I like the frenzy levels in AoM, but the war trigger when a human "gets on top" isnt as fun IMO. I know that in most mods human catch up is slowed by crippling the human with constant war, and the AI getting lots of resource bonuses to compensate for its badly managed cities.
Eventually though the human catches up, the city rings keep growing and the AI cities continue to overlap and its resources stop increasing, or the human simply has more cities at this point, and then the AI bonuses cant compensate anymore.
Better AI settling and terrain development would help the AI most to compete (grow) longer, then AI building choices, and then advance choices.
AI civs ganging up on the human is fine too, but each AI and personality should do it in a realistic way. Like ganging up every AI from all corners of the planet to attack the human, because hes in the lead, it feels artificial and unfun IMO.
I also like the idea of merging weaker civs idea, perhaps when the land has been taken up, basically when it becomes hopeless for two smaller civs close to each other to compete globally, they may aswell become one.
Eventually though the human catches up, the city rings keep growing and the AI cities continue to overlap and its resources stop increasing, or the human simply has more cities at this point, and then the AI bonuses cant compensate anymore.
Better AI settling and terrain development would help the AI most to compete (grow) longer, then AI building choices, and then advance choices.
AI civs ganging up on the human is fine too, but each AI and personality should do it in a realistic way. Like ganging up every AI from all corners of the planet to attack the human, because hes in the lead, it feels artificial and unfun IMO.
I also like the idea of merging weaker civs idea, perhaps when the land has been taken up, basically when it becomes hopeless for two smaller civs close to each other to compete globally, they may aswell become one.