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FG: Nascar VII - The Race Thread

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  • sent
    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


    • 6MR


      • I think there should be a yellow flag and a restart because of the precarious position that Gamecube has parked his car It looks to be balanced at the edge of the bridge .

        /me trying to find any way possible to catch Rah and Kassiopeia
        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


        • sent. sand goggles again
          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Turn 24: So much sand, it's like a beach!

               S -******-
               t  ******                                    ***********|***
               a  ******                                   ************|***
               r  ******                                  *************|***
               t  ******                                 **************|***
                   *****                                 ***           F
                    ****                                 ***           i
                    ****                                 ***           n
                 **|****|*****                            **           i
                ***|****|******                           **           s
               **   ****      *******                     ^^                       
              **    ****       *********         (sand         traps!)          *******
             **     ****              ***ooo*********oo*******ooo**o*************     **      ****
             **    ** **                *********ooo*****ooo**********o***ooo         |*|  ****  ***
             **   **  **                     ***ooo*****      *******oo***************|*|***       **
              *****   **                     **           ^^                          |*|           *
               ***    **                    **            **                           **           *
                      **                   **             **                            **          *
                      **                ****              **                             **         *
                      **          ***  *                  **                              **       ** 
                       **        **  **                  ***                               **     **
                        **********                     *****                     ****       **   **
                         ********                     **** *                    ******       ** **
                                                     **    *                   ********       ***
                                                    **     *                  ***    ***      **
                                                   **      *                 ***      ***    **
                                                   **      *                 **5      ***4  **
                                                    **   **                   *******|2**|***
                                                   *\**\*                      ******|***|**
                                                  *   **                              ***
                                                 *     **********    (sandtraps!)    3** 
                                                 *      *******************6***********
                                                  *             ***************oo***** 
            Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
            1 rah 2 2 W A(M4)
            2 Spaced Cowboy 4 1 S ARM(R+1)M
            3 Sparrowhawk 3 1 SW ARM(R+1)M
            4 Gamecube64 - - - -
            5 Ljube-ljcvetko 7 3 NW (6M)R
            6 Kassiopeia 3 3 W ARL(2M)
            Note: Cars 1 and 6 are sitting on sandbags.

            Rah is still in the lead, but hit 2 more sandbags this turn. Kassi, who moved into the far lane to avoid the sand, hit 1 more sandbag himself. Sparrowhawk and Spaced Cowboy both burn a WC coming into the sand alley in order to maintain their 3rd and 4th place positions, respectively. Meanwhile, spectators hold their breath as Ljube enters the loop turn at a rather high speed...

            Now accepting turn 25 orders.


            • BR2M(R+1)M(R+2)


              • IN
                We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                • In
                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • I think my speed should be 4 not 3.

                    I will try to send in orders on both contingencies however.


                    Edit: Both orders sent.....and what a difference between the two
                    Last edited by Sparrowhawk; November 16, 2004, 14:38.
                    "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                    • Yes, your speed is 4, Sparrow.

                      All orders in, updating now...


                      • Turn 25: It's a sandy, sandy world

                           S -******-
                           t  ******                                    ***********|***
                           a  ******                                   ************|***
                           r  ******                                  *************|***
                           t  ******                                 **************|***
                               *****                                 ***           F
                                ****                                 ***           i
                                ****                                 ***           n
                             **|****|*****                            **           i
                            ***|****|******                           **           s
                           **   ****      *******                     ^^                       
                          **    ****       *********         (sand         traps!)          *******
                         **     ****              ***ooo*********oo*******ooo**o*************     **      ****
                         **    ** **                *********ooo*****ooo**********o***ooo         |*|  ****  ***
                         **   **  **                     ***ooo*****      *******oo***************|*|***       **
                          *****   **                     **           ^^                          |*|           *
                           ***    **                    **            **                           **           *
                                  **                   **             **                            **          *
                                  **                ****              **                             **         *
                                  **          ***  *                  **                              **       ** 
                                   **        **  **                  ***                               **     **
                                    **********                     *****                     ****       **   **
                                     ********                     **** *                    **5***       ** **
                                                                 **    *                   ********       ***
                                                                **     *                  ***    ***      **
                                                               **      *                 ***      ***    **
                                                               **      *                 ***      ***4  **
                                                                **   **                   *******|***|***
                                                               *\**\*                      ******|***|**
                                                              *   **                              ***
                                                             *     **********    (sandtraps!)    *** 
                                                             *      *******************o******3o2**
                                                              *             *******16******oo***** 
                        Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                        1 rah 1 2 W ARLM
                        2 Spaced Cowboy 4 1 SW MMRM
                        3 Sparrowhawk 3 1 W AMR(M3)
                        4 Gamecube64 - - - -
                        5 Ljube-ljcvetko 6 1 E BR(2M)(R+1)M(R+2)
                        6 Kassiopeia 3 3 W ALR(2M)
                        Note: Cars 1, 3, and 6 are sitting on sandbags.

                        Kassi is only one spot behind Rah now, but they avoided a collision due to a couple of well-placed sandbags. Meanwhile, Sparrow has also entered the sand run, and hit 2 bags himself. Spaced is only two spots behind him, and Ljube is about to cross the bridge across to the sandbag alley.

                        Although the sandbags seem to be everywhere, there is a clear path through them, although you can't be going too fast or it will cost you a bundle of WCs to follow the path.

                        Now accepting turn 26 orders.


                        • Rah, get out of the way!

                          Slipstream - does that mean I could, in theory, use SA now to get +2 speed without expending a WC?
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • Exactly.

                            and btw @sandbags

                            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                            • Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                              Slipstream - does that mean I could, in theory, use SA now to get +2 speed without expending a WC?


                              • Sent.
                                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

