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FG: Nascar VI Race: "Hot Wheels"

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  • FG: Nascar VI Race: "Hot Wheels"

    Rules - pretty much the same from last time, with some minor changes

    The game is turn-based. Each of the two drivers issues two orders for each turn. Possible orders are as follows:

    1. Change speed:
    a. Accelerate - add one to speed
    b. Decelerate - subtract one from speed
    c. Slipstream - If you start a turn directly behind another player (must both be moving in the same direction.) You can call a "S" command at the beginning of your turn, and it will act as a free "A". (this can not be used if your placement was due to a crash)
    d. Don't change speed

    2. Steer:
    a. Left (45 degree direction change)
    b. Right (45 degree direction change)
    c. Left-Right, Right-Left (lane changes)
    d. Don't change direction

    *Each player also can use wildcards during their turn, doubling their change in speed or doubling their turn rate. Multiple wildcards can be used in a single round.
    *Clarification: RRLL, RLRL, or any combinations of 2 rights and 2 lefts is only 1 WC, not 2.
    *Only two wildcards for a direction or speed on any turn.
    accel 2 and right 2 are allowed in the same turn, but accel 3 or right 3 are not allowed.
    NOTE: Accel 3 and right 3 are allowed in this race (VI), in fact you can use as many WC in a turn as you have left.

    * Steering can now be controlled much finer.
    Turning (moving to the left or right) will always move you forward 1 square, but you can now influence when this move takes place.

    A complete order may look like this: (current speed of 4, North)
    This will move the car North twice, once to the right (Northeast), once more to the Northeast and then due East once, and uses up one wildcard. Example:

    In an attempt to keep the race closer, the following penalties have been modified.

    Crashes/off track
    Crashes will mean -3 speed
    and driving off the track 1 square -2 speed
    2 squares -3 speed
    3 squares- reduction to 0
    Doing a Chaunk will get you style points but will probably result in a DQ

    Any seemingly intentional off track - reduction to 0
    And anything really funny will cause a missed turn.

    Oil: Hitting a hidden oil slick will result in change of direction (No oil in VI)
    Sand bags: Hitting a hidden sandbag will be a speed -1 penalty (No Sandbags in VI)
    Jumps: Jumps are designated by V, <, and >. Each jump has a take-off and a landing ramp. If you do not make it over the jump in one turn (land on the landing ramp at least), then you are considered crashed, speed will be reduced, and you'll be placed on the landing ramp for the next turn.

    NEW RULE. IF ORDERS RESULT IN A PLAYER LEAVING THE TRACK, I will post an option for correction before executing the orders. (since the track is sometimes confusing)

    Racers, Speed, direction, WC
    1. rah, 4, S, 12
    2. gjramsey, 4, S, 12
    3. Gamecube64, 4, S, 12
    4. Jonny, 4, S, 12
    5. Duke of York, 4, S, 12
    6. Sparrowhawk, 4, S, 12

    The track....more to be revealed.

     ******       ****> >****
       ****      *****>  >****
         ***    ***         ***            *****
          ***  ***           ***          *******
           ******           ***          ***   ***
            ****           ***           **    ***
                          *****          VV    ***
                          *************>    >******     
        *****            **************>    >*******>    >********     
       *******          ***************> VV >*******>    >*********    
       ***  ***        ***               **                     ****
    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.

  • #2
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3

      This is a disgraceful +1 I'm afraid, as I sent my orders when the sign-up was still open, but I don't want people to think that I haven't sent them in yet.


      • #4
        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


        • #5
          Sent, I think...
          I changed my signature


          • #6


            • #7
              Just waiting on the Ram???
              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Turn 1: "I really meant left."

                  Pretty good start for all involved. We had our first accident between Gamecube64 and Jonny. GC won the toss and got the square. Also made the interpretation that GC meant left in his orders rather than right (since doing that was not useful at all).

                  Experience is playing big for Rah as he clears the pack heading into the first turn.

                   ******       ****> >****
                     ****      *****>  >****
                       ***    ***         ***            *****
                        ***  ***           ***          *******
                         ******           ***          ***   ***
                          ****           ***           **    ***
                                        *****          VV    ***
                                        *************>    >******     
                      *****            **************>    >*******>    >********     
                     *******          ***************> VV >*******>    >*********
                  Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                  1 Rah 6 11 SE A(A+1)MMMMLM
                  2 gjramsey 4 12 S 4M
                  3 Gamecube64 3 12 SE A(4m)R
                  4 Jonny 3 12 S A(m5)
                  5 Duke of York 5 12 S A(5M)
                  6 Sparrowhawk 5 12 S ammmmm
                  We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                  • #10
                    Orders sent. Probably to be amended later on, but for the time being, we're off!


                    • #11
                      (Sparrowhawks goal of game: hoping to avoid the for as long as possible)
                      "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #14
                            Sent mine.
                            I changed my signature


                            • #15

