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A really weird site I found... its kinda interesting.

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  • A really weird site I found... its kinda interesting.

    I have no idea what site this is, but it seems to talk about game design theory.

    It has bunch of links with words and defines and analyzes them. Some of them are really obvious terms, but some are quite interesting. i figured since we got on the topic of game designs on my last thread anyway, it would be good to post this link. (im sure pg will find the link interesting)

    Anyways the link above talks about player balance. I decided to post that one cause it gives Civ3 as an example of player imbalance.

  • #2


    • #3
      if u click on the link u'll know wat i mean


      • #4
        ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


        • #5
          I did click the link.


          • #6
            timeout city
            We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


            • #7
              other than almost not seeing this thread i'm supposed to find interesting i couldn't get that site to load. you could cut and paste it if you think it's good.
              Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


              • #8


                • #9
                  well it looks like this. Its a text site

                  10. Asymmetrical Abilities


                  Not all players, or characters, in the game have the same set of possible actions, abilities, or information. This means that people had to develop different play styles if competing or take certain roles if cooperating.

                  A typical party in a fantasy RPG is a perfect example: a Magician that is good at spell-casting, a Warrior that is good at fighting, a Thief that is good at stealing, spying and bribing, etc. All these characters have to cooperate to solve a quest and usually have opportunity to show their individual skills in different situations. Another example is the board game Ursuppe where each player controls a species of amoeba and evolves it by buying different sets of genes to it. Typical for RPG:s like Final Fantasy or MMORPG:s like EverQuest. Can also be found within Sport games as Icehockey for NES.


                  Making use of this pattern allows for a more varied game play (3) (thus promoting replayability (1) since the game can be played in different ways with different abilities), is a means to create more complex problems or games, and can promote cooperation.

                  By having different abilities in games with Avatars (6), the characters are easier to perceive as being different individuals which may help in creating a sense of community or strengthen the believability of the social structure in the game world. Further, it can let players feel a greater sense of purpose as characters can have different responsibilities and areas of expertise.

                  USING THE PATTERN

                  The difference in possible actions or abilities may develop during the game.


                  Superior patterns
                  2109 Paper Rock Scissors
                  14 Asymmetrical Goals
                  2025 Team Play
                  3 Varied Game Play

                  23 Privileged Action
                  1006 Red Queen Dilemma
                  2030 Research
                  2031 Character Development

                  Potentially conflicting patterns
                  2009 Symmetrical Goals
                  2010 Symmetry

                  all those numbers are links to other definitions so i cant copy and paste all those vocabularies....


                  • #10
                    another one.... If you REALLY wanna see the site ( i cant access it anymore either.... strange) you can google the number and the vocabulary and take a look at the cached text. Thats how i managed to get these two quotes.

                    1006. Red Queen Dilemma 1006.


                    Based on the concept with the same name used in evolutionary theory, this pattern used the description from Alice in Wonderland by C.S. Lewis (?) to illustrate the need of players to become competitively better in absolute terms in order to maintain their relative competitiveness with other players.

                    Real-time Strategy games – especially those that allow research (Civilization, Stracraft, Warcraft, Dune). Also found in other genres like racing in Supercars 2 (Amiga 500)


                    Requiring development can raise Tension () in a game as players feel forced to improve in case other players do so. However, the red queen dilemma can be the basis for Team Play () if players can agree to not compete with each other in order to be able to focus resources on other activities.

                    USING THE PATTERN

                    What do players compete about? Is their positions public? If the answer to the latter question is yes, the game probably encourages Blockades () against leading players.

                    How do they compete? Are the resources finite or limited? If the resources are finite the competition between players are probably increased as players losing may not have chances to regain that lost later. If resources are limited the Tension () decreases and the choice of development may become focused on what is tactically most advantageous.

                    If there are several different options of how players can become more competitive it is possible that the Complexity () of the game increases as well as the Tension ().


                    Superior patterns
                    10 Asymmetrical Abilities
                    1002 Constant Player Activity
                    2011 Tension
                    2030 Research
                    2031 Character Development


                    Potentially conflicting patterns




                    Revision date: 2003-7-28 13:16:53
                    Revised by: Tobias Rydenhag



                    • #11
                      This is text of the original link i provided.

                      26. Player Balance 26.
                      Game Mastery & Balance


                      Players should have equal chances of winning the game at the begining of the game. Player Balance contains the aspects of "equal opportunity" and "equality" mentioned by Kramer, W in "What Makes a Game Good?" and "What is a Game?" respectively.

                      Most games...


                      Games that have balanced rules so that no player has a significant advantage allow players to prove their skills or luck.

                      USING THE PATTERN

                      The most common way of achieving balance in a game between players is to make it symmetrical in all relevant aspects.

                      Games that randomize the resources in the beginning of the game can give unequal starting conditions. For examples, Sid Meier’s Civilization gives benefits to players or agents with lucky starting points. Although this problem can in games often easily be corrected by players in single-players by restarting it may create strategies of restarting until one has a better than average starting points. Restarting is a possibility in multiplayer games as well but takes more time due to synchronization issues between players. Randomization effects on player balance are partly mitigated by having Team Play () which evens the statistical distribution.


                      Superior patterns
                      2011 Tension
                      27 Perceived Chance to Succeed

                      2039 Balancing Effects
                      2010 Symmetry
                      4 Meta Game
                      2015 Team Balance
                      2109 Paper Rock Scissors

                      Potentially conflicting patterns
                      1010 Power-Ups
                      20 Randomness
                      2017 Overcoming Adversary Closure
                      2022 Strategic Locations
                      2024 Asymmetrical Player Relations
                      2036 Geometric Rewards for Investments
                      2058 Advantage of Memorization
                      2119 Pervasive Games
                      2125 Flip Flop Events
                      2140 Dexterity-Based Actions




                      Revision date: 2004-2-20 13:11:26
                      Revised by: Tobias Rydenhag


                      • #12
                        that's kinda cool actually because they aren't clueless like some of the schools teaching game theory/etc. i do wonder if they have a better understanding than some of the people at this forum though? games are art. fun can't just be simply reduced to academics! you have to learn fun for yourself.
                        Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


                        • #13
                          That is pretty cool stuff. It's the sort of thing that gamers already know (concepts at least, if not terminology), but seeing it put in a more academic format makes you feel like you haven't been wasting your life playing games.
                          John Brown did nothing wrong.


                          • #14

                            Hopefully that link is more practical. I can't find a way to what Zero had though. I'll leave that as an excercise for y'all.
                            John Brown did nothing wrong.

