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PROJECT: Playtest (the 4th Thread)

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  • Originally posted by Fugi the Great
    same game. CTD on turn 248 - recovered from autosave.
    CTD 289 - recovered from autosave. CTD 291 - recovered from autosave, had to put it in cheat mode and remove fog of war to complete pink's turn (what the heck does that do? CTD 292 - could not go any further, kept crashing on light blue's turn, even with fog of war off. Darn, just when it was really starting to look like I had a good chance to really get going. Was in Fascism, converting pikemen to Infantrymen, and later archery to cannon. Was going to finally finish off the Germans. Replacing grassland with praire to increase production and irrigating to increase growth. Would have been able to out produce anyone, and heck with their tech lead, and claw my way to the top. Oh well. It would have been glorious - (must be the Klingon blood in me).
    Crash.txt from 292:
    Sounds like the game was getting good. I'll look at Fromafar's files. If he doesn't fix it, I'll give it a shot and hopefully that fixes the crash and you can continue the game.

    It does make me wonder what one of your 26 player games would be like
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • Fugi,

      Testing some of the crashes you posted and I think the problem is related to a full transport. in one game i did it everytime the transport (can carry 2) was at max load I got the crash but if I only put 1 (again of a max 2) the game continued. Fromafar posted a fix for this but it generated some errors so I'll post a fixed build soon. In the meantime could you try to confirm if thats the source of te crash in your games as well?
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • Not bad, E. You are definitely getting better at debugging .

        The next step is trying to generalise: imagine what will happen with a transport being able to carry more than 2 units.
        Will it still crash with 2 units, or will it crash when the transport is full?

        And finally, of course: why does it crash?


        • 602 is up

          In my signature as usual. The number of players bug has NOT been fixed yet, but it looks like the "countnukes" bug is.
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • 603 IS UP!

            I caught a bug that prevented the player from pillaging. So far the other crash (nukecount) looks fixed I had a permanent crash at a turn 175 w/ 599 (scraped up there by avoiding loading transports) but now it continued and got up to 216. So fugi looks like you can continue those games.
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • Something strange i noticed. When you right-click any terrain it shows terrain under fog of war as having an extra 5 food and 5 commerce compared to under normal vision showing values as it should be. Is there a reason for this?

              Using 603.
              Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
              CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
              One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


              • wow, been quiet around here. I HOPE that means there hasn't been any crashes encountered. Well, I do know there is still that player number bug out there.
                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • Originally posted by E
                  Well, I do know there is still that player number bug out there.
                  Maybe it just disappeared. May happen with such kinds of falures. But of course the underlying defect is still there.

                  Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                  • I did try it with 602 and it still crashed. I guess no one is trying it until we say its fixed.
                    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                    See me at


                    • Still finishing up playtest 597.Have some catching up to do I see.
                      Very hard game to catch up with Malian with 32 cities,5 wonders and researching corporation.Assyriann are on the other side-both Autocratic Militarist so you can see its taken more than 5 minutes for me to make a turn.
                      Egytians have been the only ones I have a peace treaty with also science pack treaty.Been able to trade techs with them.
                      So far have been sending mostly bribes to stay at peace(cold war stance).Civs far away take longer to become hostile. Best tactic is to reduce readiness of military to peace level so as to have more production power.No bugs that cause any CTD. Always check that no background program is running.Clear task bar.
                      The changes are helping as the AI at times will send troops near your border to form a block and have a invasion force ready at all times.Good work.
                      Last edited by Protra3211; July 7, 2006, 00:10.


                      • I guess no one is trying it until we say its fixed.

                        Actually I am a little busy with other unimportant things , but to be honest I am also waiting until you say some major issues have been fixed (like known crashes and the -- possibly SLIC-related -- "turn lag" issue, which has also been reported by some other player/s and which currently makes playtesting a bit too time-consuming for me).
                        The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


                        • hello everyone,

                          I havent got a chance to test 609, ill check it out once I get back home.

                          I was messing around with CTP2, trying to find out how to activate the space layer, is this avaliable, or is there any way to add it to CTP2?


                          • 609 looks very stable. I haven't seen ANY crashes and I played 314 turns of my civ3mod.

                            The one bug that remains is the start bug, where you can't start with more than 11 players. Bummer because this thing is running smooth.

                            Actually I am a little busy with other unimportant things , but to be honest I am also waiting until you say some major issues have been fixed (like known crashes and the -- possibly SLIC-related -- "turn lag" issue, which has also been reported by some other player/s and which currently makes playtesting a bit too time-consuming for me).
                            I haven't seen the turn lag, its been going quite fast on a gigantic 11 player game.

                            As before the other crashes have been fixed..

                            I was messing around with CTP2, trying to find out how to activate the space layer, is this avaliable, or is there any way to add it to CTP2?
                            sadly it looks like the space layer was written over in the code. There was talk about restoring but most of the people that wanted to and had the coding abilities left for civ4.

                            PS old games are compatible with 609 so you can pick up where you left off (Fugi included)
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at


                            • Still playtesting my Civ3mod upto turn 400 and NO Crashes! This is with 609

                              More good news. In my civ3mod I have the sneakattack unit the privateer (from Civ3) that can attack without war being declared. Well the story goes that I got to the point in my game where Barbarian pirate ships are pirating my trade routes like crazy so I've gone from trying to build trade and religion to now defending trade routes. The other AI hasn't gotten into building much of a navy yet (more on that later) so I gifted some privateers to nations I'm at peace with (the only way you can gift).

                              My relations were decent not great (I have an alliance with two other nations). Well these guys attacked me with the privateers! I thought they declared war, they DID NOT. And they did not try and attack with other units. So it appears that the AI knows that it can fight without declaring war and does it!

                              More Good News #3 I've actually started the game with 599 or 603 and have continued playing it so it may account for changes in the AI play (mainly since I've been tweaking personalities and some buildings etc). ANyways now the AI is really starting to expand thanks to the maximum expansion pointed out by Protra!

                              More good news #4 Back to piracy story it apears the mesopotamians have gotten into the piracy business. After many attempts to convince them to give it up, I finally went to war. Cool thing my Roman allies did the same (but they are alone on an island). Two spots the Mesopotamians were pirating so I dispatched a Galleon with some Musket Infantry as a marine force. I took care of them and then decided to crush a mesop port city to limit there interference on the high seas. When I get there, who do I see? My roman allies in a 4 stack pillaging the tiles around it! Another 2 stack of Romans was crushed by the Mesops about 10 tiles east unfortunately. So it looks like AI does handle sea invasion better than I thought!

                              Some questions
                              This may be just my mod but the Ai isn't building much trade caravans and no routes anyone notice that?
                              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                              See me at


                              • UPDATE 619

                                619 is in my signature. I confirmed that the start up crash with player numbers is gone! (I tested it with 20 with 22 max in game)

                                Check out the updated readme and I added a cdb zip so you can see all the new flags too.

                                So far it looks real stable!
                                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                                See me at

