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Diss's very own Morrowind thread

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  • #91
    Not having the manual with me (or at all), can someone please explain the soul gems and what you do with them?


    • #92
      Not having the manual with me (or at all), can someone please explain the soul gems and what you do with them?

      Cast a soultrap spell on a creature before you kill it, then its soul fills the gem. These can later be used to enchant items.

      And buy the game!
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #93
        I haven't downloaded the game, if that's what you're implying!

        My friend owns it on Xbox, and he sometimes asks for help when I go around to visit him. I'd buy it (Ted - ), but I still haven't finished NWN or BG I or II.


        • #94
          I have finally finished the game. I was hoping for a little more on the ending. But this is the type of game where it's not the ending that matters, it's the journey.

          You can't have everything. You can't have a scripted epic journey, and have such freedom to go wherever you please.

          I still wonder, though, if I can kill Vivec .

          I must say though, it was quite a journey. And that is the big selling point in this game. The main quest had a pretty good plot. Though there wasn't much tension- or urgency needed to complete it. Not much motivation to do so either. In games like Baldur's Gate you wanted to finish the game to answer the mysteries of your existance. Same thing with Planescape: Torment. In this game there is little need to complete the main quest. But it is fun exploring around the huge world they have built. And despite some balance issues, I think the character skill system isn't that bad. Though some skills are more of a pain to raise through practice than others. But perhaps that is realism. You can't expect the road to master jumper to be easy now .

          I may get the expansions. I'm not sure if I'll buy them or borrow them from my brother. Can I install the expansion in the middle of a game? Because I do want to start my thief character.

          While I could choose a thief character wielding a long blade and having high strength, I won't for roleplay purposes. I will use a short sword. Perhaps I will get more challenge this way.

          Because I must say playing a fighter (with some mage skills thrown in) it was very easy. Although being level 46 helped as well . The final battle was pathetically easy. The only thing that can challenge me is when they lower my strength and I become encumbered. Technically I played a fighter/mage. But I found there was little use for mage spells. My long blade slices through all.

          And to answer the 2 hand or 1 hand debate. I'll go with two hand. Killing things faster is just better in this game. I finished the game with the daedric 2 handed Katana thingy.

          Of course I could play on, but I want to play other styles (namely straight thief, and straight mage). Although I may end up drifting back towards a fighter build because they are so powerful. I will try to restrict myself from doing that for more challenge.


          • #95
            P.S. Anybody ever use spear weapons? I was thinking about doing that to boost my endurance (since I'll be wearing light armour- not heavy or medium). Although it doesn't fit with a straight thief roleplay I guess- but who's to say a thief can't use a spear?

            Also how do those critical hits hidden characters work? Can I do it with a spear type weapon? Or does it have to be a short blade? If it has to be a short blade, I'll do that.

            I don't see many spear type weapons, I was just going to do something different. Bows might be interesting too. I tried that when I first got this game. I didn't care for them that much. But I may have a second go round with them.


            • #96
              Spears are very good weapons. Long reach and decent speed. Also, you get an excellant one (Bitter Mercy, dam 15-60) as a reward from a daedra shrine quest.

              A very good use for a dwemer spear is to enchant it with 'cast when strikes - soul trap 50 seconds'. Dwemer spears are light so it's not much extra weight to carry and it's faster to change from a weapon to a weapon than from a spell to a weapon.

              As for bows, ever had a cliffracer hovering overhead and waiting to attack when you aren't watching? With a bow, you can give them some encouragement.
              Last edited by Qilue; September 16, 2004, 20:51.
              There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


              • #97
                Anyone know how to improve the sneak skill through practice? I can't seem to figure it out.

                And I can never seem to get the sneak icon to light up when I'm around people. I currently have the skill at 47. Pickpocketing is no easy task right now.

                And I am going with bows and spears. Something different. Bows for ranged. And spears for melee and sneak attacks. The instructions only states you must be using a melee attack for those critical strikes. So we'll see how they work. Of course I need to figure out how to sneak successfully first...


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Dissident
                  Anyone know how to improve the sneak skill through practice? I can't seem to figure it out.
                  There's two ways. One is through normal usage and the other is an exploit .

                  Normal usage - sneak everywhere and the skill will slowly rise. Caveat, stop sneaking when you want to speak to someone.

                  Exploit - enchant an item with CE invisibility. Put it on and go into any biulding with people. Then tape down the sneak key and go to the movies.
                  There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


                  • #99
                    Normal usage - sneak everywhere and the skill will slowly rise. Caveat, stop sneaking when you want to speak to someone.

                    I think you need to be around people for it to rise, I snuck around the map a bit and it didn't rise at all.

                    I started my character,
                    Every Attribute is at least 40 Endurance is 65 (thanks to the lady) Strength and Personality are a little higher. I decided against Speechcraft since I never used it before. Left out sneak as well. Im hoping to get by on Illusiion.

                    Major: Long Blade, Heavy Armour, Light Armour (I like to fully loot places), Block, Enchant.
                    Minor: Illusion, Conjure, Alter, Alchemy(gives you something to do when exploring), and Mysticism.
                    So basically I'm a Battle Mage.
                    Accidently left my signature in this post.


                    • I may end up giving up on sneak. I did take Illusion as a minor skill. Sneak seems to be too much of a pain. With a skill of 47, you'd think I'd have an easier time successfully sneaking.


                      • Mages are the best anyway. Why bother with anything if you can kill and steal with magic, AND do both more effectively than pure fighters or thieves?
                        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                        • The best characters, in my opinion, are those which meld multiple areas of expertise. A straight stealth character or straight mage or a straight warrior in Morrowind is less advantageous than being a hybrid. I've found stealth/magic and battle/magic hybrids to be more effective than any other combination or straight set, personally.
                          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                          • I have a question, does getting 100% resist magic make you immune to ALL magic attacks, whether its fire ice etc?


                            • I found a use for speechcraft - Taunting. Kind of wish I had chosen Restoration, for cure disease etc. Have to carry potions and scrolls so far.

                              The Magic I've really used so far is alteration and alchemy. BTW alteration seem better then security for opening doors. I've used illusion and mysticism each once. More to use the majic then to actually do something useful It is early in the game though, level 4.
                              Accidently left my signature in this post.


                              • pretty fun game, but I think I'm bored of it now

                                But I finished the game, and it was pretty fun run through.

                                I got kind of bored of my thief character though. Sneaking is just too hard, and I couldn't find anyone in the Balmore mages guild who could sell me any kind of chamelion spell.

                                I did start a new game as a mage though. Straght mage. Almost all of my major/minor skills are mage skills except light armour and blunt weapon. I'm a female Breton.

                                She seems pretty cool. I've read that the Astronach is a good sign to take, but it seems like a pain to me. I may go and restart and take a different sign (unless someone knows a way to change your sign in the middle of a game). Not being able to recharge mana, is difficult. I figured I would use my alchemy to make potions to recharge mana, but I haven't found a set of equipment yet to make potions.

                                Also, if I have 50% magic resistance, and 50 points spell absorption. Won't they interfere with each other? If I resist the magic, then I won't ever get a chance to absorb it.

                                Like I said, I probably won't play as much as I was before, but I'll play occasionally. And I'll see about getting the expansions. Being a werefolf seems cool. Unless it has the drawbacks of being a vampire. Being a vampire doesn't seem cool, so I've never done it in this game.

