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Who has the source code access contact me

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  • Who has the source code access contact me

    On behalf of my company i kindly request to anyone who have access to the source code of CtP2 to contact me via PM.

    I have read the FAQ and probably would agree with EULA which covers all legal stuff about the game source code.
    Why i interesting into the old source code?

    Currently i developing indie game SOE 2500 , which would have some elements of Civilization type game and i think it is good education to look at already prooven concepts.
    Probably if the source code can be compiled on win7 , i even maybe would be able to do some commits or atleast help with solving some bugs.
    My thanks in advance!

  • #2
    If you are interested in modern ctp2 AE development, you may be interested in this link:


    • #3
      Hi ! Yes i did found them and i did created fork, which is maintained by my company, additionally i plan to get in contact with Microsoft , so that they release the assets of the game under fair use policy allowing them to include into opensource version of the game!


      • #4
        So, your fork is to make a ton of commits changing documentation to claim that the fork is "maintained" by your "company", which by all appearances is a glorified scam, and you add donation links as your most significant contribution. The "company" is one person, you, with a buggy website that poorly imitates 1990s web design in poor English. The Github account shows you don't even understand what a pull request is and the code is like very typical CS student stuff written by somebody with zero industry experience.

        Then you show up here saying something about Microsoft, showing you don't even know who has the rights to the original CtP2 stuff. Embarrassing.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • CEOOrlovskyConsultingGbR
          CEOOrlovskyConsultingGbR commented
          Editing a comment
          Man chill out , first my reason to write here is:
          to let people know that project is a live, meanwhile i found current devs , who developing the game and we stay in contact with them and by the way they are very friendly.

          This is an opensource project, so no we don't claim alone ownership for the code, its not my objective to do that, i sincerely wish to modernize the game and make it runnable on current windows versions!

          [b]My company is not one man[b], we are great bunch of professionals who are very passionate about software development and software quality.
          The company website is very modern , we use latest opensource so you get for what you pay, but web design is not standardized you taste can be different from my taste and that's ok, as long as you have professional opinion with non subjective facts, than i can listen and reason with it , but if you try to attack me personally again, i will not hesitate and will file a law suite in Sweden where you supposedly live!
          Last edited by CEOOrlovskyConsultingGbR; May 10, 2024, 05:58.

      • #5
        lol maybe he got Microsoft mixed up with Microprose.. in which case he'd still be wrong as Microprose didn't make the CTP games either


        • #6
          Microsoft bought Activision, that all known fact, i spoke with devs who develops the upstream version , hopefully my company get the assets and then it will be released on github for anyone , who interested in the opensource version of the game.


          • #7
            Originally posted by Solver View Post
            So, your fork is to make a ton of commits changing documentation to claim that the fork is "maintained" by your "company", which by all appearances is a glorified scam, and you add donation links as your most significant contribution. The "company" is one person, you, with a buggy website that poorly imitates 1990s web design in poor English. The Github account shows you don't even understand what a pull request is and the code is like very typical CS student stuff written by somebody with zero industry experience.

            Then you show up here saying something about Microsoft, showing you don't even know who has the rights to the original CtP2 stuff. Embarrassing.
            Man chill out , first my reason to write here is:
            to let people know that project is a live, meanwhile i found current devs , who developing the game and we stay in contact with them and by the way they are very friendly.

            This is an opensource project, so no we don't claim alone ownership or copyright for the code, its not my objective to do that, i sincerely wish to modernize the game and make it runnable on current windows versions!

            My company is not one man, we are great bunch of professionals who are very passionate about software development and software quality, if you look my company site, you know what i am talking about.

            The company website is very modern , we use latest opensource web technology, so you get for what you pay
            , but web design is not standardized you taste can be different from my taste and that's ok, as long as you have professional opinion with non subjective facts, than i can listen and reason with it .

            If you try to attack me personally again, then i will not hesitate and will file a law suite in Sweden where you supposedly live!​


            • #8
              Oh man, do yourself a favor, get the **** off this site and stop embarrassing yourself. You fork a Git repository, make a few updates putting your name all over it, then a year passes and you make a few more updates just changing text files, moving stuff around and deleting a little bit of platform-specific code you clearly don't understand. You haven't written any actual code to do with CtP2, your only original addition is a hundred lines of very basic Java code, and your github makes it obvious that basic Java is all you know how to do anyway. And of course you're not aware of newer, functional ports of CtP2 that are in a modern environment, run on modern platforms very well, and are made by actual competent programmers.

              Do whatever you want with your toy repos, but if you come here and post badly done amateur stuff telling people it's something new or an actual improvement, I'm just going to delete that because we don't need that crap clogging up the archives. Reminds me of Popov's Bolgenos, about the same level of quality, and just as obvious to any professional that this is Potemkin software.
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

