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Apolyton CTP2 Edition: Revision 1097 (07-Jun-2010)

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  • #16
    Thanks for the hard work guys. I just started it up to see if it worked and not crashed and worked so far. It's so weird no to hear any music.

    How can I get the music to play without using winamp or windows media player?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Fugi the Great View Post
      Previous version, you said:
      Fixed: The AI does not build ships in that do not have acceass to an ocean
      but only access to a puddle.

      Could you define a puddle?
      Well, I would have to look it up again, maybe it was ten tiles or so. Definitely, I have seen this problem, too.

      Originally posted by Yolky View Post
      Thanks for the hard work guys. I just started it up to see if it worked and not crashed and worked so far. It's so weird no to hear any music.

      How can I get the music to play without using winamp or windows media player?
      Since I disabled the CD-check the music isn't played automatically, but you should be able to enable it from the music menu.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #18
        My game crashes after I end my turn:

        Version 2010-06-08
        0x007f742b [?ComputeBestGovernment@Governor@@QBEHXZ + 0xab]
        0x00801db7 [?BeginTurn@CtpAi@@SAXH@Z + 0x127]
        0x008011be [?GEVHookCallback@CtpAi_BeginTurnEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME _EVENT_HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEven tArgList@@@Z + 0x1e]
        0x00581297 [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QBE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PA VGameEventArgList@@HAAH@Z + 0x37]
        0x00581c58 [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@HAAH@Z + 0x28]
        0x0057fd7d [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@XZ + 0x2d]
        0x005816d0 [?AddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAA?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@ @W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@ZZ + 0xd0]
        0x00433165 [?dh_endTurn@@YAXPAVDQAction@@PAVSequence@@W4DHEXEC UTE@@@Z + 0x35]
        0x0042b821 [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0xf1]
        0x0040c12b [?Process@CivApp@@QAEHXZ + 0x11b]
        0x00406e74 [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x394]
        0x004068a5 [WinMain@16 + 0x65]
        0x0080fbdc [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
        0x77153677 [__onexitbegin + 0x7677a71f]
        0x77809d42 [__onexitbegin + 0x76e30dea]
        0x77809d15 [__onexitbegin + 0x76e30dbd]


        • #19
          Does internet multiplayer work? My friend and I can access a server but he can't connect to my game.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Martin Gühmann View Post
            Since I disabled the CD-check the music isn't played automatically, but you should be able to enable it from the music menu.

            Great Work Martin, you don't know how much I love this. I greatly appreciate your hard work. Do you work on this alone or are there others?

            I don't have the CD inside the tray, so will the music play without a cd?

            Since the game is on my laptop, I just have one game in, and I don't let my son take anything out since the dvd is pretty flimsy and can get damaged easily. So I will be playing without the CD in. Can you still here the music without a the CD in? If so how? I went to the options and clicked on music and it's on, but I hear no music.

            If I have to I will rip the music to my HD like I did along time ago. I might even still have it, but I think I deleted it since I can't find it now. What was the composer again?

            Anyway not to hard to rip it again. I just use wmp to hear it. I don't know, I just find the music to CtP2 one of the best sound tracks for a game.

            Just a shame that Activision or who ever made this game never got this part to ever work properly.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Yolky View Post
              Great Work Martin, you don't know how much I love this. I greatly appreciate your hard work. Do you work on this alone or are there others?
              More or less alone, and unfortunately my time is limited.

              Originally posted by Yolky View Post
              I don't have the CD inside the tray, so will the music play without a cd?
              The music is on the CD, so you must have the CD inside the tray to play the music.

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • #22
                Well I have all the time in the world now. Too bad I do not know anything about programing. But if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I would love to contribute to CtP2.

                I am willing to learn, so please let me know what I can do to help. If anything let me know where I can learn how to mod this game. I do not know where to start.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Yolky View Post
                  Well I have all the time in the world now. Too bad I do not know anything about programing. But if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I would love to contribute to CtP2.

                  I am willing to learn, so please let me know what I can do to help. If anything let me know where I can learn how to mod this game. I do not know where to start.
                  Somewhere there is a advancelist.txt, check it and you will recognize that it contains many advance lists, one for each AI personality and one extra for each AI personality for island nations. If you look closer on them you will notice that they are all the same. Which is of course nonsense, if you are on an island you want to get faster some ships and if your preferred government is theocracy instead if monarchy you want to get theocracy first.

                  Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Wozer View Post

                    I tried to modify the userprofile.txt for crash logging. But the parameter was just set. So i started the game again and after the crash the log didnt appear either. So i did an upload of the save on my webspace, hoping you can handle it. It's an email game and it's my turn.

                    Do the save also crashes with your game ? Can the bug be fixed ? Do we have to play without cleric special abilities ?
                    It would be nice to know because we want to play the game. And if it cannot be fixed, we would play without the clerics...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Wozer View Post
                      Do the save also crashes with your game ? Can the bug be fixed ? Do we have to play without cleric special abilities ?
                      It would be nice to know because we want to play the game. And if it cannot be fixed, we would play without the clerics...
                      Probably, it can be fixed, if it crashes on my computer, too. Then it is no problem, but for that I need time, which I don't have right now. In the next two weeks I am going to Sweden for a course. And this week, I had to prepare for this.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Wozer View Post
                        And if it cannot be fixed, we would play without the clerics...
                        Looks like your army already plays without the cleric. Maybe it died in the AI turn before, maybe by bombardment. Looks like you just should not give the order across turns, so that you are on the save side.

                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #27
                          GOG edition

                          Originally posted by Martin Gühmann View Post
                          More or less alone, and unfortunately my time is limited.

                          The music is on the CD, so you must have the CD inside the tray to play the music.

                          I'm having the same problem, except I'm using the GOG edition of the game so there is no CD to be had.


                          • #28
                            I am noticing when I build a wonder the videos don't play either. No big deal, I am finding I am starting over and over because I am getting owned so early in the game, I am finally doing ok, I think, well at least for now, and that is what matters.

                            If I want videos, I go on youtube to see the wodner videos. :P

                            I find using Windows media player great. And when I get tired of the music, I play my own, so no loss there at all.

                            I am curious what is GOG edition?


                            • #29
                              The GOG edition is the version available from (


                              • #30
                                Hints and Bugs

                                Research alliances should be terminated without having war.

                                The option city limit on / off should be available in a current game not only in beginning.
                                It is also irritating that for Limit off it is displayd "Citylimit on".

                                If you have researched the next best units an option should be shown , so that all queues are switched automatically, ie the old is replaced with a new unit.

                                Bug Transportheli!
                                With Transport Helis you can stop the AI to conquer your City if it stands before his troops ! Even if he has a 12er troop!

                                Modernization of the old units should be cheaper, beacuse with this high prices it doesnt make sense !

                                Greetz Racker

