ShowOnMap is my next endeavor but if this code is simlar to my Good and CanSettle On code I may knock this out.
The concept is to add a flag CivOnly and a separate flag CultureOnly for use by modders to make units, advances, buildings, tileimps, and wonders only availble to certain civs. this would reduce the burden of making unique civ advance trees or grantadvance slic. Slic is great but time should be devoted to bigger things I think and this could make it easy for some sceanrios like WW2.
If your wonder CultureOnly will be like CivOnly except it will check for CityStyle instead of civ name.
I think the Civ only might use this code:
The concept is to add a flag CivOnly and a separate flag CultureOnly for use by modders to make units, advances, buildings, tileimps, and wonders only availble to certain civs. this would reduce the burden of making unique civ advance trees or grantadvance slic. Slic is great but time should be devoted to bigger things I think and this could make it easy for some sceanrios like WW2.
If your wonder CultureOnly will be like CivOnly except it will check for CityStyle instead of civ name.
I think the Civ only might use this code:
sint32 name; sint32 n; if (g_theCivilisationDB->GetCivilisation(name)){ for(n = 0; n < rec->GetCivOnly(); i++) { if(rec->GetGetCivOnly(n) == name) { return true; } } }
sint32 style; sint32 s; if (g_theCivilisationDB->GetCityStyle(style)){ for(n = 0; n < rec->GetCultureOnly(); i++) { if(rec->GetCultureOnly(c) == name) { return true; } } }