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FG: NASCAR VIII: NFS Underground II Edition
Turn 3: "We don't need no stinkin' crashes!"
Really, no one crashed on this turn (I was beginning to wonder). Ramsey takes an early lead, but Kassi has a speed advantage on him. Jonny burns his first WC, almost forced to after the two mishaps.
I'm off work until monday, but am sending all the files home with me. If everyone turns in their orders I'll post the turn, else we will resume after the holiday.
Code:|*********| /----\ /------\ |*********| /******\ /********\ |*********| /********\ /**********\ |*********| /***ooo****\ /***oooooo***\ |*********| /***ooooo****| /***oo/---\o***\ |*********| -/*6**/---\****| |***oo/ \o***\ \********o\/o****/ /***/ |o****| |***| \*******ooo5*3*/ /***/ /---\ \o***| |^^^| \*********42*/ /***/ /*****\ \o***\ |...| \**********/ /***/ |******\ \o***| |...| /-------------------/***/ |***o***\ |o***/ |...| /***********************/ |***|***| /o**/ |^^^| |***********************/ |***|***|/***/ /***| |***oo*****************/ |***|***|***| /o***|---\ |**oo-----------------------------------------------/oo***/****\ |***oo*****************>.....>***********>.....>*********/***o**\ \*********************>......>***********>.....>*******/***/***/ \----------------------------------------------------/***/***/ Sand Bag Alley /---\ /---\ |***|***|***| /***/***/ /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/***/ |*******|*******|***|\***\***ooooooo**/***/ |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/ --------------/****|***|***|***|***| \***\********/***/ F******************|***o***|***o***| \***\------/***/ F*****************/|******/|******/ \************/ F****************/ \****/ \****/ \**********/ ----------------/ \--/ \--/ \--------/
Code:NASCAR 8 Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders 2 Rah 5 4 E ARL(M3) 3 Kassiopeia 7 4 NE A(5M)LM 4 Jonny 4 3 E A(A+1)(M4) 5 Sparrowhawk 3 4 NE ALML 6 gjramsey 5 4 NE A(M2)L(M2) We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.
Turn 4: "The second time is a charm."
No crashes this turn either, although some racers swore that they'd be in one. Kassi swoops into the lead and is building quite a speed advantage. Ramsey holds on to second, while Rah slips into third. Bringing up the rear is Sparrow and Jonny who look to be getting ready to have another, ahem, smashing good time.
Those sway bars are great, huh! least that is what you'll think now, just wait until you hit soooo many sandbags before the jumps that you don't make it (Or have to burn those WC). (evil!)
Code:|*********| /----\ /------\ |*********| /******\ /********\ |*********| /**2*6***\ /**********\ |*********| /5**ooo3***\ /***oooooo***\ |*********| /**4ooooo****| /***oo/---\o***\ |*********| -/****/---\****| |***oo/ \o***\ \********o\/o****/ /***/ |o****| |***| \*******ooo****/ /***/ /---\ \o***| |^^^| \************/ /***/ /*****\ \o***\ |...| \**********/ /***/ |******\ \o***| |...| /-------------------/***/ |***o***\ |o***/ |...| /***********************/ |***|***| /o**/ |^^^| |***********************/ |***|***|/***/ /***| |***oo*****************/ |***|***|***| /o***|---\ |**oo-----------------------------------------------/oo***/****\ |***oo*****************>.....>***********>.....>*********/***o**\ \*********************>......>***********>.....>*******/***/***/ \----------------------------------------------------/***/***/ Sand Bag Alley /---\ /---\ |***|***|***| /***/***/ /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/***/ |*******|*******|***|\***\***ooooooo**/***/ |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/ --------------/****|***|***|***|***| \***\********/***/ F******************|***o***|***o***| \***\------/***/ F*****************/|******/|******/ \************/ F****************/ \****/ \****/ \**********/ ----------------/ \--/ \--/ \--------/
Code:NASCAR 8 Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders 2 Rah 6 4 NE AL(m5) 3 Kassiopeia 8 4 SE A(5M)RMR 4 Jonny 5 3 NE A(m1)L(m3) 5 Sparrowhawk 4 4 NE A(M4) 6 gjramsey 6 4 E A(M3)R(M2) We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.