding a sandbag on every turn.
                            |*********|        /----\                  /------\
                            |*********|       /******\                /********\
                            |*********|      /********\              /**********\
                            |*********|     /***ooo****\            /***oooooo***\
                            |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
                            |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
                             \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o****|      |***|
                              \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
                               \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
                                \**********/    /o**/      |******\  \o***|    |...|
                           /-------------------/o**/       |***o***\ |o***/    |...|
                          /***********5***********/        |***|***| /o**/     |^^^|
                         |******6324***s***ooo***/         |***|***|/***/      /***|
                         |***oo*****************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
                             Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |***|***|***|       /***/***/
                                            /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/***/
                                           |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/
                            --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/***/
                            F******************|***o***|***o***|   \***\------/***/
                            F*****************/|******/|******/     \************/
                            F****************/  \****/  \****/       \**********/
                      NASCAR 8
                      Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                      2 Rah 4 4 W a(m5)RLML
                      3 Kassiopeia 3 4 W ALR(4M)
                      4 Jonny 4 3 W A(m2)LR(m4)
                      5 Sparrowhawk 7 4 W A(M8)
                      6 gjramsey 3 4 W ASLR(M6)B
                      We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                      • #86
                        How, pray tell, are we going to survive the two jumps!

                        Sent. Twice.
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • #87
                          Why would I put easy jumps out there? What fun would that be? The last two games with jumps were too easy. These will not be....evil....Muwhahahaha. :0
                          We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                          • #88
                            Well, that solves one concern I had on the upcoming turns

                            sent, and rear deflected shields activated


                            • #89
                              Reminds me of a Finnish metaphor - "walking in line like the pigs of a poor house".
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • #90

