i'm trying to port CTP2 for AmigaOS4 that is a PPC OS.. i'm doing an huge work to convert all routines that needs endianess conversion..
I've converted almost all functions and now the game starts correctly even if i have some problems..
First of all. The graphics is not displayed correctly. Or better, not always.
For example: the main menu:

seems correct
but the game itself:

shown the problems i'm try to fix. The cursor has wrong colors, and also some items. I'm pretty sure there is a function that is not loading correctly the colors. Or better it needs to convert 15RGB to 16BGRA..
Any help is appreciated..
Andrea Palmatè
i'm trying to port CTP2 for AmigaOS4 that is a PPC OS.. i'm doing an huge work to convert all routines that needs endianess conversion..
I've converted almost all functions and now the game starts correctly even if i have some problems..
First of all. The graphics is not displayed correctly. Or better, not always.
For example: the main menu:

seems correct
but the game itself:

shown the problems i'm try to fix. The cursor has wrong colors, and also some items. I'm pretty sure there is a function that is not loading correctly the colors. Or better it needs to convert 15RGB to 16BGRA..
Any help is appreciated..
Andrea Palmatè