Title: The Movies
Genre: Simulation
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Platform: PC, GCN, PS2, and X-Box
ESRB: Rating Pending
Expected release date: Q4 2004
Official site: http://www.themoviesgame.com/
At E3
"The Movies, the latest game from Peter Molyneux's Lionhead Studios, lets you control a Hollywood studio from 1920 all the way to 2010. When you begin your small studio will have to survive by making pictures on the cheap, but eventually you will gain new technology (like color, sound, and those huge lapels everyone wore in the '70s) and be able to make bigger and better films. The amount of player control is unprecedented. You can be hands-on with every aspect of a production, including wardrobe, set design, castings, script-writing and more, or you can maintain a hands-off approach and farms duties out to others. Want to make nothing but cheap westerns and schlocky horror films? You can do that. Want to spend billions on one classy motion picture that will make or brake your studio? You can do that, too. It's not all fun and games, however. If one of your actors becomes a star, he will bring in serious cash - but he might also turn into a raging prima donna that demands a huge trailer, a private jet and catering services for his entire entourage. If you spend millions on an awsome set the audience will be impressed, but if you use it again and again they'll become bored and stop watching your films. You'll gain word-of-mouth for being the first to reach milestones (such as the first onscreen kiss) but you must move with care. If you push the envelope too far, too fast your audience will be turned off. The Movies can be as deep as you want it to be, and it's easily one of our most anticipated titles. Look for it in late 2004 or early 2005."
- Nintendo Power
Sounds good.
Genre: Simulation
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Platform: PC, GCN, PS2, and X-Box
ESRB: Rating Pending
Expected release date: Q4 2004
Official site: http://www.themoviesgame.com/
At E3
"The Movies, the latest game from Peter Molyneux's Lionhead Studios, lets you control a Hollywood studio from 1920 all the way to 2010. When you begin your small studio will have to survive by making pictures on the cheap, but eventually you will gain new technology (like color, sound, and those huge lapels everyone wore in the '70s) and be able to make bigger and better films. The amount of player control is unprecedented. You can be hands-on with every aspect of a production, including wardrobe, set design, castings, script-writing and more, or you can maintain a hands-off approach and farms duties out to others. Want to make nothing but cheap westerns and schlocky horror films? You can do that. Want to spend billions on one classy motion picture that will make or brake your studio? You can do that, too. It's not all fun and games, however. If one of your actors becomes a star, he will bring in serious cash - but he might also turn into a raging prima donna that demands a huge trailer, a private jet and catering services for his entire entourage. If you spend millions on an awsome set the audience will be impressed, but if you use it again and again they'll become bored and stop watching your films. You'll gain word-of-mouth for being the first to reach milestones (such as the first onscreen kiss) but you must move with care. If you push the envelope too far, too fast your audience will be turned off. The Movies can be as deep as you want it to be, and it's easily one of our most anticipated titles. Look for it in late 2004 or early 2005."
- Nintendo Power
Sounds good.