Ok this is just an idea ive thought of, it would be alot of work, but it would add ALOT of atmosphere.
I was thinking, how about if the GUI (possibly just the main GUI and not ALL sub-menu's) changed in appearance with each era
Ancient GUI
Renaissance GUI
Industrial GUI
Modern GUI
Genetic GUI
Diamond GUI
(possibly) Transension GUI (for future tech and the rest of the game afterwards)
Craptivision have attempted this in some way (like when you click on the button to checkup on your spaceship (or watever it is) the GUI is in an ultra modern style which looks really great
Its just an idea, it would (im sure most agree) look superb. But it is alot of work
P.S. If this idea was generally accepted for a source code addition (maybe if it even meant narrowing it down to 3 eras or something) i would certainly be contributing, I am familiar with both Photoshop and Fireworks (i doubt PsP 7 would really be required
I was thinking, how about if the GUI (possibly just the main GUI and not ALL sub-menu's) changed in appearance with each era
Ancient GUI
Renaissance GUI
Industrial GUI
Modern GUI
Genetic GUI
Diamond GUI
(possibly) Transension GUI (for future tech and the rest of the game afterwards)
Craptivision have attempted this in some way (like when you click on the button to checkup on your spaceship (or watever it is) the GUI is in an ultra modern style which looks really great
Its just an idea, it would (im sure most agree) look superb. But it is alot of work

P.S. If this idea was generally accepted for a source code addition (maybe if it even meant narrowing it down to 3 eras or something) i would certainly be contributing, I am familiar with both Photoshop and Fireworks (i doubt PsP 7 would really be required
