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PROJECT: Revision Reports

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  • Revision 551

    my 543 and 544 plus

    Latest 551
    -Fixed Sneak bombard that was causing possible "fugi" crash
    - Added Citystyle Bonuses to Gold, Food, and production by either a bonus (just a solid integer) or by a percentage.
    - Added Increase Borders to AddImprovement. Buildings can now do city radius!

    ...and a few flags and out commented attempts at other code
    Last edited by Ekmek; June 1, 2006, 12:33.
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • rev552

      -Added: EnablesVeterans flag for buildings.txt Now if a city has a flag with this building your units start as veterans (like civ3)
      -Added: PopCostsToBuild flag. Add an integer here in unitstxt and units can cost 1 or more population points. I havent instituted a disband city warning yet gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp
      -Added: Citystyle bonus (if i didnt mention already)

      I attempted many things but with no success and the code maybe seen, to include:
      -armydata.cpp MoveBonus in yet another attempt to do allterrainasimp
      -terrainutil.cpp NeedsIrrigation tryingto make so you need a river or other irrigation adjacent to build. I got close but not yet
      -Civilisation bonus - still trying
      -ArmyData.cpp PrecisionStrike and TargetsCivilians it just didnt WorkerCount
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • rev553

        GoodyHutExcluded flag - prevent some units from appearing in goodyhuts

        Enablesgood in terraineffect - allows for different goods for same imp on different terrains

        Other attempts outcommented
        gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp (outcommented to prevent crashes)
        gs/gameobj/Civilisation.h (attempts to access civDB)
        gs/gameobj/Player.cpp (bonus from any imps repeat attempt)
        gs/gameobj/terrainutil.cpp (needsirrigation by checking radius of pos with river or other imps)

        Updated Readme (attached)
        Attached Files
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • Revision 555

          Converted two strings to CTP2 format so that we can use them, namely:

          modified trunk/ctp2_data/english/gamedata/ldl_str.txt
          modified trunk/ctp2_data/french/gamedata/ldl_str.txt
          modified trunk/ctp2_data/german/gamedata/ldl_str.txt
          modified trunk/ctp2_data/italian/gamedata/ldl_str.txt
          modified trunk/ctp2_data/spanish/gamedata/ldl_str.txt
          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • revision 554

            Added GoodyHutExcluded flag (just in case) outcomment fo either prereq future use
            added messages for verifyattack and move into enemy. gs/gameobj/bldque.cpp
            added note for PopCostsToBuild
            gs/gameobj/buildingutil.cpp & buildingutil.h added upkeep flags,although not necessary (may remove) gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp
            added upkeep cost modifiers
            added gold bonus to AI so they dont have to be hurt by negative values gs/gameobj/REadiness.cpp
            added production bonus to AI so they dont have to be hurt by negative values gs/gameobj/terrainutil.cpp
            added culturestyleonly to terrain effect gs/gameobj/GoodyHuts.cpp
            Added GoodyHutExcluded flag (just in case) gs/newdb/adavnce, terrimprove buildings new flags added

            gs/gameobj/cityevent.cpp (outcommented)
            added message when popcoststobuild could disband a city gs/gameobj/player.cpp (outcomment)
            still trying the begin imps stuff

            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Advances.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityEvent.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/GoodyHuts.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Player.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Readiness.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/bldque.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/buildingutil.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/buildingutil.h
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/player.h
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/terrainutil.cpp
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/advance.cdb
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/building.cdb
            U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/terrimprove.cdb

            here's the new revision report site

            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • rev 556

              updated verify attack to account for sneakattack units, sneakbombard still needed
              attempt at CantTrade in collectresources, outcommented
              updated readme
              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • Everyone should be looking here (, atleast to support DarkDust but anyways

                Revision 557

                removed VerifyAttack from bombard code because you ought to know where you point that
                outcommented my attempt on enablesgood where i tried to access all resourceDB
                outcommented eff->cultureonly because it always disabled my tileimp buttons 9will try later)

                not sure how these personalities are used because different than original, but saw attack at 250 and explre at 1000 so i assumed that mighth be for the passive AI. I varied the values and increased attack significantly.

                U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp
                U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp
                U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/terrainutil.cpp
                U trunk/ctp2_data/default/aidata/personalities.txt
                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • Revision 558

                  gs/gameobj/buildingutil.cpp & h
                  aad GoldPerUnitSupport
                  Addwonder added
                  notes from the bureaubert crash
                  gs/gameobj/Readiness.cpp & h
                  changed recalcgold to totalgoldhunger but not used
                  added get numunits from player
                  updated goldmodifier with goldhunger but didn't see impact increased city defense for AI with PopCount implemented border radius for wonders
                  tried to add showonmap but didn't work yet

                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityEvent.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/GoodyHuts.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Player.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Readiness.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Readiness.h
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Unit.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/buildingutil.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/buildingutil.h
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/player.h
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/terrainutil.cpp
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/building.cdb
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/unit.cdb
                  U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/newdb/wonder.cdb
                  U trunk/ctp2_data/english/gamedata/ldl_str.txt
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • rev 559

                    gs/gameobj/terrainutil.cpp & .h
                    -Added terrainutil_CanPlayerspecialBuildAt (removes advance check for showonmap)
                    - Add Irrigation check (still doesnt work) in CanPlayerBuildAt
                    -Add some 'special' functions to modify createimprovement to avoid enable advance
                    - Added ShowOnMap to wonders but its a WIP. IT places it ALL around the city not just once
                    - Added MoveBonus - like AllTerrainAsRoads of Civ2 this is better! you can specify how much a terrain will cost only to that unit. For AllAsRoads set MoveBonus 33
                    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                    See me at


                    • rev560
                      added ShowOnMap
                      added ShowOnMAp Radius
                      added ShowOnMap to Wonders and Buildings, it now works added ShowOnMApRadius (my old code) works for buildings (not sure for what) added ObsoleteUnit (and UpgradeTo) to make units obsolete when other units available

                      updated readme

                      - changeindex for crash but error so outcommented
                      gs/gameobj/armydata.cpp & unitdata.cpp
                      - movebonus references
                      - add capturetile check in pillage. units with this flag capture nemy tiles instead of pillaging them
                      - added CanBeGifted to units and now a human player can gift units to players not at war with
                      - DeniedToEnemy code now works, so railroads to give benfit to the enmy (but now you can capture them too!)
                      - added Fromafar's fix to choosetype to fix bureaubert crash
                      - added sea pirates code (appears to work)
                      gs/gameobj/citydata.cpp & h
                      - create hasTileImpInRadius but not sure it works
                      - worked on ShowOnMap code
                      - set up code to have an effect sprite for rioting cities
                      Further attempt at ShowOnMap
                      - adjust goldperunitsupport
                      - outcomment createsunit when a building is built (fu-militia code)
                      - another outcommented attempt at BonusProductionExport
                      - fixed adding settlers to cities
                      gs/gameobj/readiness.cpp anf h
                      - TotalUnitSupport GoldHunger modifier changed to sint32
                      gs/gameobj/terrimprove, terrimprovedata, terrimprovepool
                      - added code for BonusProductionSupport didn'twork
                      - added to ComputeSettleValue a check for the cell itself. If the Cell has a score of 0 than the whole score is 0. This way modders that want to limit settling set the terrain score to 0 (in effect the settlers don't need to be modified anymore).
                      - CanBeGifted
                      -moved DeniedtoEnemy
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • REV 562
                        -fixed deductmove bug that my deniedtoenemy caused
                        - added regard bonus when you gidt units based on attack of unit divided by 5 //gamedata/dip2_str.txt added new diplomacy string for regard bonus when gifting units.

                        U trunk/ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp
                        U trunk/ctp2_data/english/gamedata/dip2_str.txt
                        U trunk/ctp2_data/french/gamedata/dip2_str.txt
                        U trunk/ctp2_data/german/gamedata/dip2_str.txt
                        U trunk/ctp2_data/italian/gamedata/dip2_str.txt
                        U trunk/ctp2_data/spanish/gamedata/dip2_str.txt
                        U trunk/doc/user/playtest/Apolyton_README.txt
                        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                        See me at


                        • Revision 563

                          Fixed some problems in these files:
                          modified ctp2_code/ai/CityManagement/governor.cpp
                          modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp
                          modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/bldque.cpp
                          modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp
                          modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Player.cpp
                          modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/Readiness.cpp
                          modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/UnitData.cpp
                          modified ctp2_code/gs/newdb/unit.cdb
                          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                          • Revision 564
                            Partial save game compatibility fix, other fixes, implemented some slic functions and readme update

                            Restored settle value computation, a tile might be bad, but the surrounding tiles maybe good, for instance a costal city at the north pole:
                            modified ctp2_code/ai/mapanalysis/settlemap.cpp

                            Removed lines that disturbs the MSVC6 popup help:
                            modified ctp2_code/ai/strategy/scheduler/scheduler.cpp

                            Fixed the indentation correction in ArmyData::Pillage:
                            modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/ArmyData.cpp

                            Fixed name of local variable: m_point to point. Variables with m_ prefex are member variables and nothing else.
                            Fixed CityData::HasTileImpInRadius method.
                            Outcommented AI gold cheat. This should be an option for modmakers and nothing else. The AI has to hande the gold stuff properly and if it can't then it must be modified so that it can.
                            modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityData.cpp

                            Removed double call of CityData::AddWonder, this method is already called in Player::AddWonder:
                            modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/CityEvent.cpp

                            Restored save game compatibilty (unfortunately there is still a problem):
                            modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/TerrImproveData.cpp
                            modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/TerrImproveData.h

                            Old settle terrain flags are ignored if new CanSettleOn terrain flags are defined:
                            modified ctp2_code/gs/gameobj/UnitData.cpp

                            Implemented the following slic functions
                            - INT GetProjectedScience(player) / INT GetProjectedScience(city)
                            - INT GetStopResearchingAdvance(player,foreigner)
                            - INT GetMostAtRiskCity(player, foreigner, &cityvar)
                            These functions compile but still need to be tested:
                            modified ctp2_code/gs/slic/slicfuncai.cpp

                            Fixed line wrapping for notepad users on low screen resolution:
                            modified doc/user/playtest/Apolyton_README.txt
                            However the content must still be corected. It contains a lot of irrelevant pieces of information. No one wants to hear about a new database if it is just in the code database but has no practical consequences for the game.
                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • Revision 565

                              Forgot to compile the last set of files, now it compiles and creates a new game again:
                              modified ctp2_code/gs/slic/slicfuncai.cpp
                              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                              • Revision 566

                                -implemented TargetsCivilians and PrecisionStrike - if a unit with these flags attacks a city PrecisionStike hits buildings not units, TargetCivilians kills civilians not units (modern age stuff)
                                - Implemented MultipleAttack flag

                                -enabled CantTrade for goods, now we can have some goods that are bonus only like Civ3 (i.e. an oasis isnt for trade)
                                -and another attempt at showonmap, but didnt work

                                Everything else is a lot of outcommented notes
                                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                                See me at

