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PROJECT: Playtest (the 4th Thread)

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  • Originally posted by Tamerlin

    By the way, the french manual CtP2 1.11 patch for WinXP found on Apolyton does not unrar adequately, there seems to be a corrupted file. Does someone know a place other than the Apolyton Directory where I can find the manual patch.
    Just FYI, ctp2.exe is the only corrupt file in it so you could download any other language and take the ctp2.exe from that as theyre all the same.
    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
    CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


    • Originally posted by Maquiladora

      Just FYI, ctp2.exe is the only corrupt file in it so you could download any other language and take the ctp2.exe from that as theyre all the same.
      Thanks Maq... I have checked, though I knew the asnwer, this is not really important in my case neither as the October 2005 build replaces the CtP2.exe.
      Last edited by Tamerlin; June 28, 2006, 17:49.
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • 599 still has problem with not being able to go over 11 civs. Please fix problems that are known about before adding even more problems that WILL make it harder to fix later. Not exactly sure when this problem popped up since I skipped a few versions (busy), but the game tweakers/programmers/whatever... might have to backtrack a few versions and find out when it started and "undo" what was done. I know 577 worked just fine, not sure if I actually played a game with 583, Is there anything in between there and 597 that would have been changed?


        CTD turn 196 - recovered okay from autosave, next turn seemed fine.


        0x004cf470 [?GameObj_Get@@YAPBVGAMEOBJ@@PAV1@K@Z + 0x9]
        0x004822b4 [?Get@ObjPool@@QBEPBVGAMEOBJ@@K@Z + 0x24]
        0x00482283 [?GetUnit@UnitPool@@QBEPAVUnitData@@K@Z + 0x13]
        0x00503ad4 [?GetOwner@Unit@@QBEJXZ + 0x18]
        0x00503842 [?GetDBRec@Unit@@QBEPBVUnitRecord@@XZ + 0x11]
        0x00497681 [?CountNuclearUnits@ArmyData@@QBEFXZ + 0xad]
        0x00898156 [?BeginTurn@MapAnalysis@@QAEXXZ + 0x5af]
        0x008ac6cf [?BeginTurn@CtpAi@@SAXJ@Z + 0x17d]
        0x0053ab76 [?GEVHookCallback@BeginTurnEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME_EVENT _HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgLi st@@@Z + 0x8d]
        0x005c2876 [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PA VGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x8e]
        0x005c353a [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x3a]
        0x005c1114 [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@AAH@Z + 0x2f]
        0x005c3398 [?ProcessHead@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_E RR@@XZ + 0x33]
        0x005c333b [?Process@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@ XZ + 0x7b]
        0x005c32b0 [?ArglistAddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVE NT_ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGame EventArgList@@@Z + 0x13d]
        0x005c3165 [?AddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAA?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@ @W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@ZZ + 0xe5]
        0x0043e323 [?dh_endTurn@@YAXPAVDQAction@@PAVSequence@@W4DHEXEC UTE@@@Z + 0x3c]
        0x0043816d [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0xfb]
        0x0043800d [?Process@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x25]
        0x0040ecd9 [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@QAEJKAAK@Z + 0x22c]
        0x0040effa [?Process@CivApp@@QAEJXZ + 0xa7]
        0x00407e01 [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3b6]
        0x00407878 [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
        0x008bb05c [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
        0x77e814c7 [__onexitbegin + 0x772c708f]

        CTD at turn 200-201, game will not proceed further.

        0x004cf470 [?GameObj_Get@@YAPBVGAMEOBJ@@PAV1@K@Z + 0x9]
        0x004822b4 [?Get@ObjPool@@QBEPBVGAMEOBJ@@K@Z + 0x24]
        0x00482283 [?GetUnit@UnitPool@@QBEPAVUnitData@@K@Z + 0x13]
        0x00503ad4 [?GetOwner@Unit@@QBEJXZ + 0x18]
        0x00503842 [?GetDBRec@Unit@@QBEPBVUnitRecord@@XZ + 0x11]
        0x00497681 [?CountNuclearUnits@ArmyData@@QBEFXZ + 0xad]
        0x00898156 [?BeginTurn@MapAnalysis@@QAEXXZ + 0x5af]
        0x008ac6cf [?BeginTurn@CtpAi@@SAXJ@Z + 0x17d]
        0x0053ab76 [?GEVHookCallback@BeginTurnEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME_EVENT _HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgLi st@@@Z + 0x8d]
        0x005c2876 [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PA VGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x8e]
        0x005c353a [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x3a]
        0x005c1114 [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@AAH@Z + 0x2f]
        0x005c3398 [?ProcessHead@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_E RR@@XZ + 0x33]
        0x005c333b [?Process@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@ XZ + 0x7b]
        0x005c32b0 [?ArglistAddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVE NT_ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGame EventArgList@@@Z + 0x13d]
        0x005c3165 [?AddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAA?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@ @W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@ZZ + 0xe5]
        0x0043e323 [?dh_endTurn@@YAXPAVDQAction@@PAVSequence@@W4DHEXEC UTE@@@Z + 0x3c]
        0x0043816d [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0xfb]
        0x0043800d [?Process@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x25]
        0x0040ecd9 [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@QAEJKAAK@Z + 0x22c]
        0x0040effa [?Process@CivApp@@QAEJXZ + 0xa7]
        0x00407e01 [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3b6]
        0x00407878 [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
        0x008bb05c [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
        0x77e814c7 [__onexitbegin + 0x772c708f]

        Last edited by Fugi the Great; June 29, 2006, 11:01.
        What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.
        Mohandas Gandhi


        • I am kind of glad it quit where it did, that would not have been a fun game. 12 techs down from my nearest neighbor, and 14 from the leader, and that was only after 200 turns on the Hard level. Good thing I didn't try the Impossible level or this game might have ended a few turns ago with me being eliminated. Leader is researching Fascism, me only Monarchy. By the time I invent gunpowder, they will all have tanks and stealth bombers. I don't mind a challenge, but that wasn't even close to one. I can see being in the middle of the pack technologically and slowly crawling your way to the top, but at the very bottom with no chance of winning ANY battles, no way.

          I'm the one in blue, probably guessed that though.
          Attached Files
          What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.
          Mohandas Gandhi


          • But was it fun?

            Actually, depending how you play 200 could be the point where you get things clicking. That happens to me in my civ3mod, i'm sweating the first 200 then I finally get some decent treaties in place and enough troops to hold a chokepoint then try to expand and make some money. Of course I haven't played beyond that yet and I'm sure more surprises were in store.

            Could you post your game I want to see the conditions that caused that crash. I'll be testing this weekend.
            Last edited by Ekmek; June 29, 2006, 13:47.
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • Hi still playing 597 build, will of course try the new build as soon as I finish a great game that im having with this one
              . In 4th place now and at last have a peace treaty and Sci pack.After 300 turns still in danger of being crushed by at lest two nations
              The two files added :I did a recheck and all numbers are ok. On testing them(own two computors)I found that the map being generated by the Play Test is better.
              Must be the changes to the code as 1.11 version looked worse.Even with playing with the sliders.
              DiffDB file setting is perfect as it keeps the AI in play longer but is very far from giving the AI cheats.
              No added technolgies like the mods.
              Just some small notes: Do you think Fasism should come a litte later?What about the units let them remain ?
              In the aidata file there is a Stategy file.
              Militarist Default-Disband Army Count is set at
              10. Maybe 8 or 7 would be better.Most are between 2 and 4.
              Last edited by Protra3211; June 29, 2006, 16:26.


              • Originally posted by Protra3211
                Just some small notes: Do you think Fasism should come a litte later?What about the units let them remain ?
                In the aidata file there is a Stategy file.
                Militarist Default-Disband Army Count is set at
                10. Maybe 8 or 7 would be better.Most are between 2 and 4.

                I think Fascism should come later its to dominating at the point it comes in, but since that alters gameplay that bumps into the "Tamerlin Rule" so we won't change in the base file but there is talk about tweaking stuff to make it a scenario/mod and there are a lot of good ideas (I think an AE apolpack may be in the works) HERE

                As for the stategies, that does NOT come into Tamerlin rule because its about improving the AI. But I'm not sure what those values do. Are the other ones in the apol pack too? I'll check that out.
                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • Originally posted by Fugi the Great
                  I am kind of glad it quit where it did, that would not have been a fun game. 12 techs down from my nearest neighbor, and 14 from the leader, and that was only after 200 turns on the Hard level. Good thing I didn't try the Impossible level or this game might have ended a few turns ago with me being eliminated. Leader is researching Fascism, me only Monarchy. By the time I invent gunpowder, they will all have tanks and stealth bombers. I don't mind a challenge, but that wasn't even close to one. I can see being in the middle of the pack technologically and slowly crawling your way to the top, but at the very bottom with no chance of winning ANY battles, no way.

                  I'm the one in blue, probably guessed that though.
                  I finished the game on impossible, and yes, the difference between you and the computer researching stuff is insane. Oh, and I didnt attacked any civilization (until late game).

                  The strategy I used to get to their level is expand like nuts, having more population increases your strenght.

                  The only thing that can ruin this strategy is that the AI will do the tipical bully tactics invading your nation with units, pirating your trades and taking your cities.

                  Once you encounter another civilization, try increasing your regard by diplomacy. Once you gain enough population to bring the other civilization to 2, request peace treaty, then alliance and then research pact.

                  Of course they will refuse those pacts, if they deny it, just threaten to declare war, this always works

                  Now, just keep gathering gold, and buy that civilization's cities. You can do this by requesting a city, then offering gold by clicking next. They will refuse this too, but, doing the threaten to declare war thing makes them accept it (for a high price of course).

                  If you keep doing research pacts and buying other cities, you will win the game in a non-military way, on impossible.

                  Sounds like exploiting the AI, but hey, who wont buy a size 10 city for 10k gold?

                  Oh, on another topic, now that another person has the same problem that I have, the issue with performance is very weird indeed, because the "thinking" the computer does is in a random civilization, with moderated cities -- proved by using the cheat feature and removing Fog of War. Maybe its an AI problem?


                  • But was it fun?
                    Could you post your game I want to see the conditions that caused that crash.
                    Fun up to a point. I thought I was doing pretty well, economy was #1, military so-so, but when I looked at the tech race - ouch! I was just starting to do a little reconnaissance of my only neighbors (#2 on tech scale - 12 techs ahead of me) territory and starting to plan an invasion of their territory (we need breathing room). I was still only using spears, and noticed that they had pikeman running around already, so great, now I need catapults to even think of attacking a city. By the time I would have invented the tech for catapults and then finally built them, they would have been up against enemy cannon, and half of the catapults would have been destroyed before they even got used.

                    Save game attached.

                    On the topic of Fascism/Nationalism, I think Fascism should come after Nationalism, since Fascism is an extreme case of Nationalism.
                    Attached Files
                    What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.
                    Mohandas Gandhi


                    • Originally posted by Fugi the Great

                      Fun up to a point. I thought I was doing pretty well, economy was #1, military so-so, but when I looked at the tech race - ouch! I was just starting to do a little reconnaissance of my only neighbors (#2 on tech scale - 12 techs ahead of me) territory and starting to plan an invasion of their territory (we need breathing room). I was still only using spears, and noticed that they had pikeman running around already, so great, now I need catapults to even think of attacking a city. By the time I would have invented the tech for catapults and then finally built them, they would have been up against enemy cannon, and half of the catapults would have been destroyed before they even got used.
                      Actually that sounds fun, you'd have to use your weaker units to delay and distract some of thAI on one front and send a heavier force to the other. Probably after taking a city or two you'd be able to steal some techs. Or maybe buy some techs or with spies steal it. You probably would have some options so I guessthe first task would be to get parity, then take out the nearest smal guy and then slowly build to take on the next ones sounds like a good game!

                      On the topic of Fascism/Nationalism, I think Fascism should come after Nationalism, since Fascism is an extreme case of Nationalism.
                      good point.

                      Also Martin has been looking into the 11 civ problem
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • new game, still last place in tech race, though not nearly as bad off as last game, (12 techs behind leader)probably because I found someone early to beat up on and heck of a lot more room to expand, though the empire I am beating up upon is still keeping ahead of me even though I am now 15 cities strong to his 2 (captured 2, destroyed 1). This sounds totally wrong tech wise, I should be blowing right past this guy in the tech race. Well anyway, game had a CTD turn 206, recovered from autosave okay and next turn was fine.


                        0x004cf470 [?GameObj_Get@@YAPBVGAMEOBJ@@PAV1@K@Z + 0x9]
                        0x004822b4 [?Get@ObjPool@@QBEPBVGAMEOBJ@@K@Z + 0x24]
                        0x00482283 [?GetUnit@UnitPool@@QBEPAVUnitData@@K@Z + 0x13]
                        0x00503ad4 [?GetOwner@Unit@@QBEJXZ + 0x18]
                        0x00503842 [?GetDBRec@Unit@@QBEPBVUnitRecord@@XZ + 0x11]
                        0x00497681 [?CountNuclearUnits@ArmyData@@QBEFXZ + 0xad]
                        0x00898156 [?BeginTurn@MapAnalysis@@QAEXXZ + 0x5af]
                        0x008ac6cf [?BeginTurn@CtpAi@@SAXJ@Z + 0x17d]
                        0x0053ab76 [?GEVHookCallback@BeginTurnEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME_EVENT _HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgLi st@@@Z + 0x8d]
                        0x005c2876 [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PA VGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x8e]
                        0x005c353a [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x3a]
                        0x005c1114 [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@AAH@Z + 0x2f]
                        0x005c3398 [?ProcessHead@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_E RR@@XZ + 0x33]
                        0x005c333b [?Process@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@ XZ + 0x7b]
                        0x005c32b0 [?ArglistAddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVE NT_ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGame EventArgList@@@Z + 0x13d]
                        0x005c3165 [?AddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAA?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@ @W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@ZZ + 0xe5]
                        0x0043e323 [?dh_endTurn@@YAXPAVDQAction@@PAVSequence@@W4DHEXEC UTE@@@Z + 0x3c]
                        0x0043816d [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0xfb]
                        0x0043800d [?Process@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x25]
                        0x0040ecd9 [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@QAEJKAAK@Z + 0x22c]
                        0x0040effa [?Process@CivApp@@QAEJXZ + 0xa7]
                        0x00407e01 [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3b6]
                        0x00407878 [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
                        0x008bb05c [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
                        0x77e814c7 [__onexitbegin + 0x772c708f]

                        Also just got a message that stated:
                        680 AD
                        First classical sources replace the verbal excessive quantity: We penetrated into the classical age

                        Don't remember seeing this one before - maybe not paying attention, but the year in now 920 AD, not 680 AD. New bug, even though very minor?
                        What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.
                        Mohandas Gandhi


                        • Thanks Fugi,

                          Fromafar's 600 Revision listed HERE states that it fixes the count nuke bug you posted but it had some errors so should be fixing it soon.

                          By the way, how is the AI handling the fight? is it fighting back or defending well?
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • The two German cities I took and the one I destroyed were only defended by 4 units, probably like mine are around that time, never came out to challenge me, probably hit them pretty hard by knocking off lots of their settlers wandering around in MY territory. That was the only civ I have been a war with so far, though Russia is kind of pushing the limits of my tolerance, not really ready for a fight with them yet. Finally pulled into second last place on the tech race, soon to be third last now that I have Republic, 16 cities, and lots of academies. Now rebuilding my armies and updating to pikemen. CTD on turn 232, reload from autosave okay and next turn was fine. The weird thing about that was that as soon as I reloaded the autosave, I got the message: This is an act of war! Do you really want to declare war on the Germans? I am already at war with them, and I also had that message the first CTD or turn 206 when I was not at war with them and wasn't doing anything to them that should have put that message up.

                            Crash.txt turn 232:
                            0x004cf470 [?GameObj_Get@@YAPBVGAMEOBJ@@PAV1@K@Z + 0x9]
                            0x004822b4 [?Get@ObjPool@@QBEPBVGAMEOBJ@@K@Z + 0x24]
                            0x00482283 [?GetUnit@UnitPool@@QBEPAVUnitData@@K@Z + 0x13]
                            0x00503ad4 [?GetOwner@Unit@@QBEJXZ + 0x18]
                            0x00503842 [?GetDBRec@Unit@@QBEPBVUnitRecord@@XZ + 0x11]
                            0x00497681 [?CountNuclearUnits@ArmyData@@QBEFXZ + 0xad]
                            0x00898156 [?BeginTurn@MapAnalysis@@QAEXXZ + 0x5af]
                            0x008ac6cf [?BeginTurn@CtpAi@@SAXJ@Z + 0x17d]
                            0x0053ab76 [?GEVHookCallback@BeginTurnEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME_EVENT _HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgLi st@@@Z + 0x8d]
                            0x005c2876 [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PA VGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x8e]
                            0x005c353a [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x3a]
                            0x005c1114 [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@AAH@Z + 0x2f]
                            0x005c3398 [?ProcessHead@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_E RR@@XZ + 0x33]
                            0x005c333b [?Process@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@ XZ + 0x7b]
                            0x005c32b0 [?ArglistAddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVE NT_ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGame EventArgList@@@Z + 0x13d]
                            0x005c3165 [?AddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAA?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@ @W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@ZZ + 0xe5]
                            0x0043e323 [?dh_endTurn@@YAXPAVDQAction@@PAVSequence@@W4DHEXEC UTE@@@Z + 0x3c]
                            0x0043816d [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0xfb]
                            0x0043800d [?Process@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x25]
                            0x0040ecd9 [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@QAEJKAAK@Z + 0x22c]
                            0x0040effa [?Process@CivApp@@QAEJXZ + 0xa7]
                            0x00407e01 [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3b6]
                            0x00407878 [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
                            0x008bb05c [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
                            0x77e814c7 [__onexitbegin + 0x772c708f]

                            What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.
                            Mohandas Gandhi


                            • Originally posted by E

                              I think Fascism should come later its to dominating at the point it comes in, but since that alters gameplay that bumps into the "Tamerlin Rule" so we won't change in the base file but there is talk about tweaking stuff to make it a scenario/mod and there are a lot of good ideas (I think an AE apolpack may be in the works) HERE

                              As for the stategies, that does NOT come into Tamerlin rule because its about improving the AI. But I'm not sure what those values do. Are the other ones in the apol pack too? I'll check that out.

                              Thanks E, but little tweaks like the moment fascism can be used can be implemented without worrying about the infamous "Tamerlin's rule".

                              But it is important that the player knows it...
                              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                              • same game. CTD on turn 248 - recovered from autosave.
                                CTD 289 - recovered from autosave. CTD 291 - recovered from autosave, had to put it in cheat mode and remove fog of war to complete pink's turn (what the heck does that do? CTD 292 - could not go any further, kept crashing on light blue's turn, even with fog of war off. Darn, just when it was really starting to look like I had a good chance to really get going. Was in Fascism, converting pikemen to Infantrymen, and later archery to cannon. Was going to finally finish off the Germans. Replacing grassland with praire to increase production and irrigating to increase growth. Would have been able to out produce anyone, and heck with their tech lead, and claw my way to the top. Oh well. It would have been glorious - (must be the Klingon blood in me).
                                Crash.txt from 292:

                                0x004cf470 [?GameObj_Get@@YAPBVGAMEOBJ@@PAV1@K@Z + 0x9]
                                0x004822b4 [?Get@ObjPool@@QBEPBVGAMEOBJ@@K@Z + 0x24]
                                0x00482283 [?GetUnit@UnitPool@@QBEPAVUnitData@@K@Z + 0x13]
                                0x00503ad4 [?GetOwner@Unit@@QBEJXZ + 0x18]
                                0x00503842 [?GetDBRec@Unit@@QBEPBVUnitRecord@@XZ + 0x11]
                                0x00497681 [?CountNuclearUnits@ArmyData@@QBEFXZ + 0xad]
                                0x00898156 [?BeginTurn@MapAnalysis@@QAEXXZ + 0x5af]
                                0x008ac6cf [?BeginTurn@CtpAi@@SAXJ@Z + 0x17d]
                                0x0053ab76 [?GEVHookCallback@BeginTurnEvent@@EAE?AW4GAME_EVENT _HOOK_DISPOSITION@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgLi st@@@Z + 0x8d]
                                0x005c2876 [?Activate@GameEventHook@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@PA VGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x8e]
                                0x005c353a [?ActivateHook@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGameEventArgList@@JAAJ@Z + 0x3a]
                                0x005c1114 [?Process@GameEvent@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@AAH@Z + 0x2f]
                                0x005c3398 [?ProcessHead@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_E RR@@XZ + 0x33]
                                0x005c333b [?Process@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@@ XZ + 0x7b]
                                0x005c32b0 [?ArglistAddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAE?AW4GAME_EVE NT_ERR@@W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@PAVGame EventArgList@@@Z + 0x13d]
                                0x005c3165 [?AddEvent@GameEventManager@@QAA?AW4GAME_EVENT_ERR@ @W4GAME_EVENT_INSERT@@W4GAME_EVENT@@ZZ + 0xe5]
                                0x0043e323 [?dh_endTurn@@YAXPAVDQAction@@PAVSequence@@W4DHEXEC UTE@@@Z + 0x3c]
                                0x0043816d [?HandleNextAction@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0xfb]
                                0x0041907a [?Process@UnitActor@@UAEXXZ + 0x1e5]
                                0x00438dae [?ProcessActiveUnits@Director@@QAEKXZ + 0x80]
                                0x00438015 [?Process@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x2d]
                                0x0040ecd9 [?ProcessUI@CivApp@@QAEJKAAK@Z + 0x22c]
                                0x0040effa [?Process@CivApp@@QAEJXZ + 0xa7]
                                0x00407e01 [?CivMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3b6]
                                0x00407878 [WinMain@16 + 0x74]
                                0x008bb05c [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
                                0x77e814c7 [__onexitbegin + 0x772c708f]

                                autosave from 292:
                                Attached Files
                                What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea.
                                Mohandas Gandhi

