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Society VI: Clouded Visions
Code:Society Cities Tech Army SS Parts Nukes SDI Gold Muxec 7 11 6 0 0 0 1190 Whoha 15 10 16 0 0 0 901 :) Smiley 23 12 21 0 0 0 6352 Spaced Cowboy 30 12 0 0 0 0 2565 Vlad Antlerkov 9 11 78 0 0 0 333 Jonny X X X X X X X Sparrowhawk 24 13 179 0 0 0 4941 Kassiopeia 12 13 61 0 0 0 4112 Last edited by DarkCloud; December 16, 2004, 10:35.-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
DAY 6:The Wonders
1500 AD
As the nuclear age dawns upon this preternaturally old grouping of societies, new advances such as Space Flight are discovered and traded, lending new power to old giants such as the Coven of Hawks and Imperial Finland.
In other news, the Coven of Hawks developed four new wonders, wowing the competition and becoming a major contendor for a Cultural victory as their armies threaten The Empire of the Spaced Dudes- after sabotauging the Emperor's development of armies.
Other empires made the change to republic- Smiley and Kassiopeia for two.
Elector Sparrow meanwhile renamed several of the cities he had captured from Jonny to bring them more in align with the rest of his empire's theme.
#9 Representative Government (39)
#10 Mass Education (94)
#11 Nuclear Fission (254)
#12 Miniaturization (576)
#13 Space Flight (932)
#14 The Laser (1508)
#15 Fusion Power (2440)
Spaced Cowboy (2)
Whoha (1)-
muxec (1)
Smiley (1)
Sparrowhawk (1) - Sabotauge Spaced Cowboy's Army production
Vlad (1) - Sabotauge Kassiopeia's Army Production
Espionage End Game
Whoha (8)--->Smiley (552 gp/704 gp)
muxec (8)--->Spaced Cowboy (552 gp/704 gp)
Smiley (11)--> Spaced Cowboy (1089 gp/1331 gp)
Kassiopeia (10)--> Sparrowhawk (800 gp/2000 gp)
Sparrowhawk (10)--> Kassiopeia (1800 gp/1000 gp)
Vlad Antlerkov (9)---> Smiley (711 gp/891 gp)
Spaced Cowboy (8)---> Smiley (792 gp/968 gp)
Spaced Cowboy (3)---> Muxec (207 gp/264 gp)
City Construction
Whoha (6)--> Nuka-Nukastan (A1),-Nukitopia (A2),-Nukhopolis (A3), -Greater Nuktopolis (B1), -Lesser, Nuktopolis (C1), -Outer Nuktopolis (D1)
muxec (1)--> Helmholtztown (H3)
Sparrowhawk (3)--> Duck (A8), Chicken (A11), Goose (A12)
Spaced Cowboy (20)--> College-Station (I12), Brownsville (J12), Lubbock (K12), Abeline (L12), Plano (L5), Grapevine (K5), Highland Park (J5), Paris (I5), Italy (H5), Denton (G5), Carrollton (G4), Coppell (H1), Klondike (H3), Commerce (H2), Cooper (I1), Grand Pairie (J1), Eagle Pass (K1), Brazoria (L1), Arlington (L2), Irving (L3), Richardson (L4), Baytown (K2), Mesquite (K3), Texas City (K4)
Tech 9 Whoha, muxec
Tech 10 Whoha, Vlad Antelrkov, muxec
Tech 11 Sparrowhawk, Vlad Antlerkov, muxec
Tech 12 Sparrowhawk, Spaced Cowboy
Tech 13 Sparrowhawk
muxec ---> 6 armies
Sparrowhawk---> 114 armies
Vlad Antlerkov--->69 armies
Spaced Cowboy---> 80 armies SABOTAUGED!
Foreign Aid
Tech 11,12,13 Kassiopeia from Sparrowhawk
Tech 12 to Smiley from Spaced Cowboy
Government Changes
Smiley -- Republic
Kassiopeia -- Republic
Wonder Construction
Trans-Siberian Railroad (D8) 352
University of California (D9) 352
KGB (B9) 351
Majestic-12 (C8) 351
Sparrowhawk---Spaced Cowboy
New Tech Costs
#11 Nuclear Fission (51)
#12 Miniaturization (329)
#13 Space Flight (666)
#14 The Laser (1508)
#15 Fusion Power (2440)
The Players
Vlad Antlerkov-
Dictator of the The Empire of Somewhat Moderately Evilness
-The Evil Capital (J9)
-Citadel of Discomfort (J8)
-ChrisTrubyLand (I8)
-Laughs Evilly (H8)
-You Fail It (J10)
-Weapons of Mass Destruction (H7)
-Placeholder 1 (I9)
-Placeholder 2 (J11)
-Placeholder 3 (K10)
Spaced Cowboy
Emperor of The Empire of the Dudes
-Dude Ranch (J3)
-Cowtown (I3)
-Cowpatty (J2)
-Dallas (I2)
-Houston (K2)
-San Antonio (L2)
-Austin (J4)
-Waco (J5)
-Abilene (I4)
-Sweetwater (H4)
-College-Station (I12)
-Brownsville (J12)
-Lubbock (K12)
-Abeline (L12)
-Plano (L5)
-Grapevine (K5)
-Highland Park (J5)
-Paris (I5)
-Italy (H5)
-Denton (G5)
-Carrollton (G4)
-Coppell (H1)
-Klondike (H3)
-Commerce (H2)
-Cooper (I1)
-Grand Pairie (J1)
-Eagle Pass (K1)
-Brazoria (L1)
-Arlington (L2)
-Irving (L3)
-Richardson (L4)
-Baytown (K2)
-Mesquite (K3)
-Texas City (K4)
Dictator of The Most Evil of Empires
-Medial Nukisatan (C2)
-Greater Nukistan (C3)
-Lessser Nukistan (C4)
-Southern Nukistan (D2)
-Deadly Nukistan (D3)
-Nuclear Wastes (B2)
-Nuclear Tower (B3)
-Nuclear Dungeons (B4)
-Nuclear Malaise (D4)
-Nuka-Nukastan (A1)
-Nukitopia (A2)
-Nukhopolis (A3)
-Greater Nuktopolis (B1)
-Lesser Nuktopolis (C1)
-Outer Nuktopolis (D1)
President-Emperor of The United States of Canada
-Montréal (J6)
-New York (K6)
-Vancouver (K7)
-San Francisco (L7)
-Denver (K8)
-Juneau (L8)
-Pittsburgh (K9)
-Santa Fe (L9)
-Miami (K10)
-Tampa Bay (L10)
-Boston (K11)
-Los Angeles (L11)
-San Diego (L6)
-Sacramento (A6)
-Chicago (A7)
-Las Vegas (A5)
-Salt Lake City (A4)
-Seattle (J7)
-Philadelphia (I6)
-Portland (H6)
-Cincinnati (G6)
-Cleveland (F6)
Emperor-For-Life of The Empire of Enlightenment
Elector Sparrow of the Republic (Coven) of Hawks
-Falcon (C9)
-Vulture (D9)
-Raven (B9)
-Eagle (A9)
-Cardinal (E9)
-Seagull (A10)
-Wren (E8)
-Swan (B8)
-Crow (B7)
-Osprey (B6)
-Pelican (B5)
-Pigeon (E7)
-Partridge (E6)
-Bluejay (D6)
-Swallow (D5)
-Peacock [Siddhartha] (C6)
-Roadrunner [Gotama] (C5)
-Flamingo [Schopenhauer] (C7)
-Blackbird [Buddah] (D7)
-Mockingbird [Lao-Tzu] (C8)
-Grouse [Nietzsche] (D8)
-Duck (A8)
-Chicken (A11)
-Goose (A12)
Spiritual Leader of The Not So Bad Empire
-Grand Citadel (F2)
-The Maddening (F1)
-Far Maddening (F3)
-muxeciopolis (G1)
-muxecitopia (G2)
-muxeciovania (G3)
-Helmholtztown (H3)
Overlord Elector of Imperial Finland
-Helinski (F10)
-Suomithreadii (G10)
-Mänttä (G9)
-Nurmijärvi (G11)
-Tampere (H10)
-Kalevala (H11)
-"Vilppula" (H9)
-"Oulu" (I11)
-"Turku" (I10)
-"Porvoo" (G8)
-"Viipuri" (I9)
-"Sortavala" (F9)Last edited by DarkCloud; December 16, 2004, 10:34.-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
Possible Errors
Sparrows trade income?
Smiley and Kassiopeia's Final income... becaues I'm not sure the program did the halving correctly and I had to do it manually myself... wasting about 10 minutes doing so.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
My gold cannot possibly be correct. want a piece of me?(Since no one else seems worried about that
). I really didn't expect to complete 4 wonders this turn
I am neither interested in a Wonder Victory nor a war with the Spaced Dudes, however I must play the hand I am dealt, and if that means attacking you, then so be it.
Two questions for Darkcloud or anyone that cares to offer an opinion......
1) Can you use your spies in the same turn as a revolution (or do you even get a spy in a revolution turn)?
2) Can you provide Foreign Aid in more then one area? (Either two things to different societies....DrSpike gifts 100 Armies to Jamski and Technology #12 to Joncha, the same thing to two societies.....DrSpike gifts Technology #12 to Joncha and Jamski, or two things to the same Society....DrSpike gifts Jamski 100 Armies and Tech #12) The way I read the rules the 1st and 2nd are not allowed, the 3rd is.......but I am not sure i am reading it right
/me"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
I fixed that- not quite sure why it was wrong.
I'll leave you some leeway and assume that you didn't use that spy.
Your foreign trade with Kass- I'll recalculate.
Other than Sparrow and Smiley, everyone should be all right now.
As for your other questions-
1.) I think you should get a spy in the same turn as the revolution and that'll be house rules now. Though in future games, it might be a good idea to forbid them because of overpowering.
2.) I want to limit it in just one area BUT there is no law against sending both gold and tech...
as it is now you can only give foreign aid to one soceity at a time though.
What I think this game should run at least this TIME as is to forbid giving two different types of aid as that could be potentially unbalancing.
Therefor you could give unlimited armies or tech, but not both together.-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
sentVisit First Cultural Industries
There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd