Since Martin Helps me out a lot and there are a few things I'd like to do. AND instead of adding a bunch of threads for others to go through (since my struggle may help guide others) I'll just start one thread so Martin doesn't have to hop around. It could also serve as an addition to Martin's C++ Lecture.
As a heads up, this is a loose list I have of things I may attempt at coding (hoping I don't give Martin a heart attack!). The * means they are done (mostly) and I have notes following them.
They are in a loose priority list.
Code completed
Code In Works
ShowOnMap ---- CityData: BuildWonderEvent
-------------------Can't Pillage & Remove Wonder & AI Pillage
can't group ----- --- cantgroup slic in wokers?
-----------function that uses the pathing and sees if the movepoint value is equal to road value thereby says its all roads?
Religion Advance - only have unless switch (SLIC?)
CraterTerrain ---- autopillage and create "dead tile" craters
IsIrrigation ----- riverto build or adjacent to IsIrrigation
More Improvements - science, happy, regard,
minefields/damage, StopMove, Impassable,
BuildGood, NeedsWater for imps, built on river OR
adjacent is farm
rebase air units----- Use Paradrop?
Advances - NotTradeable, CantCaptureAdv, EnableGuerrillas
Mercenary/Lease - (Good/Fast/Cheap Idea)
Fuelpoints? -- make like PW? use readiness, maintenance etc
As a heads up, this is a loose list I have of things I may attempt at coding (hoping I don't give Martin a heart attack!). The * means they are done (mostly) and I have notes following them.
They are in a loose priority list.
Code completed
*Increase Bombardment----see Peter Triggs rev 339
*Terrain-specific Cities ------ CanSettleOn
*Barbarian list? BarbarianOnly and SeaPirates- see tombom
*immobile ---- See Peter Triggs Rev 339
*Good-Specific Imps ------- IsRestrictedToGood
*CultureOnly --- Imps, buildings, wonders, units,
*GovtOnly----- added
*Building Prerequiste for Units and Wonders
*NeedsCityGood-in radius or if buying; Either good (iron or bronze etc) rev 465?
*NeedsCityGoodAll (needs all goods listed)
*Warning Box for declaring War &&
*Good attrbutes (using building flags for goods to increase food, science or crime)
*GoodFlags ----- CantTrade
*BuildGood tile imp----(PlantGood Slic))
*PillageGood tile imp----(RemoveGood
*NeedsCivGoodAll (any city must be collecting good)
*Hidden Nationality (probably used in same in code area)
*Settlers Can Join Cities -Rev540
* CantPillage - rev540
Civ specific traits - using wonders and buildings flags for goods to increase food, science or crime)
GoldHunger --UnitUpkeep--see building upkeep and Readiness
Building maintenance times population
PopulationCost for Units
UpgradeUnit ---EventAdvance? Flag?
blitz -----Clearbattleflag slic.cpp
CaptureTileImp when Pillaged (for forts and airbases?)
DeniedToEnemy - Improvement Flag that removes bonus for RR if owner != Unit owner in mvmt?
ExcludesUnit etc ---Switch PreRequisiteBuilding to exclude certain units and buildings to add Guns vs Butter choices.
VanishAdv & ExcludesAdvance & GovtOnly Advance
Kill City ----Event City Capture (Plunder, raze, give to, occupy), && creates Ruins with City Raze
CaptureTile --- Use Pillage code?
New Govt flags - Xenophobia (reduces pop), Feudal (cities
more independent?), Centralized, federal, Rebellions
(creates rebels), secessionist (chance of revolts)
Units SettleImprovement
*Terrain-specific Cities ------ CanSettleOn
*Barbarian list? BarbarianOnly and SeaPirates- see tombom
*immobile ---- See Peter Triggs Rev 339
*Good-Specific Imps ------- IsRestrictedToGood
*CultureOnly --- Imps, buildings, wonders, units,
*GovtOnly----- added
*Building Prerequiste for Units and Wonders
*NeedsCityGood-in radius or if buying; Either good (iron or bronze etc) rev 465?
*NeedsCityGoodAll (needs all goods listed)
*Warning Box for declaring War &&
*Good attrbutes (using building flags for goods to increase food, science or crime)
*GoodFlags ----- CantTrade
*BuildGood tile imp----(PlantGood Slic))
*PillageGood tile imp----(RemoveGood
*NeedsCivGoodAll (any city must be collecting good)
*Hidden Nationality (probably used in same in code area)
*Settlers Can Join Cities -Rev540
* CantPillage - rev540
Civ specific traits - using wonders and buildings flags for goods to increase food, science or crime)
GoldHunger --UnitUpkeep--see building upkeep and Readiness
Building maintenance times population
PopulationCost for Units
UpgradeUnit ---EventAdvance? Flag?
blitz -----Clearbattleflag slic.cpp
CaptureTileImp when Pillaged (for forts and airbases?)
DeniedToEnemy - Improvement Flag that removes bonus for RR if owner != Unit owner in mvmt?
ExcludesUnit etc ---Switch PreRequisiteBuilding to exclude certain units and buildings to add Guns vs Butter choices.
VanishAdv & ExcludesAdvance & GovtOnly Advance
Kill City ----Event City Capture (Plunder, raze, give to, occupy), && creates Ruins with City Raze
CaptureTile --- Use Pillage code?
New Govt flags - Xenophobia (reduces pop), Feudal (cities
more independent?), Centralized, federal, Rebellions
(creates rebels), secessionist (chance of revolts)
Units SettleImprovement
Code In Works
ShowOnMap ---- CityData: BuildWonderEvent
-------------------Can't Pillage & Remove Wonder & AI Pillage
can't group ----- --- cantgroup slic in wokers?
-----------function that uses the pathing and sees if the movepoint value is equal to road value thereby says its all roads?
Religion Advance - only have unless switch (SLIC?)
CraterTerrain ---- autopillage and create "dead tile" craters
IsIrrigation ----- riverto build or adjacent to IsIrrigation
More Improvements - science, happy, regard,
minefields/damage, StopMove, Impassable,
BuildGood, NeedsWater for imps, built on river OR
adjacent is farm
rebase air units----- Use Paradrop?
Advances - NotTradeable, CantCaptureAdv, EnableGuerrillas
Mercenary/Lease - (Good/Fast/Cheap Idea)
Fuelpoints? -- make like PW? use readiness, maintenance etc