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2nd Anniversary of Source Code Release

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  • #31
    Were I can find this list?
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    Dunno about WinME. But that wasn't the question. Win98 was. And I feel it's unreasonable to expect developers (whoever they are) to support a 6-7 yr old OS, especially when the OS's developer no longer supports it.

    Okay, so instead of saying "supports Linux" I shoulda said "modded to support Linux". Hey, it's early. Haven't had my coffee yet. But the point still remains: the only reason that possibility has come about is cuz you got the source code. I really don't see Gamebryo do the same thing.



    • #32
      Ok well lets get back on topic.

      Originally posted by Protra3211
      I think Solver has the best plan after code work is finished up and Apolyton patch is added to CtP2 .
      Is to add SAP2 and Goodmod as both help tp balance things and give the best AI of any Civ game .
      Actually that was the plan from the beginning.

      The Goods have been done and so has most of the other balance issues addressed in SAP2. The SAP2 AI was down to extra AI bonuses (in DiffDB.txt as Martin said) and frenzy made a huge difference. I think some build queues and strategies were changed too but there were little improvements to the AI's long term empire building. Im not sure exactly what else we can take from Goodmod now a lot of fixes have been made, considering its Martins mod he will have addressed those first like the TI sounds for example.

      Ill look for that advancelist.txt? i made a long time ago for SAP2, at least its something.

      I just hope that the AI can be taught how to complete its chosen victory condition at least, then its not always war until one is dead, its a race. If the AI in between start and victory isnt good enough, well it can be fixed with bonuses or frenzy at least.
      Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
      CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
      One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Dale
        I rather thought of the page and not of the site. I just found these developer centers of course they are a hint, but a list with all the dates would be more usefull. By the way does Windows XP Professional has this activation crap? Then at least I am more willing to solve the problem.

        Originally posted by Dale
        Okay, so instead of saying "supports Linux" I shoulda said "modded to support Linux". Hey, it's early. Haven't had my coffee yet. But the point still remains: the only reason that possibility has come about is cuz you got the source code. I really don't see Gamebryo do the same thing.
        That's not really the point, the point is rather that when we started the project we wanted a Linux port independantly whether Civ4 for would be portable to Linux 2 years later. The question is what should we do with the work that went into the Linux port. The Linux port is far from being complete, and we won't be able to release it in January. So is there any sense for anyone who worked/works on the Linux port to continue.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #34
          Originally posted by Dale

          I would like to see a finished CTP2: AE. It would bring the perfect closure to an extremely rare and wonderful era in community game projects. However I do see the future as lieing along the Civ4 line, not the CTP2 line.

          Dale does that mean you are going to help out? I'm sure I'm exhausting martin and could use some help
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • #35
            I just encountered this thread, and I'm glad to see the contribution of so many notables already. I feel I need to give a contribution too.

            As I read this thread I find myself surprisingly emotional. I hadn't realised quite what an attachment I have to CTP2 and this project. The two years have flown by, and this project has made them much more fulfilling years for me.

            Although it saddens me, I must agree that the time for CTP2 is coming to an end now, and that aiming for some kind of closure on this project seems like a wise move. We've achieved more than my cynical side allowed me to believe we would when we set out (I'm sure you all know where the vast majority of community game projects end up), but some of our goals (such as a new user manual) now seem even further out of reach.

            Nevertheless, there are some things that could continue for a while longer - most notably the linux port, as Martin pointed out, which certainly won't be polished off by January. I hope I'll still be plugging away at that for a while yet.

            CTP1 has been kept alive by PBEM for a long time, but even that is winding down now, and CTP2 will never aquire such a base of support in multiplayer. I'm glad we've encouraged so many people to dust off their copies of CTP2, but I fear that many of those copies are already gathering dust once more, and as people have pointed out on this thread, a game with so few players simply cannot maintain a modding community.

            My computer won't run Civ4, so I won't be one of those who rushes to the shelves upon release. Whether and whenever I get a copy of Civ4, I know I'll be inhabiting these forums for some time yet, and I hope that many of you will be here too.


            • #36
              I really liked CTP2 but it is 5 year old now and that is ancient in the game world. Civ4 is the future.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #37
                Oerdin is on public service today: "Get people to face reality"
                Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
       my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                • #38
                  Originally posted by MarkG
                  Oerdin is on public service today: "Get people to face reality"
                  You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink .


                  • #39
                    We didnt even get a news item for the anniversary
                    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                    See me at


                    • #40
                      Hi all!
                      How is everyone doing? I really missed you guys.

                      It has been long since my last post here, but I decided to check out the reaction of the CTP2 community with the release of Civ4.

                      I am happy with the effort of the community in fixing CTP2.
                      By seeing the evolution here I feel like the game is fixed indeed. Everything i wanted fixed it is fixed (except the AI). I feel really nostalgic about my modding times and i wish i could come back.

                      But I must face my ambitions. Although most didnt work, the nature of my modding projetcts shows where I am at (city expansion, religion mod, Strategic resources, unit upgrading, among others).
                      I want CTP3 and not a CTP2 fix.

                      And many features I want in this ideal CTP3 is already in Civ4! I really wanted to know how powerful is the Civ4 modding capabilities (I didnt even know they have it before reading this therad).
                      Is it anywhere near CTP2? A primitive SLIC?
                      Can we at least kill the so hated worker (even if to build tile imps with gold)?
                      Can we add stacked combat?
                      Add Future continuation (please...)?
                      What can we do?

                      If not I still feel like CTP2 is the way to get CTP3. But we must expand our horizons in order to get our so dreamt game and if Civ4 is capable of this, it is the easy way to go.

                      I will keep reading the Civ4 threads to found out but if any one has the answer, please give me.

                      Still, congratulations all! What a terrific work you've done.
                      We must seek for the CTP3 with all our heart. Either by adding more and more stuff in CTP2 or in some other way.

                      (wow, i didnt even remember how good feels to post here again)
                      "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                      Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                      Kill all and you are a God!"
                      -Jean Rostand


                      • #41
                        Good to see you post pedrunn - its been a while and i'm likeing what i've seen so far of Civ4, still my CTP+CTP2 game disks will not be going anywhere. I've just always liked what CTP bought to the genre, even the unfinished bits.
                        i still really love the CTP2 intro movie!! its great every time
                        'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                        Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                        • #42
                          Welcome back Pedrunn
                          Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                          CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                          One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                          • #43
                            Penrunn what are thoughts on Ages of Man?I feel its as close to CtP3 as you can get .
                            The code updates have indeed improved the game . The finished patch with new options should give CtP2 a longer life span for us who own the game.
                            The down side is there are not as many copies of CtP2 around any more .To have greater interest it would take another game engine to build CtP3.
                            Maybe one of Pardox games.


                            • #44
                              I didnt try neither Ages of Man nor the fix playtest (just saw the list of things done). But I really want to.

                              Can I do both? If yes what do I have to install and in what order?

                              (please, treat me as a newby - we still use modswapper? )

                              I am reinstalling CTP2 now.
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand


                              • #45
                                so far the playtest and AoM are not really compatible. alot of string errors that martin is working on. check out the ages of man thread for how fromafar gets around it. but if you just want aom don't install the playtest.

                                but the playtest's ai and less buginess on its own, non-modded ctp2 ought to impress 9since you are familiar with the old ctp2).

                                welcome back. loved your stuff.
                                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                                See me at

