Revision 1100: Improved AI foreign strength calculation, and the AI is less easily distracted when it rallies its troops
Removed last references of buttonbank:
deleted trunk/ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/buttonbank.cpp
deleted trunk/ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/buttonbank.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ui/interface/controlpanel.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ui/interface/controlpanelwindow.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gfx/tilesys/tiledmap.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gfx/tilesys/TileHighlight.cpp
Extended the debug report for AIs by default in the debug version:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ctp/civ3_main.cpp
CanSettle returns true always for settlers even the settlers cannot settle this turn, because they used up their movement. This keeps the AI trying to disband the settlers during the turn.
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp
When a save game is loaded, the AIs get assigned their correct strategy:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/ctpai.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/ctpai.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/ctpaidebug.cpp
The AI does not use units for garrison if they are not needed for garrison anymore, this makes the AI better in achieving its goals:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/scheduler/scheduler.cpp
Corrected threat and power calculations for the AI:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/mapanalysis/mapanalysis.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/mapanalysis/mapanalysis.h
Reorganized the land connection boni:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/agents/agent.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/goals/Goal.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Player.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/player.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/goal.cdb
modified trunk/ctp2_code/robot/pathing/CityAstar.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/robot/pathing/CityAstar.h
modified trunk/ctp2_data/default/aidata/Goals.txt
The AI does not hunt enemy units far away, just because one was visible by a spy:
modified trunk/ctp2_data/default/aidata/Goals.txt
When the AI is rallying troops it just selects the army closest to the target as rally point, this way the AI is not distracted from the goal.
When the AI is rallying troops it marks those troops as used that are not moved, this way the AI does not assign those troops to other tasks, so that it is not distracted.
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/goals/Goal.cpp
Removed last references of buttonbank:
deleted trunk/ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/buttonbank.cpp
deleted trunk/ctp2_code/ui/aui_ctp2/buttonbank.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ui/interface/controlpanel.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ui/interface/controlpanelwindow.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gfx/tilesys/tiledmap.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gfx/tilesys/TileHighlight.cpp
Extended the debug report for AIs by default in the debug version:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ctp/civ3_main.cpp
CanSettle returns true always for settlers even the settlers cannot settle this turn, because they used up their movement. This keeps the AI trying to disband the settlers during the turn.
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp
When a save game is loaded, the AIs get assigned their correct strategy:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/ctpai.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/ctpai.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/ctpaidebug.cpp
The AI does not use units for garrison if they are not needed for garrison anymore, this makes the AI better in achieving its goals:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/scheduler/scheduler.cpp
Corrected threat and power calculations for the AI:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/mapanalysis/mapanalysis.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/mapanalysis/mapanalysis.h
Reorganized the land connection boni:
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/agents/agent.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/goals/Goal.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Player.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/player.h
modified trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/goal.cdb
modified trunk/ctp2_code/robot/pathing/CityAstar.cpp
modified trunk/ctp2_code/robot/pathing/CityAstar.h
modified trunk/ctp2_data/default/aidata/Goals.txt
The AI does not hunt enemy units far away, just because one was visible by a spy:
modified trunk/ctp2_data/default/aidata/Goals.txt
When the AI is rallying troops it just selects the army closest to the target as rally point, this way the AI is not distracted from the goal.
When the AI is rallying troops it marks those troops as used that are not moved, this way the AI does not assign those troops to other tasks, so that it is not distracted.
modified trunk/ctp2_code/ai/strategy/goals/Goal.cpp