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FG: Vampire! The Black Forest

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  • FG: Vampire! The Black Forest

    The Dornier dived toward the ground at high speed. Inside the small commercial flight high-pitched desperate screams filled Snowflake’s ears. She tried to maintain stable by grabbing at a seat back beside her but was knocked down by another heavy body. She tumbled down uncontrollably, until her head was bumped at a hard board heavily, and she lost consciousness.

    The next time when she opened her eyes the first idea that went into her mind was that the plane had stopped dropping. Great relief filled her body. Her eyesight focused on the face hanging above her. It was the well-known DrSpike. “You are ok.” He said assuredly, putting something on her right temple.

    Not too far away, Snowflake could overhear heated quarrels. “Great! Now we are trapped in the middle of nowhere.” It was the sarcastic comment of that logging industry executive, Mr. Smilie. The pilot Theben was quick to fight back. “You should have listened when I said ‘turn off all electronics’.”

    “Didn’t you say ‘turn on’?” Snapped Bishop Heresson, with the self-righteous attitude of “I’m infallible”.

    “What?” Interjected Nikolai, the angry scientist. “That pitiful excuse is of no use, I saw you used that iPod right after take-off.”

    “What were you doing in the cockpit, mister?” Theben replied accusingly. “Was it you who yelled ‘drop that!’ which made me startled and lost control?”

    “Of course it wasn’t me! I was there a good two hours ago!” The argument became inaudible again with everybody talking angrily at once.

    “Stop that! People! You should be glad that you are still alive! Theben didn’t abandon us and he managed to stable the plane and force landed it. What more do you want?” DrSpike shouted, trying to speak for the pilot. He was feeling a little guilty over the fact that he was happily posting at Poly one second before the crash. The bitching back and force that lasted for hours finally receded, with people reflecting how lucky they were, coming out of the crash of a plane almost unharmed.

    “What do we want? Get out of here is what we want.” Grumbled the cook Hercules, who was sure that he had just missed his trophy at the fifth world cuisine competition. He tried again to pull the handle of the emergency door, only to be stopped by the pilot. “Don’t be silly! It is dark outside. You don’t even know where we have landed. We need to wait until the morning.”

    “We should at least try to contact somebody with the communication system in the plane.” Suggested Whoha. “We should, shouldn’t we?” Replied Theben. “Only if somebody could make it work. Can you?” Theben looked at Whoha curiously. “What is your profession any way?”

    “Erm, I can’t really …” Whoha mumbled, backing off to his own corner. The night was a little cold, but everybody was tired after the scare of a life time. Eventually the whole plane fell into the dream land. “It wouldn’t be dead if it was a Mac …” Said FlameFlash in his dream.

    A drop of sunlight shinned on the eyelids of Mr. Tacticus. He opened his eyes. What happened last night started to sink back in. A happy squeal escaped his lips when he looked out of the window. “The ground!” It was the ground, some ten meters down from them. The plane appeared to be landed on top of a massive amount of pine trees. Green needle-shaped leaves surrounded the plane. The people became excited, discussing ways to escape to the ground.

    “What’s wrong with you?” Mr. vovan (you’re in right?) noticed that self-biased didn’t look right somehow. Was that typical of an occultist to sit there all day without moving? “And what a strange name.” He thought. The eyes of self-biased stared ahead, as if he saw something terrible. Following self-biased’s line of sight, Vovan looked over. His face turned pale. It was Snowflake, lying there unmoved. She was apparently dead.

    DrSpike was very confused after examining Snowflake’s body. “She couldn’t have died of her minor concussion last night.” He turned her head to the side, revealing two red teeth marks on her neck. “This could only suggest one thing …” The people looked at each other as DrSpike’s voice trailed off. Now who was the guy that told them the legend of Vampires in the Black Forest on their little ill fated air trip?
    Last edited by Snowflake; November 17, 2004, 04:56.
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden

  • #2
    The rules:

    1. With the exception that in the first night the head vampire produces one dead (the GM) and one vampire, each vampire will have one victim each night, with the head vampire's victim becoming vampires and the other victims dead. (In other words it is more important to find the head vampire, so that the producing of new vampires would be stopped).

    2. People choose how many and who should be excuted the next day. The number of people who are determined to be vampires can be more than one, and will be decided by half of the votes. Say over half people voted to excute over 3 people, then 3 people will be excuted.

    3. A vampire cannot kill his victim or make him a new vampire if the intended victim is staying with another person. The person who decided to stay with somebody else must PM the GM of such intention. If there are two people who wants to stay with the same person, the person who arrived late will be denied. If the person who is going to be visited happen to choose to visit other people, then the visitor will also be denied. If a person decides to visit somebody who is an unidentified vampire, the vampire will be notified and he can then choose whether he will or will not kill the visitor. If the vampire find the same couple of people on a second night he will be able to kill his victim.

    4. A head vampire would die if he couldn't drink blood for 3 nights. A regular vampire would die if he couldn't drink blood for one night.

    5. More rules will be added if and when needed.

    The head vampire is randomly selected. You can now move as desired.
    Last edited by Snowflake; November 18, 2004, 14:39.
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden


    • #3
      I suggest the first thing we do is get us all down to the ground safely and that includes lowering Snowflake down as well.

      But we also need to be able to return to the plane for supplies and materials.

      At least we have water cannisters and some inflight catering meals. Plus my special condiments and spices and gourmet items in the hold.

      Fruits and berries for breakfast anyone?
      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


      • #4
        Looking out of the window, Nikolai smiles tired towards the bleak sun behind the trees.
        "Beautiful!" he whispers to himself.
        "Nice, isn't it?" a voice suddenly says right behind him.
        Half jumping, Nikolai turns around, facing Hercules.
        "Woah! You scared me!"
        The cook laughts, pointing towards a basket filled with fruit and berries.
        "You want some?"
        Nikolai nods.
        "I'd love to! But afterwards we have to get down on the ground with all we need and take whatever we can with us. We must get out of this forest!"
        He shrugs.
        "And....poor Snowflake have to be buried soon I guess... Poor thing."
        He looks up, sounding a bit scared.
        "And this....vampire thing. We need to find out who it is! It can be anybody!"
        Suddenly Nikolai gets a dark look in his eyes.
        "It might even be you..."
        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
        Also active on WePlayCiv.


        • #5
          Vovan shook his head. "Quite a sad loss that". He thought. "Though one cannot expect a crash landing in the middle of a forest to go without hurting anyone. Although this whole 'vampire' thing seems quite preposterous. Vampires! In our day and age. Ha." Vovan already half-opened his mouth as he was turning around to tell the occultist that vampires must be his line of work, but as he observed the seat, his mouth shut and an eyebrow climbed up. The seat was empty. "Hrmph, how did he sneak out. I didn't hear or feel any motion... Oh well."

          Vovan then decided to get out of the plane. He walked up to the exit door, and pulled the lever. It seemed to be stuck. "Oh great" he thought, "Just what we need. Being stuck inside an airplane with a dead body and a killer." In frustration he kicked the door, in the process hurting his foot. The door, however budged a little bit, giving Vovan a chance. He stood back and then hit the door with his shoulder. The door flew open, and Vovan, unable to contain his momentum, stumbled over the threshold and fell out of the plane onto the grass. Vovan's body didn't like the fall one bit and was aching all over. Over his own groans, he heard laughter. Looking up at the plane, he saw Smiley laughing histerically.

          -- Look at that, two crash landings in matter of hours! Bahahaha! - said Smiley into the plane pointing at Vovan.
          -- Go to hell. - Responded Vovan, catching a disapproving glance from the Bishop through an illuminator window of the plane.
          Last edited by vovan; November 17, 2004, 13:38.
          XBox Live: VovanSim
 (login required)
          Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
          Spore page


          • #6
            On Hearing Vovans whining I tried to cheer him up "Come on Vovan, it isn't that bad, for all we know this forest could be filled with blood sucking vampire bats and not actual vampires." An important distinction for me, since our party seems ill equiped to deal with any undead menace.

            Glancing at what is immediately Visible of the forest "I Propose that 3 of us, myself, TheBen, and Doctor Spike go off and survey our surroundings to get a better bearing on where we are."


            • #7
              "Glad I'm here. Without a docent Christian burial, her soul might never rest in peace....
              I sense, however, she is not the only sould not yet admitted into Heaven here...
              I sense the Evil.
              Am I ready? After all these years... to fight against it again?"
              "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
              I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
              Middle East!


              • #8
                'Aye 'tis a sad loss. Now she wont get chance to sample the gateaux', DrSpike joked, tastelessly.

                There was uneasy laughter. One person, however, smiled a satisfactory smile...........


                • #9
                  self biased sighed, and turned away from the scene; his suspicions had been confirmed. he wore black, of course, but dressed in more a survivalist style, the only exception was the simple silver pendant he wore. he reached into one of innumerable pockets and tied his hair in a ponytail, scanning the surrounding forest from his window. he nodded, taking note of the surrounding area.

                  "is there any way to get our bags? i'll be needing a few things. especially with miss snowflake in her current condition, we've got until sunset to act."

                  self biased gave a bemused laugh to himself. he was going to map ley lines in oregon, and had luckily packed a field kit. while he was on good terms with the werewolves in the area where he was headed, one vampire in particular had a beef with him. this had to have been his doing. he got up, and gingerly went to find a way into the cargo area.
                  I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                  [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


                  • #10
                    "These are some nice pine trees here," remarked Smiley, "If we ever get out of here, I'll be sure to return for them. If a tree falls in the forest and no environmentalists are there to hear it, did it happen? Yes, that's probably all it is, some crazy hippies hugging trees. Then again, I remember seeing some hippies into that pagan supernatural stuff before, who knows, maybe they're more than just high."
                    Visit First Cultural Industries
                    There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                    Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


                    • #11
                      /me sighed.

                      It's always a shame when a body dies, but even more tragic when it happens to such a lovely young woman. She had a promising life in front of her, now cruelly stripped away.
                      Of course he agreed with Vovan. The idea of vampires had no place in modern times. He couldn't think of any equipment on the plane that could do that kind of damage to a person, or amongst the equipment of the passengers. And Snowflake did look very pale, suggesting she had lost a lot of blood. Probably suffered an unseen wound in the crash. He tried not to blame himself.

                      Not that it concerned him much at the time, since he was trying to fix the radio in the cockpit and call for help. Without much success. He was also concerned that people could still be injured from a fall from this height, and the plane wasn't saying in the treetops forever. They would have to climb down to the shaded forest grounds below.
                      I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                      I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                      • #12
                        "yes, mister smiley, but also some decent ash and alder as well. it's a good thing, too. we'll need it." self biased piped up from the back. "and i'll ignore that other comment, because it'll be this treehugging pagan that saves your life.
                        I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
                        [Brandon Roderick? You mean Brock's Toadie?][Hanged from Yggdrasil]


                        • #13
                          DrSpike was a little offended by the pilot's suspicions of his judgement. "I am a doctor, Mr. Theben. You would think I'd be the last one to believe in those noncenses wouldn't you? If only there could be other explanations ..."

                          "It's the blood," self biased came in abruptedly. "Have you all forgotten about the tales of the vampires in the Paradise Island? I've heard that the descendent of that vampire family may or may not be a vampire, and for some it could be latent, dormanting until awaken by something, the smell of the blood in this case perhaps ..." self biased reflected on the wound on Snowflake's right temple.

                          "But we were all inside the plane last night, and the doors were not opened! Does that mean that if there IS a vampire, he would be one of ..." Vovan bit his tongue, shocked by the revelation that was just made by himself.

                          "It was evil, evil ..." Muttered Bishop Heresson.

                          [Edit] Spelling.
                          Last edited by Snowflake; November 18, 2004, 17:34.
                          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                          Grapefruit Garden


                          • #14
                            "So, Nikolai said, looking grim, wh...what do we do with this?"
                            He looked on something seemingly far, far away.
                            "I mean, we can't just go on with a vampire present in the group, can we?"
                            He sighed heavily.
                            "Should we....try to take action? Then we'd need to do that fast, before this goes too far, preferably before next night, right?"
                            He abruptly fell silent, his eyes focusing on something not present. A small tear slowly rolled down his cheek, disappearing somewhere in the dark.
                            Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                            I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                            Also active on WePlayCiv.


                            • #15
                              OOC: I am wondering about a thing with the rules: If a person decides to stay with a vampire during night, and that vampire decides to kill him, is the above rules still in action?
                              Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                              I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                              Also active on WePlayCiv.

