Ive opted to make diplomacy the priority. I could live with the LDL changes I made but I'd really like to change the set upp to be more like Civ3/Civ4 so I think to get rid of the offer/request tab problem do I just have to create a new stage and edit where the offer and request go to, specifically in these files?
the other question is that I like the "table" of proposals where you can you build a list of wants and ask for wants instead of the ctp2 only request one thing and offer one thing. Is this where I need to look?
Ive opted to make diplomacy the priority. I could live with the LDL changes I made but I'd really like to change the set upp to be more like Civ3/Civ4 so I think to get rid of the offer/request tab problem do I just have to create a new stage and edit where the offer and request go to, specifically in these files?
DipWizard::DipWizard(AUI_ERRCODE *err) [i]... some code...[/i] m_propList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_REQUEST] = (ctp2_ListBox *)aui_Ldl::GetObject(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage1.Tabs.Request.TabPanel.List"); m_propList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_OFFER] = (ctp2_ListBox *)aui_Ldl::GetObject(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage1.Tabs.Offer.TabPanel.List"); m_propList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_TREATY] = (ctp2_ListBox *)aui_Ldl::GetObject(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage1.Tabs.Treaty.TabPanel.List"); m_exchList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_REQUEST] = (ctp2_ListBox *)aui_Ldl::GetObject(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage2.Tabs.Request.TabPanel.List"); m_exchList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_OFFER] = (ctp2_ListBox *)aui_Ldl::GetObject(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage2.Tabs.Offer.TabPanel.List"); m_exchList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_TREATY] = (ctp2_ListBox *)aui_Ldl::GetObject(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage2.Tabs.Treaty.TabPanel.List"); aui_Ldl::SetActionFuncAndCookie(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage1.Tabs.Request", ProposalTabCallback, (void *)DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_REQUEST); aui_Ldl::SetActionFuncAndCookie(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage1.Tabs.Offer", ProposalTabCallback, (void *)DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_OFFER); aui_Ldl::SetActionFuncAndCookie(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage1.Tabs.Treaty", ProposalTabCallback, (void *)DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_TREATY); aui_Ldl::SetActionFuncAndCookie(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage2.Tabs.Request", ExchangeTabCallback, (void *)DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_REQUEST); aui_Ldl::SetActionFuncAndCookie(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage2.Tabs.Offer", ExchangeTabCallback, (void *)DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_OFFER); aui_Ldl::SetActionFuncAndCookie(s_dipWizardBlock, "Stage2.Tabs.Treaty", ExchangeTabCallback, (void *)DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_TREATY);
void DipWizard::FillProposalLists() { sint32 pr; ctp2_ListBox *propList = NULL, *exchList = NULL; sint32 i; for(i = 0; i < DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_MAX; i++) { m_propList[i]->Clear(); m_exchList[i]->Clear(); m_propList[i]->SetActionFuncAndCookie(PropListCallback, (void *)i); m_exchList[i]->SetActionFuncAndCookie(ExchListCallback, (void *)i); } const Diplomat & diplomat = Diplomat::GetDiplomat(g_selected_item->GetVisiblePlayer()); for(pr = 0; pr < g_theDiplomacyProposalDB->NumRecords(); pr++) { const DiplomacyProposalRecord *rec = g_theDiplomacyProposalDB->Get(pr); if(!rec) continue; if (diplomat.InvalidNewProposal(m_recipient, rec)) continue; if(rec->GetArg1HisCity() && m_recipient >= 0 && m_recipient < k_MAX_PLAYERS && g_player[m_recipient]) { sint32 c; bool seenOne = false; for(c = 0; c < g_player[m_recipient]->m_all_cities->Num(); c++) { if(g_player[m_recipient]->m_all_cities->Access(c)->GetEverVisible() & (1 << g_selected_item->GetVisiblePlayer())) { seenOne = true; break; } } if(!seenOne) continue; } if(rec->GetCategoryRequest()) { propList = m_propList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_REQUEST]; exchList = m_exchList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_REQUEST]; } if(rec->GetCategoryGift()) { propList = m_propList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_OFFER]; exchList = m_exchList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_OFFER]; } if(rec->GetCategoryTreaty()) { propList = m_propList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_TREATY]; exchList = m_exchList[DIP_WIZ_PROP_TAB_TREATY]; } AddProposalItem(propList, rec); AddProposalItem(exchList, rec); } if(m_threatList) { m_threatList->Clear(); if(GetStage() == DIP_WIZ_STAGE_MAKE_THREAT) { m_sendButton->Enable(FALSE); } sint32 threatenee = m_recipient; if(threatenee > 0 && threatenee < k_MAX_PLAYERS) { for(i = 1; i < g_theDiplomacyThreatDB->NumRecords(); i++) { const DiplomacyThreatRecord *rec = g_theDiplomacyThreatDB->Get(i); switch(rec->GetArg1()) { case k_DiplomacyThreat_Arg1_HisCity_Bit: case k_DiplomacyThreat_Arg1_SpecialAttack_Bit: { if(m_recipient < 0 || m_recipient >= k_MAX_PLAYERS || !g_player[threatenee]) continue; bool foundCity = false; sint32 c; for(c = 0; c < g_player[threatenee]->m_all_cities->Num(); c++) { if(g_player[threatenee]->m_all_cities->Access(c).GetEverVisible() & (1 << g_selected_item->GetVisiblePlayer())) { foundCity = true; break; } } if(!foundCity) continue; break; } case k_DiplomacyThreat_Arg1_ThirdParty_Bit: { sint32 p; bool foundThirdParty = false; for(p = 1; p < k_MAX_PLAYERS; p++) { if(!g_player[p]) continue; if(p == g_selected_item->GetVisiblePlayer()) continue; if(p == threatenee) continue; if(!g_player[g_selected_item->GetVisiblePlayer()]->HasContactWith(p)) continue; foundThirdParty = true; break; } if(!foundThirdParty) continue; break; } case k_DiplomacyThreat_Arg1_AgreementId_Bit: { if(m_recipient < 0 || m_recipient >= k_MAX_PLAYERS || !g_player[threatenee]) continue; const Diplomat & diplomat = Diplomat::GetDiplomat(g_selected_item->GetVisiblePlayer()); ai::Agreement pact; bool has_pacts = diplomat.GetAgreementToBreak(threatenee, pact); if (!has_pacts) continue; break; } default: break; } ctp2_ListItem *item = (ctp2_ListItem *)aui_Ldl::BuildHierarchyFromRoot("DipWizThreatItem"); Assert(item); if(!item) break; item->SetUserData((void *)i); ctp2_Static *text = (ctp2_Static *)item->GetChildByIndex(0); Assert(text); if(!text) break; text->SetText(g_theStringDB->GetNameStr(rec->GetTitle())); m_threatList->AddItem(item); } } } }