This issues comes up time and again. Thing is, everyone has their own preferences. Martin has his colour set, I have mine, everyone has different ideas. But the vast majority does seem to prefer using blue for player 1 and red for barbarians (this is also the most practical: using different shades of the same colour for the two most prominent players is confusing, and probably even unworkable for people with a visual handicap). So it would seem only logical to have the default colour set meet these demands. People who don't like that can always switch to a different set, like Martin and me.
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I thought someone had posted in Altered Source Files an added option to switch between Colors00.txt and Colors01.txt, Color02.txt etc. from the new game setup menu, but I cannot find it so maybe I was dreaming.·Circuit·Boi·wannabe·
"Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition
just had an interesting observation:
was playing the russians as boris gruchenkoand got the message that ivan of the russians began to work on a wonder
so there are two russian nations allowed if you change leader names?
#civs 12, max# 30, myself being player number 4.
impossible, large donutworld
Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox
just had an interesting observation:
was playing the russians as boris gruchenkoand got the message that ivan of the russians began to work on a wonder
so there are two russian nations allowed if you change leader names?
#civs 12, max# 30, myself being player number 4.
impossible, large donutworld
-MartinCiv2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
... However at sometime there is a point reached, when the game as to include a civ twice. So when all of the civs have been on the game field...
if you like the savegame?
and i don't mind an old civ to come back somewhere, but an existing double civ doesn't look that fine. unless its a feature like gdr/frg, n/s korea, n/s yemen, e/w rome and so on
Originally posted by EPW
Scenarios seem to work though player 1 is red instead of blue. I'm not sure if I had to select the color before starting the scenario but I would think that the default color should be blue.
The value at this 'ColorSet' line will determine which of the ctp2_data\default\gamedata\colors##.txt files is selected when playing. You may even add a new one yourself, if you don't like any of the supplied color schemes.
I agree with Locutus that we should reinstate the original color set as colors00.txt.
Originally posted by Fromafar
I agree with Locutus that we should reinstate the original color set as colors00.txt.
Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox
i doubt thats the fact, turn 44 and after a short look without the fog of war the other russians seem to be one of the biggest guys around.
-MartinCiv2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Originally posted by Lui2
But I did encounter another problem. Sometimes the population grow for player 1 will not take place. I observed this 2 or 3 times when starting the game and I have only 1 city with a population between 10000 and 20000. Is this a known bug?
I suspect there is a problem in the begin turn handling, where the 10000 is subtracted from the "partial" population immediately, but the population growth is deferred to an event - to be handled later. For SP, this doesn't seem to cause any problems. But there may be a problem if the generation of a save file occurs before the pop event has taken place.
Originally posted by Fromafar
Do you mean there is no growth at all, or that the "partial" population drops 10000, but you do not get the extra citizen?
I suspect there is a problem in the begin turn handling, where the 10000 is subtracted from the "partial" population immediately, but the population growth is deferred to an event - to be handled later. For SP, this doesn't seem to cause any problems. But there may be a problem if the generation of a save file occurs before the pop event has taken place.
1) Be the first player in a multiplayer game.
2) End your turn.
3) Push F3 before you're again the active player.
4) Let the city manager window open, until it will be closed automaticly, when you become the active player.
What happens:
1) You did not get the city grow for the city shown before in the city manager.
2) Your build project time in the city will not be reduce by one.
3) If the build project had only one round to finish, the project (e.g. a unit) will be build and be in the city.
4) The build project remains again with one round to go in the city, if the project was a unit.
With this behavoir, you can now build each turn one of the chosen unit.
Supposed reason:
I guess the problem is caused by the still open city
manager window, when the turn comes again to player one. The city data was probably already computed and by closing the open window, the data that's shown on the window will be copied back to the current data.
Hope someone can fix this bad bug!Last edited by Lui2; May 31, 2004, 18:08.Ludwig
I got another problem in multiplayer with version '2004-05-19':
After loading a saved game (about turn 150) the second player got an error shown in a window on the desktop that says:
'GC000.SPR' not found in asset tree.
After pushing than the OK button, the ctp2 ends and goes back to desktop.
As a workaround I copied the GC028.SPR file to a file named GC000.SPR and could with this avoid the error.
But i guess that's not the way it should be.
I attached the save game that causes the error, if someone wants to test/debug the problem.
Here's the crash.txt for the error.
0x0040f16c [?GetNextPosition@Anim@@QAEJJ@Z + 0xc]
0x0040eb5f [?Process@Action@@UAEXXZ + 0xf]
0x0043de43 [?ProcessLayerSprites@TiledMap@@QAEXPAUtagRECT@@J@Z + 0x1a3]
0x0042b4a7 [?Process@Director@@QAEXXZ + 0x87]
0x0040c8e2 [?Process@CivApp@@QAEJXZ + 0x112]
0x00407608 [?CivWinMain@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@0PADH@Z + 0x3a8]
0x004070c5 [WinMain@16 + 0x65]
0x00795b8c [WinMainCRTStartup + 0x134]
0x77e614c7 [__onexitbegin + 0x773693ef]Attached FilesLast edited by Lui2; June 1, 2004, 16:12.Ludwig
@ Zaphod Beeblebrox
Mayors always used to do that - maybe you didn't experience this behaviour due to poor PW reserve
However: I am using this little piece of SLIC to keep them off building their farms and shopping centers over my valuable military facilities:
Code://///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Preserve facilities // Code snippet from City Expansion by BlueO, Pedrunn and IW /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prevents the building of tile improvements over forts // and air bases - except for the replacement of // one of these 'military' ti's by another one and except // for roads, railroads, maglevs. HandleEvent(CreateImprovement) 'DontLetPlaceImpsOverForts' pre { if(TileHasFacility(location[0])) { if(value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_ROAD) || value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_RAILROAD) || value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_MAGLEV) || value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_UNDERSEA_TUNNEL) || value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_FORTIFICATIONS) || value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_AIR_BASES)) { // really odd: != does not work in the above statements } else { return STOP; } } }
The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.