Originally posted by loinburger
I wouldn't be nearly so disappointed if it hadn't been a mutineer who'd disappeared on us...
I'd actually be content with calling this round an 8-way draw and immediately starting Nuclear War XV with Spaced Cowboy as GM.
I wouldn't be nearly so disappointed if it hadn't been a mutineer who'd disappeared on us...
I'd actually be content with calling this round an 8-way draw and immediately starting Nuclear War XV with Spaced Cowboy as GM.
Skanky Burns - Peppermint, Turkish Delight, Chocolate
General Tacticus - Delta Serpentis, Epsilon Pegasi, Gamma Draconis
DrSpike - Jamski chainsawed to death, Jamski bludgeoned with a hammer, Jamski pwn3d me
Kuciwalker - C:\DOS, C:\DOS Run, Run DOS Run
Whoha - LCN1, LCN2, LCN3
Loinburger - Booger, Booger, Booger
Hercules - Riagra Siagra, Tiagra
Theben - Death to Johnny, I Will Kill Johnny, and Johnny is Radioactive Glow Worm Food
VJ - Spamville D.C.,
Jonny - Omega, Psi, Chi
Sparrowhawk - Sparrow, Hawk, Falcon