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PROJECT: CivOnly and CultureOnly

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  • #16
    Actually, I was asking abou this kind of block:

    // Name       :  terrainutil_CanPlayerBuildAt
    // Description:  Checks terrain improvement properties to see if it can build on a tile only if it has a good
    // Parameters :  sint32 pl		: Variable for player
    I haven't see innstances where multiple changes have occured in the ame code and it may happen as I add CultureOnly to Terain improvements and others.

    As for "context" I'm not sure I'm getting the definition right but do you mean put it in some original code to see where it is positioned? or something else?
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • #17
      Originally posted by E
      I haven't see innstances where multiple changes have occured in the ame code and it may happen as I add CultureOnly to Terain improvements and others.
      In most cases the discriptions are the same function name doesn't change, parameter list doesn't change and if it does change then it is just updated. And if you want to talk about what you have done then edit the Remarks.

      Originally posted by E
      As for "context" I'm not sure I'm getting the definition right but do you mean put it in some original code to see where it is positioned? or something else?
      At Merriam Webster you find this definition:

      1 : the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning

      And that is what I mean here the text around your code or better the surrounding code, that clarifies the meaning whether it is right or wrong.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #18
        first shot...

        BOOL Player::CanBuildUnit(const sint32 type) const
        	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
            if (!HasAdvance(rec->GetEnableAdvanceIndex()))
                return FALSE;
        	sint32 o;
        	for(o = rec->GetNumObsoleteAdvance() - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
        			return FALSE;
        		return FALSE;
        	if(rec->GetCantBuild()) {
        		return FALSE;
        	if(rec->GetNumGovernmentType() > 0) {
        		sint32 i;
        		bool found = false;
        		for(i = 0; i < rec->GetNumGovernmentType(); i++) {
        			if(rec->GetGovernmentTypeIndex(i) == m_government_type) {
        				found = true;
        			return FALSE;
                          if(rec->GetNumCultureOnly() > 0)
        		sint32 s;
        		for(s = 0; s < rec->GetCultureOnly(); s++) {
        			if(rec->GetNumCultureOnly(s) == g_player->GetCivilisation()->GetCityStyle()) {
        				return TRUE;
        		}return FALSE;
        	if(rec->GetNuclearAttack() &&
        	   wonderutil_GetNukesEliminated(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
        		return FALSE;
        	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids() ||
        	   rec->GetSlaveUprising()) {
        		if(wonderutil_GetFreeSlaves(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
        			return FALSE;
        	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids()) {
        		sint32 i, n = m_all_units->Num();
        		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        				return FALSE;
        	if(rec->GetNoSlaves()) {
        		sint32 i, n = m_all_cities->Num();
        		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        			if(m_all_cities->Access(i).CountSlaves() > 0)
        				return FALSE;
        		n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
        		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        				return FALSE;
        	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
        	   !wonderutil_GetParkRangersEnabled(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
        		return FALSE;
        	return TRUE;
        Last edited by Ekmek; March 11, 2005, 19:05.
        Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

        See me at


        • #19
          Wow if you give this CultureOnly flag to the Abolitionist unit you can build it even if you have slaves. You can build nukes even if the Nanite Defuser has defused every single nuke on earth and would defuse every new nuke as well. You can build Slavers even if you have Abolitionist. And you can build Eco Rangers even if this type of attack is excluded. And all I have to do is to add this flag.

          Appart from that and a missing open brace, and awfull usage of white space (get the indention right) the code looks good. To fix the first problem you should move your code to the end of the function (as stated earlier in this thread) right above the final return statement.

          To get the civ only attribute working you have to consider that these civs have names for instance:

          EGYPTIAN "Ägypter"
          EGYPTIAN_LEADERM_NAME "Ramses"
          EGYPTIAN_LEADERF_NAME "Hatshepsut"
          EGYPTIAN_COUNTRY_NAME "Ägypten"
          EGYPTIAN_SINGULAR "Ägypter"
          EGYPTIAN_PLURAL "Ägypter"
          The first is the civ name, you have to figure out how to retrive this StringID. And of course you have to add a StringID entry to the according *.cdb files.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #20
            I just figured out that you put it into the wrong function. In this function the Player::CanBuildUnit method belongs the part about the civilisation.

            And into the following function the culture part goes:

            // Name       : CityData::CanBuildUnit
            // Description: Checks whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
            // Parameters : type: The unit type for that is checked whether the city can 
            //              build it.
            // Globals    : g_player:     The list of players
            //              g_theUnitDB:  The unit database
            //              g_slicEngine: The slic engine
            //              g_theWorld:   The world prperties
            // Returns    : Whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
            // Remark(s)  : -
            BOOL CityData::CanBuildUnit(sint32 type) const
            #if defined(ACTCIVSION_ORIGINAL)
            // Removed by Martin Gühmann same code in Player::CanBuildUnit
            	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
            		return FALSE;
            	MapPoint pos;
                if (!g_player[m_owner]->HasAdvance(rec->GetEnableAdvanceIndex()))
                    return FALSE;
            	sint32 o;
            	for(o = rec->GetNumObsoleteAdvance() - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
            			return FALSE;
            		return FALSE;
            	if(rec->GetCantBuild()) {
            		return FALSE;
            	if(rec->GetNumGovernmentType() > 0) {
            		sint32 i;
            		bool found = false;
            		for(i = 0; i < rec->GetNumGovernmentType(); i++) {
            			if(rec->GetGovernmentTypeIndex(i) == g_player[m_owner]->m_government_type) {
            				found = true;
            			return FALSE;
            	if(rec->GetNuclearAttack() &&
            	   wonderutil_GetNukesEliminated(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
            		return FALSE;
            	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids() ||
            	   rec->GetSlaveUprising()) {
            		if(wonderutil_GetFreeSlaves(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
            			return FALSE;
            	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids()) {
            		sint32 i, n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
            		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            				return FALSE;
            	if(rec->GetNoSlaves()) {
            		sint32 i, n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_cities->Num();
            		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            			if(g_player[m_owner]->m_all_cities->Access(i).CD()->SlaveCount() > 0)
            				return FALSE;
            		n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
            		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            				return FALSE;
            	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
            	   !wonderutil_GetParkRangersEnabled(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
            		return FALSE;
            // Added by Martin Gühmann
            		return FALSE;
            	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
            		return FALSE;
            	MapPoint pos;
            	if(!g_slicEngine->CallMod(mod_CanCityBuildUnit, TRUE, m_home_city.m_id, rec->GetIndex()))
            		return FALSE;
            	if(!rec->GetMovementTypeLand() && !rec->GetMovementTypeTrade() && !rec->GetIsTrader()) {
            		if(g_theWorld->IsWater(pos.x, pos.y) && rec->GetSeaCityCanBuild()) {
            			return TRUE;
            		if((g_theWorld->IsLand(pos.x, pos.y) || 
            			g_theWorld->IsMountain(pos.x, pos.y)) &&
            			rec->GetLandCityCanBuild()) {
            			return TRUE;
            		if(rec->GetMovementTypeSea() || rec->GetMovementTypeShallowWater()) {
            			if(g_theWorld->IsNextToWater(pos.x, pos.y)) {
            				return TRUE;
            			return FALSE;
            		} else if(rec->GetMovementTypeAir()) {
            			return TRUE;
            		return FALSE;
            	return TRUE;
            If it is CityStyle dependent then I expect that cities with different styles behave different, irrespecteive of the current owner, otherwise you would just need the civ only flag.

            However the culture stuff should be checked first so at the end of my added-block. It should return FALSE if there was no culture match and it should execute the rest of the code if there was a culture match. And of course you check it against the sytle of the city and not against the style of the owner.

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #21
              woah, cool.

              First, I'm shocked I made it this far this fast.

              Second, I wasn't really thinking about matching the unit CultureOnly to the City's style itself. But thats a great idea, so in mods if a european captures and Indian city than can build Indian style units from that city only (like War Elephants in Alexander). Excellent idea, take that civ3!

              Will do the corrections and look into the civonly stuff.
              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • #22
                I keep seeing the code this stuff to ID the civilization, I'm unclear why these won't work...



                Also I really like the CityData CityStyle Idea, but I think I'll make that into CityStyleOnly and keep CultureOnly for units that match the player's citystyle to allow for culture group units (native American, european, etc) its easier than listing all the civs out, and we haven't figured out CivOnly yet...

                I'll finish the other stuff this weekend...
                Last edited by Ekmek; March 12, 2005, 21:06.
                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • #23
                  for CultureOnly....
                  // Name       : CanBuildUnit
                  // Description: Checks the unit properties to see if a player can build that type of unit
                  // Parameters : sint32 s	: Variable for citystyle
                  // Globals    : g_theUnitDB	: Unit properties
                  //		    g_player	: Player properties		
                  // Returns    : BOOL:	TRUE if the Unit record has the same CultureOnly value as the Player's CityStyle
                  //				FALSE if the Unit doesn't have this restriction
                  // Remark(s)  : The CultureOnly lets only players with the same CityStyle as CultureOnly's style to build that unit
                  BOOL Player::CanBuildUnit(const sint32 type) const
                  	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
                      if (!HasAdvance(rec->GetEnableAdvanceIndex()))
                          return FALSE;
                  	sint32 o;
                  	for(o = rec->GetNumObsoleteAdvance() - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
                  			return FALSE;
                  		return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetCantBuild()) {
                  		return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetNumGovernmentType() > 0) {
                  		sint32 i;
                  		bool found = false;
                  		for(i = 0; i < rec->GetNumGovernmentType(); i++) {
                  			if(rec->GetGovernmentTypeIndex(i) == m_government_type) {
                  				found = true;
                  			return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetNuclearAttack() &&
                  	   wonderutil_GetNukesEliminated(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                  		return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids() ||
                  	   rec->GetSlaveUprising()) {
                  		if(wonderutil_GetFreeSlaves(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                  			return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids()) {
                  		sint32 i, n = m_all_units->Num();
                  		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                  				return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetNoSlaves()) {
                  		sint32 i, n = m_all_cities->Num();
                  		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                  			if(m_all_cities->Access(i).CountSlaves() > 0)
                  				return FALSE;
                  		n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
                  		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                  				return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                  	   !wonderutil_GetParkRangersEnabled(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                  		return FALSE;
                  #if defined(ACTIVISION_ORIGINAL)
                  	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                  	   !wonderutil_GetParkRangersEnabled(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                  		return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                  	   !wonderutil_GetParkRangersEnabled(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                  		return FALSE;
                  	if(rec->GetNumCultureOnly() > 0) {
                  		sint32 s;
                  		for(s = 0; s < rec->GetCultureOnly(); s++) {
                  			if(rec->GetNumCultureOnly(s) == g_player->GetCivilisation()->GetCityStyle()) {
                  				return TRUE;
                  		}return FALSE;
                  	return TRUE;

                  Also the CityData.cpp I have is dated 12/6/2004, the last time I saw it was in the all pack you released in december, is there a later one (this one doesn't have your changes).
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • #24
                    for CityStyleOnly (even though I have an outdata CityData.cpp)

                    	if(rec->GetNumCityStyleOnly() > 0) {
                    		sint32 s;
                    		for(s = 0; s < rec->GetCityStyleOnly(); s++) {
                    			if(rec->GetNumCityStyleOnly(s) [b]!=[/b] m_cityStyle [b][i]->GetCivilisation()->GetCityStyle()[/i][/b]) {
                    				return FALSE;
                    	} [b]else[/b]
                    I put the else because i "think" thats whats need to continue with the code. I also added the != because that sounds like what you said I should do to make it return false

                    the italics stuff is stuff after the array. My gut tells me to take it out since the m_citystyle I think is an array for a city's citystyle and it will just check that...
                    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                    See me at


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by E
                      I put the else because i "think" thats whats need to continue with the code. I also added the != because that sounds like what you said I should do to make it return false
                      Else is not needed unless you want to make something happen if the condition in the if is false. So something like this:
                      if(a == 1) {
                       a = a +1;
                      else {
                       a = a + 2
                      So the else there is not needed.

                      The != part I *think* is right, I don't really know though.
                      Caution! Under no circumstances confuse the mesh with the interleave operator, except under confusing circumstances!
                      -Intercal reference manual

                      People often remark of me, "You say sorry far to much!". To which my common-sense reply is "I apologise".


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by E
                        Also the CityData.cpp I have is dated 12/6/2004, the last time I saw it was in the all pack you released in december, is there a later one (this one doesn't have your changes).
                        Yes, on my hard drive , or why should I provide you with a modified version of CityData::CanBuildUnit method?

                        For the discription: The best is you look at the discription I made for CityData::CanBuildUnit and copy the relevant parts and modify it so that it fits. Then you see that the name of the function is Player::CanBuildUnit and not just CanBuildUnit. This name is ambigious, we see here at least two functions with this name. Then the parameter of this function isn't called s, and it is not for city styles. The return discription is wrong. And the remark doesn't tell me that you added this specific feature we are discussing here.

                        Well for brevity and to avoid duplicated work, here is the discription of the function Player::CanBuildUnit:

                        // Name       : Player::CanBuildUnit
                        // Description: Checks whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                        // Parameters : type: The unit type for that is checked whether the player can 
                        //              build it.
                        // Globals    : g_player:           The list of players
                        //              g_theUnitDB:        The unit database
                        //              g_theWonderTracker: The wonder tracker
                        //              g_exclusions:       The exclusions data
                        // Returns    : Whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                        // Remark(s)  : -
                        All you have to do now is to write something that makes sense into the Remark(s).

                        Now let's come to the code:

                        #if defined(ACTIVISION_ORIGINAL)
                        	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                        er->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                        		return FALSE;
                        	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                        er->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                        		return FALSE;
                        	if(rec->GetNumCultureOnly() > 0) {
                        		sint32 s;
                        		for(s = 0; s < rec->GetCultureOnly(); s++) {
                        			if(rec->GetNumCultureOnly(s) == g_player->GetCivilisation()->GetCityStyle()) {
                        				return TRUE;
                        		}return FALSE;
                        Why do you copy the code about the EcoRangers? First you have it in the #if defined(ACTIVISION_ORIGINAL) block and then you have it in the #else without any changes. That's superflous. defined(ACTIVISION_ORIGINAL) is a boolean expression and if you want to negate it then you use in c++ the exclamation mark operator, that holds for preprocessor derectives as well. And please give the return FALSE; inside your code its own line.

                        Then you exchanged GetCultureOnly and GetNumCultureOnly and actual it should be GetCultureOnlyIndex instead of GetCultureOnly. That is is also true for the CityStyleOnly code and was also the case in the code fragment you posted last time.

                        Otherwise it looks ok.

                        Originally posted by E
                        I put the else because i "think" thats whats need to continue with the code.
                        Tombom is right about this, it doesn't belong to that place.

                        Originally posted by E
                        I also added the != because that sounds like what you said I should do to make it return false
                        And that's wrong either. This returns FALSE in most cases, even if it shouldn't.

                        Originally posted by E
                        the italics stuff is stuff after the array. My gut tells me to take it out since the m_citystyle I think is an array for a city's citystyle and it will just check that...
                        m_citystyle is a member of CityData and that is not an array that is a long, so a simple number. The best is you take a close look on the GovernmentType code and do some copy and paste actions.

                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #27
                          For Culture Only...

                          As a warning I'm looking to add my code to the advances, buildings, tileimprovements, and wonders as well (and I don't think it will require a change in my coding).

                          // Name       : Player::CanBuildUnit
                          // Description: Checks whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                          // Parameters : type: The unit type for that is checked whether the player can 
                          //              build it.
                          // Globals    : g_player:           The list of players
                          //              g_theUnitDB:        The unit database
                          //              g_theWonderTracker: The wonder tracker
                          //              g_exclusions:       The exclusions data
                          // Returns    : Whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                          // Remark(s)  : CultureOnly flag added by E. It allows only civilizations with 
                          //		    the same CityStyle as CultureOnly's style to build that unit
                          BOOL Player::CanBuildUnit(const sint32 type) const
                          #if defined(ACTIVISION_ORIGINAL)
                          	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
                              if (!HasAdvance(rec->GetEnableAdvanceIndex()))
                                  return FALSE;
                          	sint32 o;
                          	for(o = rec->GetNumObsoleteAdvance() - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
                          			return FALSE;
                          		return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetCantBuild()) {
                          		return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetNumGovernmentType() > 0) {
                          		sint32 i;
                          		bool found = false;
                          		for(i = 0; i < rec->GetNumGovernmentType(); i++) {
                          			if(rec->GetGovernmentTypeIndex(i) == m_government_type) {
                          				found = true;
                          			return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetNuclearAttack() &&
                          	   wonderutil_GetNukesEliminated(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                          		return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids() ||
                          	   rec->GetSlaveUprising()) {
                          		if(wonderutil_GetFreeSlaves(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                          			return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids()) {
                          		sint32 i, n = m_all_units->Num();
                          		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                          				return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetNoSlaves()) {
                          		sint32 i, n = m_all_cities->Num();
                          		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                          			if(m_all_cities->Access(i).CountSlaves() > 0)
                          				return FALSE;
                          		n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
                          		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                          				return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                          	   !wonderutil_GetParkRangersEnabled(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                          		return FALSE;
                          	if(rec->GetNumCultureOnly() > 0) {
                          		sint32 s;
                          		for(s = 0; s < rec->GetNumCultureOnly(); s++) {
                          			if(rec->GetCultureOnlyIndex(s) == GetCivilisation()->GetCityStyle()) {
                          				return TRUE;
                          		return FALSE;
                          #endif	[/b]
                          	return TRUE;
                          Last edited by Ekmek; March 14, 2005, 12:57.
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • #28
                            For CityStyleOnly...

                            I added it to the code you posted and since its only on your hard I figured I'd add it into the standard too (to prevent you from adding back your changes)...

                            Also I used m_founder instead of m_owner that I found in your code to remember a city's citystyle (a nice add on by the way). I hoping this is the right way to check the city's style as opposed to the current owner's style.

                            // Name       : CityData::CanBuildUnit
                            // Description: Checks whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                            // Parameters : type: The unit type for that is checked whether the city can 
                            //              build it.
                            // Globals    : g_player:     The list of players
                            //              g_theUnitDB:  The unit database
                            //              g_slicEngine: The slic engine
                            //              g_theWorld:   The world prperties
                            // Returns    : Whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                            // Remark(s)  : CityStyleOnly added by E. Limits certain units to be built only 
                            //              at certain cities of certain styles.
                            BOOL CityData::CanBuildUnit(sint32 type) const
                            #if defined(ACTCIVSION_ORIGINAL)
                            // Removed by Martin Gühmann same code in Player::CanBuildUnit
                            	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
                            		return FALSE;
                            	MapPoint pos;
                                if (!g_player[m_owner]->HasAdvance(rec->GetEnableAdvanceIndex()))
                                    return FALSE;
                            	sint32 o;
                            	for(o = rec->GetNumObsoleteAdvance() - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
                            			return FALSE;
                            		return FALSE;
                            	if(rec->GetCantBuild()) {
                            		return FALSE;
                            	if(rec->GetNumGovernmentType() > 0) {
                            		sint32 i;
                            		bool found = false;
                            		for(i = 0; i < rec->GetNumGovernmentType(); i++) {
                            			if(rec->GetGovernmentTypeIndex(i) == g_player[m_owner]->m_government_type) {
                            				found = true;
                            			return FALSE;
                            	if(rec->GetNuclearAttack() &&
                            	   wonderutil_GetNukesEliminated(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                            		return FALSE;
                            	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids() ||
                            	   rec->GetSlaveUprising()) {
                            		if(wonderutil_GetFreeSlaves(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                            			return FALSE;
                            	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids()) {
                            		sint32 i, n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
                            		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            				return FALSE;
                            	if(rec->GetNoSlaves()) {
                            		sint32 i, n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_cities->Num();
                            		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            			if(g_player[m_owner]->m_all_cities->Access(i).CD()->SlaveCount() > 0)
                            				return FALSE;
                            		n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
                            		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            				return FALSE;
                            	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                            er->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                            		return FALSE;
                            // Added by Martin Gühmann
                            		return FALSE;
                            	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
                            		return FALSE;
                            	MapPoint pos;
                            // Added by E
                            	if(rec->GetNumCityStyleOnly() > 0) {
                            		sint32 s;
                            		for(s = 0; s < rec->GetNumCityStyleOnly(); s++) {
                            			if(rec->GetCityStyleOnlyIndex(s) == g_player[m_founder]->m_citystyle) {
                            				return TRUE;
                            	return FALSE
                            	if(!g_slicEngine->CallMod(mod_CanCityBuildUnit, TRUE, m_home_city.m_id, rec->GetIndex()))
                            		return FALSE;
                            	if(!rec->GetMovementTypeLand() && !rec->GetMovementTypeTrade() && !rec->GetIsTrader()) {
                            		if(g_theWorld->IsWater(pos.x, pos.y) && rec->GetSeaCityCanBuild()) {
                            			return TRUE;
                            		if((g_theWorld->IsLand(pos.x, pos.y) || 
                            			g_theWorld->IsMountain(pos.x, pos.y)) &&
                            			rec->GetLandCityCanBuild()) {
                            			return TRUE;
                            		if(rec->GetMovementTypeSea() || rec->GetMovementTypeShallowWater()) {
                            			if(g_theWorld->IsNextToWater(pos.x, pos.y)) {
                            				return TRUE;
                            			return FALSE;
                            		} else if(rec->GetMovementTypeAir()) {
                            			return TRUE;
                            		return FALSE;
                            	return TRUE;
                            Last edited by Ekmek; March 13, 2005, 16:29.
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at


                            • #29

                              What does do the #if defined(ACTIVISION_ORIGINAL) at the start of the function, you was was supposed to replace the #else by #if !defined(ACTIVISION_ORIGINAL). This mistake shows me that so far you haven't done the preprocessor exercise. Do it now. In the description block you used tabs instead of spaces. While spending the return FALSE; its own line you deleted a closing brace, that you have to reinsert.

                              The retriving the city style, first g_player is an array, so it should be g_player[m_owner], second g_player[m_owner] is here identical with the this pointer, so it doesn't need to be written here.

                              Otherwise it seems to be fine.


                              If now CityStyleOnly is defined then the according unit can be build if the according city style match, even if it is a boat and the city is not a costoal city. Actual I told you look at the GovernmentType code, as it does excactly we want just for Govenments enistead of city styles: And this thread is now full of this piece of code.

                              	if(rec->GetNumGovernmentType() > 0) {
                              		sint32 i;
                              		bool found = false;
                              		for(i = 0; i < rec->GetNumGovernmentType(); i++) {
                              			if(rec->GetGovernmentTypeIndex(i) == g_player[m_owner]->m_government_type) {
                              				found = true;
                              			return FALSE;
                              What does this fragment of code it returns FALSE if there is at least one government defined and there wasn't a matching government, otherwise it let the function contine the execution.

                              Then also retriving the city style doesn't work like this. There is no Player::m_citystyle, there is only a CityData::m_citystyle, so just write m_citystyle into the code.

                              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                              • #30
                                For CitystyleOnly...I just redid governmenttype...

                                // Name       : CityData::CanBuildUnit
                                // Description: Checks whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                                // Parameters : type: The unit type for that is checked whether the city can 
                                //              build it.
                                // Globals    : g_player:     The list of players
                                //              g_theUnitDB:  The unit database
                                //              g_slicEngine: The slic engine
                                //              g_theWorld:   The world prperties
                                // Returns    : Whether the city can build the unit specified by type.
                                // Remark(s)  : CityStyleOnly added by E. Limits certain units to be built only 
                                //              at certain cities of certain styles.
                                BOOL CityData::CanBuildUnit(sint32 type) const
                                #if defined(ACTCIVSION_ORIGINAL)
                                // Removed by Martin Gühmann same code in Player::CanBuildUnit
                                	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
                                		return FALSE;
                                	MapPoint pos;
                                    if (!g_player[m_owner]->HasAdvance(rec->GetEnableAdvanceIndex()))
                                        return FALSE;
                                	sint32 o;
                                	for(o = rec->GetNumObsoleteAdvance() - 1; o >= 0; o--) {
                                			return FALSE;
                                		return FALSE;
                                	if(rec->GetCantBuild()) {
                                		return FALSE;
                                	if(rec->GetNumGovernmentType() > 0) {
                                		sint32 i;
                                		bool found = false;
                                		for(i = 0; i < rec->GetNumGovernmentType(); i++) {
                                			if(rec->GetGovernmentTypeIndex(i) == g_player[m_owner]->m_government_type) {
                                				found = true;
                                			return FALSE;
                                	if(rec->GetNuclearAttack() &&
                                	   wonderutil_GetNukesEliminated(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                                		return FALSE;
                                	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids() ||
                                	   rec->GetSlaveUprising()) {
                                		if(wonderutil_GetFreeSlaves(g_theWonderTracker->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                                			return FALSE;
                                	if(rec->GetSlaveRaids() || rec->GetSettlerSlaveRaids()) {
                                		sint32 i, n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
                                		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                                				return FALSE;
                                	if(rec->GetNoSlaves()) {
                                		sint32 i, n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_cities->Num();
                                		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                                			if(g_player[m_owner]->m_all_cities->Access(i).CD()->SlaveCount() > 0)
                                				return FALSE;
                                		n = g_player[m_owner]->m_all_units->Num();
                                		for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                                				return FALSE;
                                	if(rec->GetCreateParks() && 
                                er->GetBuiltWonders())) {
                                		return FALSE;
                                // Added by Martin Gühmann
                                		return FALSE;
                                	const UnitRecord *rec = g_theUnitDB->Get(type);
                                		return FALSE;
                                	MapPoint pos;
                                // Added by E
                                	if(rec->GetNumCityStyleOnly() > 0) {
                                		sint32 s;
                                		bool found = false;
                                		for(s = 0; s < rec->GetNumCityStyleOnly(); s++) {
                                			if(rec->GetCityStyleOnlyIndex(s) == m_citystyle) {
                                				found = true;
                                			return FALSE;
                                	if(!g_slicEngine->CallMod(mod_CanCityBuildUnit, TRUE, m_home_city.m_id, rec->GetIndex()))
                                		return FALSE;
                                	if(!rec->GetMovementTypeLand() && !rec->GetMovementTypeTrade() && !rec->GetIsTrader()) {
                                		if(g_theWorld->IsWater(pos.x, pos.y) && rec->GetSeaCityCanBuild()) {
                                			return TRUE;
                                		if((g_theWorld->IsLand(pos.x, pos.y) || 
                                			g_theWorld->IsMountain(pos.x, pos.y)) &&
                                			rec->GetLandCityCanBuild()) {
                                			return TRUE;
                                		if(rec->GetMovementTypeSea() || rec->GetMovementTypeShallowWater()) {
                                			if(g_theWorld->IsNextToWater(pos.x, pos.y)) {
                                				return TRUE;
                                			return FALSE;
                                		} else if(rec->GetMovementTypeAir()) {
                                			return TRUE;
                                		return FALSE;
                                	return TRUE;
                                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                                See me at

