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Reflections on completing Planescape:Torment

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  • Reflections on completing Planescape:Torment

    Im not sure what to make of it really.

    It was definitely a well crafted piece of interactive fiction, even if (as i say elsewhere) the ending feels a little weak, despite all the cutscenes, etc.

    I feel handicapped in discussing it, as I havent really played much interactive fiction - this, BG, a little Myst, and a couple of text adventures. Its hard for me to say how this compares as interactive fiction, which matters since that is what PST is trying to be, apparently.

    A few things first. Its definitely to dark for my tastes. Im willing to struggle with the meaning of death, but not in the context of a game. Ambitious, and im sure it works for many, but not the right topic and mood for me to test interactive fiction(hereafter "IF"), and so im not sure i can judge it fairly.

    Also i have trouble judging because i havent played many adventures. That would seem the alternative form of PC game as IF. So its hard for me to seperate out my general reaction to IF vs what is added by an RPG, by having levels and XP's. I suppose as these things go that was justified in the story about as well as it could be.

    The dialogs were interesting, much to explore, many central to moving the plot along, well crafted, made you think in places. OTOH problems with the interface, and having the same conversation again when you went back to an NPC stretched versimiliturde. OTOH the curtness of a character on second encounter was frustrating from a gameplay viewpoint. A fundamental problem of IF?

    Some interesting plot driven change to the world - curst/carceri. OTOH Sigil still stays essentially the same. Which may make sense plotwise, but sometimes also stretchs versimilitude - and where do those continually respawning thugs come from? Dont they ever figure out I can beat them?

    A bit too much of Sigil, and too little of the Planes. For my taste, anyway.

    Not convinced RPGs are the genre for me, though ive now gotten quite a lot of gameplay out of them, and have given them a fair chance i think (well at least the DnD ones - - Theres still BG2, i know, jam, i know )
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

  • #2
    Did you not know it was dark when you picked it up?

    (Btw, that was my favorite part of the game... exploring what death actually is).

    I'd like more of those interactive fiction games (or, better called adventure/RPGs). Torment was one of my favorite games ever.
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #3
      Try Arcanum next.
      Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

      Do It Ourselves


      • #4
        well at least you've had some fun playing those games. I hope you had some fun. I would hope you aren't playing a game you aren't enjoying

        PS:T is considered a harcore rpg. Many RPG's are more about combat. Neverwinter Nights is an example of this (but you can still roleplay if you desire). It may be worth checking out the fallout games (avoid Tactics- that's not a RPG, but a squad based tactical game). But they aren't for everyone. They tend to be of a more adult nature. And deal with a harsh future world. I would say to play BG2, but if you really didn't get into BG1, then 2 probably won't do much more for you. The big advantage of 2 over 1 is the characters that can join your party are more fleshed out and have more personality. Better NPC interaction in general. And I like the cut scenes with Irenicus.


        • #5
          I wouldn't say that Planescape: Torment is a hardcore RPG... but it's sure as heck not Interactive Fiction. Go to the site that must never be mentioned if you want to play some Interactive Fiction (it's all freeware by now). I can understand your dislike of the setting though, I hate post-apocolyptic settings.

          Anyway, the fairest statement would be that Torment is like Baldur's Gate with good text and less combat.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
            Did you not know it was dark when you picked it up?

            I kinda got the hint from the title - I didnt expect it to be QUITE that dark.

            Not that i was DISAPPOINTED mind you. It was a definitely interesting to play, and im glad i did. And well worth the money (i DID pick it up used for $5 or so) this was more in the lines of a review, NOT a whine.
            "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dissident
              well at least you've had some fun playing those games. I hope you had some fun. I would hope you aren't playing a game you aren't enjoying
              oh yeah, i enjoyed them. Id say i enjoyed BG1 a tad more than PST, despite PST going in the direction (more story, less violence) I asked for. Im trying to explore exactly why that is.
              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


              • #8
                I kinda got the hint from the title - I didnt expect it to be QUITE that dark.

                You should have asked Poly what to expect . Though I guess we may have been so excited we would have spoiled some of it .
                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                  I kinda got the hint from the title - I didnt expect it to be QUITE that dark.

                  You should have asked Poly what to expect . Though I guess we may have been so excited we would have spoiled some of it .
                  I did ask poly, and they told me it was a great game, and that it was more story oriented (which is what I was looking for) and you know what - they were right, and i bought and played a great game. I dont "regret" my choice. Though i wouldnt be interested in a PST2. Would I have been angry had i paid $50? I dont think so. I certainly got 50 hours or more of gameplay out of PST, and that meets the hour per dollar rule. And i think i learned a fair amount about what an RPG is capable of. OTOH IF i had been looking on spending $50, i might have researched more than just chatting on poly.

                  Again, my point in these reflections is not "i got gypped" or anything like that - its IF this is the ultimate in RPGs as stories, and Im not so floored with this game as to want to replay it, or find another just like it, whats going on - does it mean that im just not interested in story oriented RPG's, or that its something particular to this game. And I think it has largely to do with setting and mood (not to mention general ew yuck factor)
                  "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                  • #10
                    does it mean that im just not interested in story oriented RPG's, or that its something particular to this game

                    Ah... well PS:T is a VERY 'book-like' game, in that there is a Hell of a lot of dialogue compared to other RPGs I've played. I actually prefer that style, myself. But it is rare... most RPGs have more action and less dialog.

                    not to mention general ew yuck factor

                    You wuss . Well don't play Doom3 then .
                    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                    • #11
                      Torment is the best RPG ever.
                      In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar
                        but if you really didn't get into BG1, then 2 probably won't do much more for you.

                        BG1 did nothing for me.
                        BG2 was great.
                        I actually played BG2 before 1. And BG2 is a superior game without a doubt. The well better NPC reactions is the main reason for this imho.

                        But BG1 does have it's high points. I love all the outdoor travels. Some of the landscapes look pretty . I find that more interesting than poking around the large city in BG2 (but the city does have its high points)


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            There's still BG2, the crown of RPGs...

                            Yeah, PST is GREAT, but not many people will play it twice. I mean...

                            The aim of the game is basically to end your own life, and be damned to hell

                   its pretty dark. I admit to being left emotionally sandblasted by the whole Pillar of Skulls through to the end of the Fortress of Regrets.

                            /me shudders*

                            I play the music and think of Deionarra.

                            /me tingles*

                            1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                            That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                            Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                            Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                            • #15
                              I love dark. I wish it was darker

