Yeah agreed
[lol with Locutus+Mr.Baggins!] I liked the colony harvest thingy - still a lot of this is only really that important if we get proper strategic resources 
So i'm in favour of the CTP2 system(which i voted for) and looking at a better way to manage your trade/strategic resources.
Is it the percieved(and real!) extra control over your city radius management that gives the CTP1 system the nod for you Hex?
I found it became a bit too MM intensive after a while, kinda off setting the good bits in the early game....

So i'm in favour of the CTP2 system(which i voted for) and looking at a better way to manage your trade/strategic resources.
Is it the percieved(and real!) extra control over your city radius management that gives the CTP1 system the nod for you Hex?
I found it became a bit too MM intensive after a while, kinda off setting the good bits in the early game....